Summary: Don't be a short order cook. Be a chef. Don't judge a chef by one or two dishes and give him one star.

Hebrews 5:13  For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 

14  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. 

While there is a good message in this passage, I want to share something about meat and potato preaching so it seemed meet to use a passage about meat. Also, a verse is required to post here. I have heard many preachers do this all the time. Good talk, but nothing about the verse. I felt like I had to speak to this issue so give me some grace.

I understand why churches want a sermon video from prospective pastors, but really it is unfair to the church as well as the pastor. Congregations are different and he is preaching to a group that needs one style of preaching and yours is another, but that does not mean he cannot preach to your need.

I see preaching as pretty much meat and potatoes. You can have hamburger and fries, meat loaf and mashed potatoes, porterhouse steak and baked potato or Kobe steak and French fondant potatoes. In the end, you still have meat and taters.

The problem with using videos to pre-scan a preacher is that he is preaching to that particular group. If he is preaching to Kobe steak and French fondant potato people and you are a pot roast and mashed potato group you will not find his teaching palatable. If he is preaching to the porterhouse steak and baked potato people and you are hamburger and French fries you will feel the same way. What you assume is that he cannot prepare the meat and taters the way you like it based on sermons he is preaching to others.

If you want to use those videos to clue him into what makes your congregation’s spiritual mouths water that is good as he does not know you from Adam. Indeed, his A game for the people he has been ministering to may be a D game to you, but do not count him out. His resume interested you enough to check out the sermons so talk to him and see if he is an expert chef that can cook it the way you like your meat and taters served.

He cannot change the truth for you, but it can be presented in different ways like Paul did. If the candidate has been speaking to Jews, so to speak, for years he will take a bit to transfer to speaking to Gentiles, but the transition time can well be worth the wait.

If it is a money saving thing, as I think it often is, see if he will come to preach for free. After all, companies do not pay you to interview so why pay a preacher to candidate? If he is really interested in ministering and in you this should not be a problem. If he travels distance it would be kind to pay for his gas. If he will do that you can surprise him with a check when he leaves.

I have actually refused to take a check more than once early in my ministry as it looked like the church needed it more than me. Indeed, I do not ever take one now when I speak anywhere. If called as a pastor, it may still be that way for me. I never wanted it to be about money and I got titles only for other people so I could get a chance to minister.

Bottom line, don’t make a judgment call based on videos. Bring the man in and get to know him as he learns about you or else you may pass up the man God wanted you to have. Maranatha!