Summary: This is the 217th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 2nd sermon from 2 Timothy.

Series: Action [#217]


2 Timothy 1:8-15


I was at 1 of the Middles Schools at pickup time; and I saw something several times that I have experienced as a parent. The vehicle would pull up and the student would work very hard at acting like they didn’t know the person who was picking them up. A couple of times, the driver would roll down the window and yell out their name; and they still would act like they didn’t know them. We are probably all guilty of the same behavior- Acting like you are ashamed of your parents or family.

Paul wrote to Timothy to encourage him to have a bold faith and to be unashamed of Jesus. Paul was writing this letter while he was in prison, and he knew that he could be executed at any moment. Although he was isolated because of his faith; he was never ashamed of his faith. His focus was on Timothy and the Church- His desire was for them to stand firm during difficult times.

2 Timothy 1:8

To be unashamed of Jesus requires…

1. Courage.

Paul encourages Timothy to have courage in the face of shame- Shame that could arise from societal pressures, the fear of persecution, or even the abandonment by those who once stood by him. In our own lives, we can relate to Timothy’s struggle. How often do we shy away from sharing our faith? How often do we shrink back from the truth of the Gospel because we fear rejection or ridicule? Paul challenges us to reflect on the nature of our faith. Is it a private belief, or is it a public declaration? Are we willing to bear the cross and share the love of Christ, regardless of the consequences?

2 Timothy 1:9-10

To be unashamed of Jesus requires…

2. Power.

Paul reminded Timothy of the power and purpose of the Gospel. We see that our faith is not rooted in our efforts or achievements but in the grace of God. Grace is receiving something that you do not deserve. The Gospel is a transformative force. It is what empowers us to live boldly, to rise above our fears, and to proclaim the goodness of God. When we understand that our identity is grounded in Christ, we can stand unashamed, knowing that it is not our strength that sustains us, but God’s.

2 Timothy 1:11-14

To be unashamed of Jesus requires…

3. Community.

In these verses, Paul gives us own testimony. Paul’s confidence is not in himself but in the One he believes in. This brings us to the importance of community in our faith journey. Paul mentions that he has been entrusted with the Gospel and encourages Timothy to guard it through the Holy Spirit. We are not called to walk this journey alone. Just as Paul had Timothy, each of us needs a community- A family of believers who can encourage us, support us, and hold us accountable. In moments of doubt and fear, it is the voices of our brothers and sisters in Christ that remind us of who we are and who God is. Together, we can lift each other up, pray for one another, and inspire one another to live out our faith boldly.

2 Timothy 1:15-18

To be unashamed of Jesus requires…

4. Examples of faithful servants.

As Paul concludes this passage, he recalls the faithfulness of Onesiphorus, who was not ashamed of Paul’s chains but sought him out, providing him with encouragement and support. In verses 15-18, we see a reminder that there are always faithful servants among us- Those who exemplify what it means to live an unashamed faith. We are called to be like Onesiphorus, to seek out those who are struggling, to bear one another's burdens, and to be a source of hope and encouragement. We are not just called to believe; we are called to act- To be the hands and feet of Christ, showing love to those who feel ostracized or alone.


As we reflect on the themes of courage, the transformative power of the Gospel, the importance of community, and the example of faithful servants, may we be inspired to embrace an unashamed faith. Ask yourself, “Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone”? Are you prepared to share the goodness of God, even when it is hard? Are you ready to support those around you, offering love and encouragement?

Today, I challenge each of you to consider how you can embody this unashamed faith in your own life. Let us remember that we are called, not according to our works but according to His purpose and grace. Let us hold fast to our faith, encouraging one another as we navigate the challenges of life together.