Summary: Life of David series

Title: “Safe and Sound with Danger All Around” Script: I Sam. 19

Type: Series on David Where: GNBC 10-13-24

Intro: Dr Ken Elliott and his wife Jocelyn were both kidnapped in Burkina Faso, after serving as medical missionaries for 44 years. Ken was 82 at the time of his kidnapping. The Elliots treated everyone who came to their clinic regardless of religion, earning them the respect of the majority-Muslim locals. When they were kidnapped, both Christians and Muslims from the community were outraged. Conditions in captivity were bleak, and Ken had no access to proper nutrients or medical care. His legs swelled up, leaving him in constant pain and unable to walk. He told the Keswick Convention: “I had seen only one case of scurvy in my medical career, and that was me.” His captors also insisted he convert to Islam, but Ken persisted in his Christian faith. “The Lord has been good to me,” he said, “there's no way I was going to dishonor Him by converting to Islam, or even pretending to convert." When asked if his years alone, bitten my scorpions in the sand, and unable to leave a dirty shelter which was hot in the day and cold at night made him doubt God he said: “Never. No. He was always there.”

Prop: David’s escape from Saul will help us to realize what actually delivers us from danger.

BG: 1. The purpose of 1 Samuel is to highlight two major events: the establishment of the monarchy in Israel (ch. 8–12); and the rise of David to be king after Saul (ch. 16–31).

2. God providentially and individually guided the lives of chosen people such as Hannah, Samuel, and David. Even the life of Saul was in God’s providential care (see 1 Samuel 9:16). God’s timing is always perfect (see 1 Samuel 9 and the end of 1 Samuel 23), for he is the Lord of history.

3. Today we learn how God can keep us safe and secure in dangerous days.

Prop: I Sam. 19 teaches us a lesson on who/what actually delivers us from danger.

I. Innocence Alone Will Not Always Deliver Us From Danger. Vv. 1-7

A. David was innocent in creating any offense with King Saul.

1. Many of us believe that if I just live a good life it will keep me from catastrophe

a. Many people I know live in a quasi “Lala Land” where if I don’t think of any evil and if I am innocent of creating any offenses I will have make us immune from terrors and traumas in life. Is that true? In my experience, no! (Illust – 2 weeks ago ICE hearing before Congress admitted that 13,099 illegal immigrants convicted of various levels of homicide/murder are living freely in the US outside of immigration detention. Sadly, a lot of “innocent” people are going to become victims in the days ahead.)

b. David had been 100% faithful and loyal to his king. Fought and won the king’s battles. No disloyalty. No disobedience. No slacking. Had killed giants, fought battles, guarded sheep, and been a music therapist to his king. David had demonstrated 100% innocence towards Saul. Did all of that matter? Nope. Saul simply had it in for David (vv.4-5)

2. David has a friend who intercedes on his behalf.

a. Everyone needs a friend like Jonathan is powerful, politically connected, courageous, and loyal. Prince Jonathan sees the error of his father’s maniacal thinking and speaks to his father the praises of his friend, David. For a brief period of time it seems as though Saul reconciles with David…but it won’t last. This is a temporary cease-fire at best in the king’s mind.

b. Vv.4-5 Notice what Jonathan says on his friend’s behalf: He appeals to David’s excellent service to the kingdom, his character, his profitability. David has been an awesome asset and the king would be a fool to kill him or alienate him. Illust: Xstian, make sure when people have put you in the crosshairs that you’ve been an excellent asset to others. Had David’ work performance been deficient, Jonathan’s appeal would have ringed hollow to the king’s ears. Illust: Daniel 6, when the satraps and high officials sought to bring down Daniel, they could find no fault in his work performance nor loyalty, so they had to create an offense in conflict with his religious faith.

B. David is Kept from the Dangers of his King’s Unwanted attention.

1. As Christians, are we kept from all dangers by simply living a good and moral life?

a. Will living a good and moral life deliver you and me from all dangers? NO! It certainly will deliver you from some but certainly not all. Good people have accidents. Good people get cancer. Good people get mugged. We live in a fallen and dangerous world in which we should be shocked and amazed that we don’t fall victim to accident or injustice daily. Illust: Isn’t that exactly what Jesus taught in Lk. 13 when He spoke of the fall of the tower of Siloam and the 18 victims of this catastrophe?

b. Tragic accidents occur to individuals who were not morally culpable for the event. IN the past two weeks we have seen the horrendous results of two natural disasters. Many of those who died weren’t tempting fate, weren’t being fool-hardy, but rather, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2. Why did David attract the unwanted attention of King Saul’s violent behavior?

a. Illust: I have an acquaintance here in IC who is a bit younger than me. We found out that went to the same high school although he graduated year behind me. Transferred in his senior year from a much smaller school. Very innocently helped tutor a girl in his math class. Couple of days later he got jumped in the bathroom by three guys, one was the girl’s very jealous boyfriend. Put a knife to his throat and told what would happen if he ever saw the two of them together again! Wasn’t looking for trouble but boy did he find it!

