Summary: It touches on the challenges faced by many in marriages and emphasises the need for unity and support between spouses. The idea of "fighting our common enemy together"


We thank God for an opportunity to be able to stand be for you this morning to share the word of God with you.

Today is a day dedicated for fathers the world over. But like it has become the tradition, rather if there is any day that fathers are dishonored, and insulted

it is rather day. Which is Fathers Day. Unlike Mothers day, today is the day when fathers are reminded of how irresponsible we are. Why because a father was unable to provide for his family.


But hear me child of God; it is not always true that because a father is unable to provide. He is irresponsible. Sometimes the plaint truth is that he just cannot.

We pray for all fathers on this occasion that may Jehovah Jireh be their Provider so they can provide for their Families in Jesus Name.

While preparing on what message to share with Gods People today, I came across something funny on tiktok which was an old nursery rhyme which had been modified I will like us to try it and see. it was like this :

If you are happy that you are married clap your hand….

If you are happy that you are married and you truly want to show it

if you are happy that you are married clap your hands ….

This got me thinking about something which is that many people who are married are not happy, and when you talk with them,

The husband says it is the Wife that is making them unhappy, the same way

the Wife also say it is the husband that is making them unhappy.

Do I have someone here who agrees with me? If you are here and you find your self in this situation, the lord has a word for you this morning.

I have entitled my message: “Fighting our common Enemy together”

If there is one thing that is very clear in this life, that will be that the devil is strongly against the institution of Marriage, and the family unit. And so he has set all his weapons against the institution of Marriage.

Why because Marriage according to Malachi 2: 11 it say Marriage is the Holy institution of God. Established by God him self. And God will cut off anyone that destroys it.

And the devil Knows that he can not destroy what God has put together According to Mark 10:9 and so what he does it to find away to make us destroy it by our selves. It isn’t today that he started using this trick, he used this trick even on the First Man and Wife according to Genesis 2: 25

Key Point: Marriage is a divine partnership where both husband and wife are meant to stand together, supporting and protecting one another against the devices of the Enemy. According to Deuteronomy 32:30-31 that say 1 can fight 1000, but 2 together can fight 10,000. Why because God is their Rock. And the devil is also were of this.


2. The First Battle: Facing Temptation Together

• Genesis 3:1-20

The other day according to Genesis 3:1-20, which showed us the first marital battle in the Garden of Eden.

Where the serpent, representing our common enemy, Satan, tempted Eve, leading to the fall of man.

• Come with me and let read it together. Genesis 3:1-20

This account illustrates the importance of standing together and supporting each other in the face of temptation and adversity.

o Adam and Eve failed to support each other effectively, which led to their downfall. This teaches us the importance of communication, mutual support, and vigilance in our marriages. When one spouse is weak, the other must be strong and provide the necessary support.

Key Point: In marriage, both partners must be vigilant and supportive, helping each other resist temptations and overcome challenges.


This morning we want to lift up prayer to every marriage every where in the world that my we receive grace for Standing Together: United Against our common Enemy

And like David did according to 1 Samuel 22:23 He said to Abiathar the priest. He assured him, "Stay with me; do not be afraid.

For he who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe."

Key Point: Husbands and wives must be each other's sanctuary, their refuge and standing united and providing protection against all adversities.


Prayer Point: If your spouse is here find them and hold their hands together, if they are not here look for someone as a point of contact.

Key Point: Practical steps like praying together, communicating openly, supporting each other’s growth, and setting common goals can strengthen the marriage and prepare the couple to face any challenge.



Beloved, marriage is a sacred union designed by God for mutual support, love, and strength. As husbands and wives, we must stand together, united against our common enemy, ready to face the battles of life.

Let us commit to supporting and uplifting each other. With God as our guide and each other as allies, no challenge can defeat us.

May God bless our marriages and grant us the strength to fight our common enemy together in Jesus name …...


Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of marriage and the partners You have blessed us with. Help us to stand together as a united front, facing all the battles of life with faith and determination. Strengthen our bonds, guide our steps, and protect us from the snares of the enemy. May our marriages reflect Your love and glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.