Summary: The 2024 election will have a huge impact on every aspect of our lives but some Christians are still confused about deciding who they will choose because they see that the two candidates do not meet their criteria as a national leader. How to elect a president biblically?

Today I will discuss a topic related to next month’s presidential election. I am not an American citizen, so I do not have the right to vote. So, I have no personal interest whatsoever. I do realize that if I preach on this sensitive topic, there is a risk of being misunderstood and disliked by people who disagree with what I say. So why am I preaching on it?

First, as a pastor or shepherd, I must speak the truth and I have the responsibility to guide the sheep that God has entrusted to me, including in choosing their national leaders. Last week we learned from Romans 13:1-7 that God established two institutions, the state and the church. Both are under God’s sovereignty. The separation of the state and the church does not mean separating the state from God. That is why God also cares about nations and provides guidance on how to live as good citizens, such as by paying taxes and supporting elections.

The second reason why I am preaching on this is because America is not doing well. As someone who has lived in California for long enough and has been following the politics and life here for quite some time, I have concerns about the current state of this country, especially in terms of morality, security, and our freedom to believe and practice biblical values. So, I am preaching this sermon because I am concerned about the future of America. As many political observers have stated, this election will have a huge impact on every aspect of our lives.

Before I give some biblical principles for choosing a nation leader, I want to emphasize that our hope is in the Triune God, the Ruler of the universe, not in the presidential candidate we are electing. The Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord” (Jeremiah 17:5). We should not hope in man or rely on man, no matter how great, smart, or good he/she is. They are only instruments in the hands of the LORD. We also should remember that God is the one who raises and removes kings or presidents (Daniel 2:21). Although the final decision or who will be elected next month is in God's hands, He often uses the processes that a country has to fulfill His plan. That is why, in America which adheres to a democratic system, God wants you to participate in the presidential election. So, do not abstain from voting! Even if the person who will be elected later is not the person you chose, at least you have carried out your responsibility as a Christian and a good citizen.

Currently, there are two presidential and vice-presidential candidates from two parties. Once again, I need to emphasize that I am not a member of a particular party. So, I do not support any party. Some Christians are still confused about deciding who they will choose because they see that the two candidates do not meet their criteria as a national leader. Indeed, I hope that you have a better candidate from each party in terms of background, morality, integrity, and demeanor. However, remember, you will not choose a Deacon or Elder, let alone a Pastor, but a National Leader so the criteria are different.

If you elect a Pastor, then of course, he must meet the standards of spirituality, morals, and blameless behavior. The Apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy in 1 Timothy 3:1-8, gives the criteria for people who want to become Elders of the congregation. Among them: "must be a blameless person, the husband of one wife, self-restraint, wise, polite, ... have a good name outside the congregation, ... must be an honorable person, not a two-tongued person, ...," and so on. How wonderful it would be if both candidates met these criteria. However, the criterion for national leaders emphasizes more on their leadership ability, their understanding of political, economic, social, cultural, technological, and security issues regionally, nationally, and globally, as well as their patriotism or nationalistic spirit which prioritizes the interests of their nation.

That is why in determining your choice, learn as best as possible what their policies are. I emphasize the word "as best as possible" because many observers say the journalism in America is dead. There are so many journalists who no longer state the truth or facts but have become activists of a certain party. And it is no secret that 80-90% of television stations, social media, and newspapers are liberal, so they are not fair to one of the candidates. For example, a study reported that these television stations talked about the two candidates very differently, one was 84% positive, the other 89% negative (see on the screen). That is why learn the candidates' policies from various sources that are as objective as possible.

In addition, both candidates have four years of experience in government. Learn their track records, have the candidates' promises during the campaign been fulfilled? And have their leadership and policies made America better in all aspects? Why do you need to learn the policies of the candidates? The term of office of the President is only four or if re-elected eight years, but their policies and the laws determined by the judges they appoint can last for decades, such as in the case of Roe v. Wade which was ratified by the Supreme Court in America on January 22, 1973. It was only in June 2022, after almost 50 years, that it was changed by several conservative Supreme Court Justices appointed by President Trump, where abortion laws were returned to each State. According to the "National Right to Life" the impact of Roe v. Wade, from 1973 to 2017, as many as 63,459,781 babies have been aborted. Another example is during President Obama's administration, on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court stated by a margin of 5 to 4 that states must grant same-sex marriage licenses and recognize similar unions from other states. The decision is still in effect today and who knows how long.