b. Christian, we should not be shocked when unwanted attention comes our way simply because we love and follow Jesus Christ. Paul stated this in II Tim. 3:12 – “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” That’s a pretty general statement, and generally speaking I have found it to be true. (Whether you simply want to have a bakery and make wedding cakes or believe women should only compete against biological women in sports or want to hand out Bibles on street corners…)

C. Applic: Innocence alone will not deliver us from all dangers in this world. We need more.

II. Love Alone Will Not Always Deliver Us From Danger. Vv. 8-17

A. Many Believe that if You Simply Love Everyone You Will Be Delivered from All Dangers.

1. This time David flees from Saul to his wife.

a. The quintessential theme song of the “Summer of Love”, 1967, was the Beetles #1 hit, “All You Need is Love”. Although the refrain is repeated about 1000x in the song, doesn’t make it true to life. But does love alone make you safe when a half crazed mad man wants to make you into his personal dart board? Certainly not. Saul was hot on David’s heels and Jonathan’s attempt to save his friend only temporarily delayed the king’s troops.

b. Vv.8-9 we read “and there was war again”. Again the crisis seems to have been averted by Jonathan until another conflict with the Philistines begin. David takes his battalion and returns home, once again, victorious! Saul is once again blessed by David’s fighting his battles. So to repay his loyalty, Saul (v.9) goes back to playing “David Darts” once again and the temporary cease fire that had been brokered by Jonathan crumbles.

2. What does this difficult v. 9 teach us?

a. V.9 – “an evil spirit from the Lord”. See this in I Sam. 16:14ff, 18:10, and here. This verse disturbs man who read it. May I offer some helpful explanation? First of all, “evil spirit “from” the Lord means that it was allowed by God to harass Saul. Ultimately, everything is under the Lord’s control. Evil spirit likely was a part of God’s plan to chasten Saul for his rebellion, disobedience, and wicked responses. God had removed His Spirit from Saul and now the king was open to all sorts of spiritual attacks. These attacks would be temporary, coming and going.

b. Does God allow individuals to be afflicted today? Can there be a divine purpose in suffering and setbacks? Absolutely. However, we can always be confident of this, that as a believer, God always has a two-fold goal in our affliction: 1. Our good and 2. His glory. (Rom. 8:28 underscores this truth.) Illust: Many of us instantly recognize the name “Joni”. Joni Erickson Tada is now nearly 75 yrs of age. She has been living as a quadriplegic since was 17 when broke her neck diving. Her life living with disability has multiplied her ministry to millions and magnified the Lord Jesus Christ. Has she suffered? Absolutely!

B. David Flees from his Angry Father in Law into the Arms of his Loyal Wife>

1. So here in another rage filled moment, Saul attempt sot Eliminate the man he perceives a threat to his rule and reign. V.10

a. Back in I Sam. 18:21 Saul gives Michal, his daughter, to David as his wife because he thinks that she will ultimately be his undoing. He thinks she will be “a snare” to David. Now, Michal will ultimately fulfill that prediction, but just not now. V. 11 Michael warns her husband to leave immediately. Illust: Wives can I make a very general statement of encouragement. Most men don’t have very many friends. When your man is depressed, discouraged, or honestly being persecuted, he needs to know that you are in his corner. He needs to now that you still love him and that you are on his side.

b. I cannot imagine how much these series of events would have angered the king. Two of his own children, Jonathan and Michal, are actively supporting David and thereby subverting his plans and purposes. Two of his children are actively supporting the man who will topple Saul’s Dynasty, remove Jonathan from his future position. IT MUST Have been maddening, and by his response, we see that it was!

2.Michal Covers for her Man.

a. Illust: Michal must have had the radio tuned to Tammy Wynette when her husband hurriedly came home, because in this instance, she certainly did “Stand by Your (Her) Man”. Michal comes up with a plan to delay Saul’s hit men and deliver her husband to safety. V. 12 – Shows us a very important quality to look for in a potential mate: a woman who lifts! You never know when you are going to need your woman to let you down out of a woman to escape!

b. Have you ever thought about the conflict of interest Michal must have at least briefly been forced to think through? Should she honor her father and submit to his murderous plot or should she honor her husband? Friend, Gen. 2:24 gives us this principle: “leave and cleave”. One of the greatest travesties we see plaguing our society today is women living with a plethora of competing loyalties. Too many are torn emotionally. The Bible makes it abundantly clear, after your relationship to Christ, your relationship to your spouse comes next.

