Summary: David’s story, which follows his greatest victory over Goliath and his greatest failure with Bathsheba, shows that with God, there is life and blessing beyond our sins. Psalm 32 teaches us the joy and restoration that come from being forgiven.

The Blessing of Being Forgiven

Psalm 32


Ps. 32 = The Rest of the Story

Illust: Famous Radio Commentator Paul Harvey – “The Rest of the Story”

Learned… every Psalm has a story and Psalm 32 is the rest of the story of David’s life.

This Psalm follows David’s moral failure with Bathsheba… mention David and two names come to mind:

• Goliath = greatest victory

• Bathsheba = greatest failure

Chronologically Psalm 32 comes after Psalm 51.

• Ps. 51 = song of confession – brokenness

• Ps. 31 = song of forgiveness – blessing

Story of David’s life doesn’t end in failure or even in forgiveness… Psalm 32 moves on from there… teaches us that with God there is life beyond our failure… our failures don’t have to define who we are… failure isn’t final in the Christian life.

A great number of David’s Psalms were written after David’s sin of adultery… doesn’t mean that there weren’t consequences form the fall out of his sin… scars that he carried… heartaches that he faced… but there was life and work for God beyond Bathsheba.

Ps. 32 = David’s life doesn’t end in brokenness… ends with blessing!

• Ps. 51 = double brokenness (v.51)

• Ps. 32 = double blessing (vv.1,2)

Psalm 32 = first of the 13 Psalms described as Maschil Psalms – song of wisdom… Psalm of instruction… where God instructs us about the blessing of being forgiven.

~ Unconfessed sin leads to a dead end of brokenness in life.

~ Confessed sin leads to an open door of blessing in life.

Every Psalm connects us to the blessing of God.

• Psalm 1 = How to be blessed of the LORD.

• Psalm 32 = How to regain the blessing when we lose it.

Nothing robs us of the hand of God’s blessing and the joy of living for Him quicker that allowing sin to go undealt with in our lives.

Psalm 32 = woven around the word “Selah” – 3x’s [vv.4,5,7] … to think about this!

Ponder: The Blessing of Being Forgiven!!!


Two ways to deal with our sin:

1) Confess it (vv.1,2)

2) Conceal it (vv.3-5)

A. The Blessing of Confessed Sin

“Blessed” = to be happy, joyful, exuberant – always plural… implies an abundance… God doesn’t just pardon… He abundantly pardons!

3 Words Describe His Sin:

• Transgression (1a) = willful rebellion; no small matter

• Sin (1b) = moral offense

• Iniquity (2a) = outright wickedness

3 Words Describe God’s Forgiveness:

• Forgiven (1a)

• Covered (1b)

• Imputeth not (2a)

1. Forgiven (1a)

“Forgiven” = to have one’s sin lifted off – speaks of a removal of sin

Reminds of the burden of sin.

Heaviness of the guilt David carried for more than a year.

See sin’s effects (vv.3,4) – unconfessed sin takes a heavy toll.

2. Covered (1b)

“Covered” = to be concealed from view – same word used for the annual Day of Atonement… blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat… Israel’s sin hidden from view.

Picture of Calvary!!! Burdens are lifted at Calvary!

Reminder = God’s Mercy Tree!

Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all sin

1) Initially

2) Continually

1John 1:7 – “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

Glad = confess our sin… God hides it from His view!

3. Imputeth Not (2)

“Imputeth” = accounting or banking term – to put to one’s account.

Blessed or happy is the person whose sin does not count against him.

God = expunged it from the record!

No More Record of My Sin!!!

B. The Burden of Covered Sin

Cf. David shifts from the present to the past.

v.3 – “When I kept silence…

David recalls to mind the time when he refused to confess his sin to the Lord.

Instead of confessing his sin… went for a year trying to cover it up. hide it.

Learned the hard truth…

Proverbs 28:13 – “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”

“Prosper” = not going to advance or make progress spiritually; miss God’s blessing on their life.

Most miserable person on planet earth is a Christian out of God’s will!

Sin always takes its toll : vv.3,4 desribe the brokenness of his life…

1. Physically (3)

Wearied and worn him down… sapped his exuberance for living life. Found no joy in anything.

Bible = the way of the transgressor is hard!

2. Spiritually (4a)

“For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me”

Heavy hand of God’s conviction in his life … day and night … couldn’t get away from his sin… Ps. 51 – “my sin is ever before me.”

3. Emotionally (4b)

“My moisture (vitality) is turned into the drought of summer”

Sin had robbed him of his song!

Instead of singing he was roaring (v.3) – groaning!

God = loved David too much to let him go on in his sin!

v.5 – pivotal verse in the Psalm!

Cf. 1 John 1:9

Confession always leads to forgiveness!

Forgiveness always leads to blessing!


Look: v.6

“For this” = links us to the blessing of God’s forgiveness

“Godly” = those that desire godliness

“Pray” = prayer of confidence & confession – confident that God will hear us!

Keep short accounts with God!

Want nothing between me and my Savior!

6b – staying close to God keeps from away from sin!

Matt. 6:13 – “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:”

A. Confident Praying

B. Thankful Praying

Thank God for what He is doing in your life.

Don’t get weighted down with yesterday… enjoy the journey today!

Forgiven… live in His forgiveness!


Look: v.8

Q: Whether this is David speaking or the Lord speaking.

Truth is the same!

What God will do for us…

1. Preserve us (7)

2. Protect us (7b)

3. Prod us (vv.8,9)

4. Provide (vv.10,11)


The Blessing of Being Forgiven!