Summary: Even in challenging seasons, God has a plan, and He will make a way for His people.

Title: The Lord Will Make a Way

Text: Jeremiah 29:4-11


Beloved, today we are speaking to the heart of those who find themselves in the midst of trials, in the waiting room of life. God has sent a word to you today: The Lord will make a way. You may not see it now, but God is at work. He has a plan for you—yes, even in your darkest hour. The same God who spoke through Jeremiah to the exiles in Babylon speaks to you today. There is a way coming, and it’s God’s way.

Jeremiah 29:11, a verse we often quote, says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” These words were spoken to a people who were not living in comfort but in captivity. It was spoken to a people who wondered if God had forgotten them. Today, you may be wondering the same, but I declare to you in the name of Jesus—God has not forgotten you. The Lord will make a way!

I. Trust God’s Plan in the Midst of Difficulty (v. 4-7)

Hear the word of the Lord in verses 4-7. God tells His people, “Build houses, plant gardens, marry, and have children.” This doesn’t seem like a message of deliverance, does it? These exiles expected immediate release, but God was asking them to settle. Why? Because God was working a plan that they couldn’t see yet.

The Lord says to you today, “Settle in.” Sometimes we want God to pull us out of the fire quickly, but He says, “No, I am refining you in this season.” You see, God’s way is not always the fast way, but it’s always the right way. You may be asking God to remove you from the very place where He is developing you!

In this season, God is saying, “Trust Me.” I know the road has been hard, I know the tears have flowed, but I am making a way through the very thing you’re walking through. Don’t run from the process! The process is preparing you for the promise.

God told them to seek the welfare of the city where they were exiled (v. 7). Even in Babylon, God wanted His people to thrive. Let me prophesy to you: In the place where you thought you would die, you will live! In the place where you thought you had lost everything, God will bless you. God’s plan is bigger than the exile. It’s bigger than the trial. He is making a way in the wilderness.

II. Beware of False Promises and Shortcuts (v. 8-9)

Now hear this, Church. In verses 8-9, God warns His people not to be deceived by the false prophets who were saying, “This exile will be short; deliverance is coming quickly.” They were offering easy answers and quick fixes, but God says, “No, My timing is not your timing.”

We live in a world that offers quick solutions, instant gratification, and false promises. But hear me—shortcuts can cost you the promise. Sometimes we want to run ahead of God, to take matters into our own hands. But the word of the Lord today is, “Wait on My timing.”

Prophetically, I declare: Don’t settle for a cheap imitation of God’s blessing. Don’t accept less than what God has for you because you’re tired of waiting. His plans for you are greater than what the world can offer.

III. God’s Promise of Restoration (v. 10-11)

Verse 10 says, “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill My good promise to bring you back to this place.” Seventy years—longer than they expected, longer than they wanted—but here’s the truth: God’s timing is perfect.

You may be waiting longer than you thought, but God’s promise remains sure. Restoration is coming. The Lord will make a way. There is an appointed time for your breakthrough.

Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God’s plans are not to harm us but to give us a future and a hope. You may feel stuck in a place that looks hopeless, but let me declare this over you: God is working out your future even now. The waiting is not wasted. God is preparing something that will be far greater than you could have imagined.

Somebody needs to receive this today: God has not forgotten you. In the midst of your pain, in the midst of your delay, in the midst of your confusion, God is working. Don’t let the enemy convince you that you’ve been abandoned. Your future is secure in God’s hands, and the Lord will make a way!

IV. God Will Make a Way Through Relationship (v. 12-13)

In verses 12-13, God invites His people into a deeper relationship. He says, “Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

Listen, Church, the way God makes is not just about the blessing at the end. It’s about the relationship He is building with you along the way. God isn’t just concerned about getting you out of the fire—He wants to walk with you through the fire!

Some of you are crying out for a way out, but God is crying out for a way in—to your heart, to your life, to your situation. He says, “Call on Me, seek Me, and you will find Me.” The Lord will make a way, but He wants you to know that the greatest way is the way to Him.

Prophetically, I declare: In this season of waiting, seek the Lord like never before. Let your heart be fully turned to Him, for it is in seeking Him that the way forward will be revealed.


As I close, I want to remind you that God’s ways are not our ways. You may not understand the journey right now, but trust that God is in control. He will make a way.

The Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way. He is the God who parts seas, who brings water from rocks, who raises the dead. And He will do it for you!

So hold on to the promise. Don’t give up. Don’t take shortcuts. Seek God with all your heart, and know that His plan for you is good.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You that in every season, You are working. We trust You, Lord, to make a way. Strengthen us in the waiting, guide us through the process, and draw us closer to You. Let Your will be done in our lives, in Jesus’ name. Amen.