C. Applic: Love alone will not spare you or me from unseen dangers in this world. We need more.

III. Only The Lord Can Ultimately Deliver Us From Danger. Vv. 18-24

A. The Lord Alone Keeps His Children Safe in His Will.

1. David’s Security was neither in Jonathan’s testimony nor Michal’s scheme, but rather in the God Who had always Protected him.

a. Read Ps. 59 – Do you know when David composed this Psalm? This night when he fled w/Michal’s aid! In a time of overwhelming danger, David could literally sing to the Lord! There is a principle for the believer: Worship regardless of your condition! Worship when sick! Worship when chased! Worship when you fail! Worship when you succeed!

b. Illust: Most everyone knows the name of the 18th century English evangelist and founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley. Most people don’t know that Wesley wasn’t a believer when he came to “evangelize the Americas”. Wesley was nothing more than a pious legalist. Yet on that ship to the colonies he would have an experience that would shake him to his spiritual core. The vessel floundered in the raging Atlantic storms. The main sail was torn, the mast was about to break. The hull was taking on water. All were screaming in terror…all except a small band of Moravian missionaries who calmly sang the Psalms. A bewildered Wesley asked their leader about the calm state of the women and children. “Our women and children know God and they are not afraid to die.”

2. David Runs in an attempt to Find Safety with Samuel.

a. Illust: 2 weekends ago had a class reunion. But 1st people I saw was my old friend Ed V. and his wife Marilee. After my conversion, they helped to lay the initial spiritual imprint in my life. They spent time with me, loved me, corrected me, challenged me. I not only owe them, I love them.

b. I think that’s what David expressing as he goes to seek Samuel. We read that David runs to Ramah, the prophet Samuel’s hometown. Not finding him there he goes on to Naioth. Why? Samuel had anointed David king. Called David, He was God’s appointed messenger for the nation. Coming to Samuel for refuge and respite…but this too wont last.

B. Daivd Learns an Important Lesson That We Must Learn When it Comes to God’s Care.

1. Apparently an informer informs Saul’s men that David is with Samuel.

a. “Saul now knows where David is, so he sends a group of thugs there to get him. That’s when things get weird. V. 20 tells us that when Saul’s men arrive at Naioth, Samuel and the other prophets are prophesying. The Hebrew word is very ambiguous here: in some contexts it describes a true prophet of God who declares God’s message. But in other contexts, it describes the ecstatic babbling of a false prophet, under the control of a demon (cf. Jer. 23:21; Ezek. 13:2-3; 1 Kings 22:10). However you look at it, one thing is very clear: God causes Saul and his men to be unable to control themselves. Saul ends up throwing off his royal robes, which is meant to remind us that God has rejected him as king of His people.” (T. Michael Crews sermon)

b. The main point here is that when David is cornered, with no way out, it is not his innocence nor the love of someone else who delivers him- it is God. When there is no way out, God delivers David and keeps him safe and sound from danger. You might be way ahead of me here. You might be thinking, “Chris, do you mean to tell me that God will always do some miracle to keep me and my loved ones safe from danger?” And my answer will again be yes- and no. Yes, God often does deliver His children from danger. That’s why David can sing: Ps 34:6-7 “This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” (Illust: Becky Lee’s mother – missionary kid in the 1950’s Kenya. Mau Mau Uprising burning churches and killing whites. Village took refuge in church.) Jesus Himself commanded us to include in our prayers …deliver us from the evil one… It is not wrong to ask God to keep you and your loved ones safe and sound in a dangerous world. You can trust Him to care about you and protect you.

2. Finally, We Need to Remember that God Doesn’t Always Protect us from Danger but also through Danger.

a. Our Lord never tells us that our lives will be exempt from pain and suffering. We will experience heartache and loss. We will be subject to dangerous trials. However, we can be assured that our Lord goes with us through the storm. Illust: Is that not the lesson of Mk. 4:35-41? Jesus knew the disciples and He would get caught up in the storm. The Bible tells us that Jesus knew all things. And yet Jesus allowed the disciples to get into that boat with Him, and face the very real possibility of drowning. . The disciples were so scared they woke Him up, and asked Him the same question anyone of us would’ve asked: “Don’t you care that I’m about to die? But Jesus was concerned about them, and after He calmed the storm, He calmed His children: Where is your faith in Me? Did you think I would abandon you to danger? Don’t you realize that the safest place to be in this dangerous world is with Me?

b. Illust “The story is told of a monastery in Portugal, perched high on a 3,000 foot cliff which is only accessible by a terrifying ride in a swaying basket. The basket is pulled with a single rope by several strong men, sweating and straining to pull the fully loaded basket up the mountain. One American tourist who visited the site got nervous halfway up the cliff when he noticed that the rope looked old and frayed. When he finally made it to the top he asked the man in charge, “How often do you change the rope?” The monk replied with a smile “Whenever it breaks!”- Friends there are times in life when you wonder if the things you trust are strong enough to keep you safe. Let me remind you that One, and only One Person is able to keep you and the ones you love safe and sound in a dangerous world: that Person is the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you trusting Him today?” (Crews ibid).

C. Applic: My friends, God will not always deliver you from danger, but you can rest assured that when danger comes, if you belong to Him, He will deliver you through danger. David discovered this to be true. He will still be a man on the run from the wrath of King Saul, but David knows that he is in the hands of God. He knows what you and I must always remember: only as you trust in the Lord, will you be able to rest safe and sound in the midst of a dangerous world.