Summary: This sermon explores the question if the people are still looking for Jesus.

Scripture Reading:

John 6:24-26

"So when the crowd saw that Jesus was not there, nor His disciples, they themselves got into the boats and went to Capernaum, seeking Jesus. When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, 'Rabbi, when did You get here?' Jesus answered them and said, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.'”


We read throughout the Gospels about people looking for Jesus—crowds flocking to Him, desperate for His healing, His teachings, and, at times, His miraculous provision.

But the question we must ask ourselves today is: Are people still looking for Jesus? If so, why are they looking for Him, and how are they searching for Him? And if they are not, why have they stopped?

1. Why Do People Look for Jesus?

In John 6, after Jesus miraculously feeds thousands with just a few loaves and fish, the people seek Him out again. Jesus, however, perceives their motives.

He says, "You seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled."

This is a challenging statement.

Jesus reveals the motive why people seek Him. These people often seek Him for physical provision rather than spiritual transformation.

And isn't this true even today? Many people seek Jesus for what He can do for them—health, wealth, success, comfort—but not for who He is.

It is not wrong to bring our needs before God.

In fact, Scripture encourages us to pray and cast all our anxieties on Him (1 Peter 5:7). But when we seek Jesus only for the blessings and not for the relationship, we miss out on the deeper purpose of knowing Him.

2. The Shifting Focus: Are People Still Seeking Jesus Today?

In our modern world, it can feel like fewer people are actively looking for Jesus. Our society often prioritizes self-sufficiency, materialism, and instant gratification over faith and spiritual growth.

Technology and modern comforts make it easy to forget our dependence on God.

But underneath this veneer of independence, people are still searching for meaning, purpose, and peace—things only Jesus can truly offer.

The truth is, people are still looking for Jesus, even if they don’t realize it. They may not always search for Him in churches or through traditional religious practices, but the deep hunger for truth, love, and redemption remains.

The question for us, as followers of Christ, is whether we are showing people the true Jesus. Are we offering the Bread of Life to a world starving for purpose? Are we reflecting His love, His grace, and His truth in a way that draws people to Him?

3. The Call to the Church: Helping People Seek the Right Jesus

Jesus told the crowd that they were seeking Him for the wrong reasons.

But He did not turn them away. Instead, He redirected them toward what really matters—eternal life through Him.

It was a master class for us as His followers. Jesus called us to do the same.

People may not know what they are truly searching for in a world filled with distractions. They may look for fulfillment in career success, relationships, social media, or material possessions.

But these things will never satisfy the deep longing of the human heart.

It is our mission, as the Church, to gently guide people back to the true Jesus—the One who offers not just temporary satisfaction but eternal life.

We must be prepared to answer their questions, to listen to their struggles, and to live in a way that makes them curious about the faith we profess.

4. What Does It Mean to Truly Seek Jesus?

Jesus tells the crowd in John 6 to "work for the food that endures to eternal life" (John 6:27).

What Jesus really meant?

It means seeking Him with a heart that longs for spiritual nourishment, not just physical comfort.

To seek Jesus is to desire a deeper relationship with Him, to follow His teachings, and to surrender to His will. It is to pursue holiness, love, and truth. Seeking Jesus is not a one-time event; it is a lifelong journey of discipleship.


So, are people still looking for Jesus? Yes, they are.

But they may not always know where or how to find Him.

It is up to us, as the Church, to be the light that points them to the Savior. We must live in such a way that people see Christ in us and are drawn to the hope we carry.

As we close, let us ask ourselves: Why are we seeking Jesus? Are we pursuing Him for temporary blessings, or are we looking for the eternal life and relationship He offers? And how can we help others seek Him for who He truly is?

Let us recommit ourselves to the pursuit of Christ and to sharing His love with those who are still searching, so that, through our lives, they may encounter the living Savior and find in Him all that they truly need.


Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, who meets our deepest needs. Help us seek Him with hearts hungry for truth and righteousness, and give us the grace to lead others to Him. May we live lives that reflect His love and point the way to eternal life. In Jesus' name, Amen.