Summary: we are set apart by God’s grace and calling, which distinguishes us from the world.

Prophetic Manuscript Sermon on 1 Peter 2:9

Title: “They Not Like Us”


I hear the Lord saying today, “You are not like them. You are not who the world says you are, but you are who I say you are.” And in this hour, God is reminding His people that they are different, set apart, and marked by heaven for a divine purpose.

The Word of the Lord in 1 Peter 2:9 declares, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” The world looks at us and says, “They not like us.” And I stand to declare today: Yes, we are not like them, and that’s exactly how God designed it.

Let the church say, “I am not like them!”

Point 1: We Are Chosen by God

The first thing God wants you to know is that you are chosen. The text says, “But you are a chosen generation…” You are not an accident! You are not here by chance! The hand of the Lord picked you out of a crowd. In this prophetic moment, God is saying, “I have chosen you for such a time as this. I have separated you for my purpose.”

You didn’t choose God first—He chose you. I hear the Lord saying, “Don’t let the world define you when I’ve already chosen you.” You may not fit into their systems, their labels, or their categories, but that’s because you are chosen by the Creator of the universe. The world says, “They not like us,” and I hear heaven saying, “Yes, because you are chosen by Me!”

Prophetic Declaration: God is calling out His chosen ones in this hour. You don’t have to blend in. God says, “You are set apart for greatness, for impact, for kingdom purpose.” Lift your hands and say, “I am chosen by God!”

Point 2: We Are a Royal Priesthood

Not only are you chosen, but you are royalty! The Word says, “You are a royal priesthood.” This is your identity! You are not only a child of the King, but you are a priest. You have access to God! I hear the Lord saying, “You are not ordinary. You are royalty!” You are a carrier of divine authority and access to the throne room of heaven.

And God says, “I have given you the power to intercede, the power to stand in the gap for your family, your community, your nation.” You’re not just here to occupy space; you’re here to bring heaven down to earth! The world looks at us and says, “They not like us,” and God responds, “No, because you are my priests in the earth!”

Prophetic Declaration: You are standing in a royal priesthood. God says, “Walk in the authority I have given you. When you speak, things will shift. When you pray, heaven will move!” Declare it over your life: “I am royal. I am a priest. I have access to the King!”

Point 3: We Are a Holy Nation

The Word continues, “You are a holy nation.” What does that mean? It means you are set apart. The word holy means separate, distinct, different. God says, “I have marked you as my own, and you are not like the world.” There’s something different about you. There’s something peculiar about your walk, your talk, and your life.

The world looks at us and says, “They not like us,” and God says, “That’s right, because you are a holy nation! You are different because you are mine.”

I hear the Lord calling His people to a higher standard of living, a standard of holiness that reflects the heart of God. The world won’t understand why you don’t do what they do, why you don’t say what they say. But God says, “I have set you apart as holy because you carry my name.”

Prophetic Declaration: God is raising up a holy people in this generation. Say, “I am holy because God is holy. I am set apart for His glory!” Holiness is not optional—it’s our identity!

Point 4: We Are God’s Special Possession

The Word also declares that we are God’s special possession. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “You belong to Me. You are my treasure, my beloved.” You are not for sale. The world cannot claim you because you are God’s property.

When the world looks at you and says, “They not like us,” it’s because God says, “You belong to Me. You are mine!” God has placed His seal on your life. He has claimed you as His own. You are not forgotten; you are favored. You are not abandoned; you are adopted by the King of kings.

Prophetic Declaration: God is reminding you today that you are His possession. Say, “I am God’s. I am His special possession. I am treasured by Him!” There is nothing the world can offer you that compares to the value you hold in God’s sight!

Point 5: We Are Called to Declare His Praises

Finally, God says, “I’ve called you to declare my praises.” The text says, “that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” You were not brought out of darkness just to sit in the light quietly. You were saved to proclaim, to testify, to declare the goodness of God!

I hear the Lord saying, “In this season, my people will be a voice in the wilderness. They will declare my glory to a world that’s still in darkness.” You are not here to blend in—you are here to be a light in the midst of darkness. The world says, “They not like us,” and God says, “Exactly! Because you’ve seen my light, and now you carry it!”

Prophetic Declaration: In this season, God is giving you a voice. You will declare His praises. You will proclaim His goodness. Say, “I will declare the praises of my God who brought me out of darkness!” God is positioning you to speak and testify of His marvelous works.


As I close, hear the Word of the Lord: You are not like them. You are chosen, royal, holy, set apart, and called to declare the praises of God. The world may not understand you. They may look at you and say, “They not like us,” but that’s because you are marked by heaven.

God is raising up a generation that will walk in their identity. You are different for a purpose, and your difference is what will bring God glory.

Lift your hands and declare: “I am not like them. I am chosen, royal, holy, and I belong to God!” And in this season, God is calling you to rise up, to live out your identity, and to declare His glory to a world in need.

Let the world say what they will, but we will stand in our God-given identity because “We not like them!”