Now let’s look at the policies that you should be looking at from the candidates:

1. Protection of the life of the unborn child. King David in Psalm 139:14-16 said: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Life begins when the mother’s egg is fertilized by the father’s sperm, the baby will be born into the world nine months later. That is why aborting a fetus at any age in the womb is a sin of murder. It is a human’s slaughter! Now let’s look at the policies of the candidates. One candidate is determined to re-enact Roe v. Wade because it is a “woman’s right” to want her pregnancy or to end it. Her vice-presidential candidate even signed a law that would not require babies who fail to have aborted babies who are still alive to receive help. The other candidate would limit abortion to only certain cases, namely if the pregnancy is life-threatening for the mother or as a result of rape. As Christians, you are called to protect the right to life of the unborn child.

2. Attitude towards the agenda of LGBT activists. As I have often said, we should not insult them or feel that we are holier than them. But what I mean here is the mission or agenda of the LGBT groups which openly want to change not only the traditional marriage between a man and a woman, but also by aggressively propagandizing and promoting transsexuals to children. Thousands of children who experience "gender dysphoria" (something that is common for children) are used by trans activists to encourage them to receive therapy and undergo transition to become the gender they want. So, a girl who feels uncomfortable with her gender will be given the hormone "puberty blocker" so that her sexual and reproductive organs cannot develop, instead, she will be given the hormone testosterone so that she can "become" like a boy.

Thousands of children who received "puberty blockers" later underwent sex reassignment surgery. Unfortunately, thousands of them, after undergoing all these procedures, who realize and want to return to their original gender or what is called "de-transition" can no longer do it. If they are girls, they will not be able to have children because of the hormones that have been inserted into their bodies, they may have got a double mastectomy, they may experience bone disorders, and so on. On the screen, you can see some people who want to de-transition or return to their original state but can’t do that, so they sue the counselors and hospitals that handle their cases.

In California, recently, Governor Newsom has signed a law, where children in schools who want to undergo transition can be directly handled by counselors without telling their parents. Imagine how many parents are now afraid to send their children to public schools. Now let's see which candidate supports the agenda of LGBT activists. Which candidate agrees that boys can use the bathroom (shower) for girls, who supports the idea that "trans-women" can participate in sports competitions for women, or who encourages people to be able to be 'whoever' they want because they feel that way? Do you want America to become a nation in chaos because its leaders encourage immoral acts and allow children to have their futures ruined? Choose a candidate who, even though you don't like him, still upholds the values of humanity properly and does not submit to the "woke culture" that can destroy this country.

3. Prioritize and protect the citizens. Romans 13 emphasizes the responsibility of the government to guard and protect its citizens from various threats that endanger them. You can see the track records of the two candidates, which one during their administration prioritized the interests of the people, who tried to build America to become a strong nation again, who enforced the law so as not to allow tens of millions of people to enter America without proper procedures and receive free housing facilities, have their living expenses covered, get access to health, telephone, etc. Meanwhile, many Americans are homeless and have difficulty buying food.

The latest federal data shows that more than 425,000 undocumented migrants involved in criminal law violations are living in the US illegally. More than 60,000 of them have been involved in violent attacks. About 16,000 people have been convicted of sexual assault and nearly 57,000 have been convicted of crimes involving dangerous drugs. According to the House Budget Committee, the cost of dealing with the border crisis through May 2024 is already $150.7 billion and counting.

As you know, Hurricane Helene has devastated North Carolina and the surrounding areas. Hundreds of people are dead and missing. Thousands have lost their homes and property. But on October 3rd the New York Post reported that the US Federal Government said it had no more money to respond to Hurricane Helene—after FEMA spent $1.4 billion on migrants. Elect a president who puts the interests of his people and his country first, not one who sacrifices the people to maintain power through deceptive means!

There are still other policies that you need to consider, such as during the administration of the two candidates which one has brought better economic conditions, enforced the rule of law, supported the police, protected the freedom of speech, improved the quality of education in public schools, supported the state of Israel in facing terrorists’ attacks, and so on? But because our time is limited, I hope the three main points that I have conveyed above are enough to help you determine your presidential choice.

Pam Pryor, a former senior official at the US State Department, reminds us of the importance of praying and seeking God's guidance before going to the polls. She said: "The impact of electing a US president goes far beyond the halls of the White House, far beyond the borders of the US—it has a global impact." Remember that everyone has flaws. Both candidates have flaws. But you must look at them beyond what he/she is. Look at what their platforms are. Vote for the candidate who is closest to our biblical values, NOT based on like or dislike the candidate! I agree with the sentence written in the biography of George Washington published in 1835: “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."

May the LORD lead next month's election so that it can run safely and without fraud. And may GOD appoint leaders and representatives who fear Him and bring this great country back to the TRINITY GOD and His righteous values. May GOD bless America. Amen!