Summary: Did you know, the Bible truly is full of amazing, and exciting stories? There're stories of giants, there are stories about spies, stories of huge whales, of ships and of shipwrecks, huge dragon-like beasts, and so many other incredible things we can read in the pages of God's Word.

The story we're going to read from the Bible today has exciting parts in it, there are spies, there are giants in this story. But sadly, in this story we're going to see how something that could have been so incredible for God’s people turned out to be something very tragic because of their response & mistakes they made not doing what God told them.

Background: Before we read our Scripture, I want to give you a little background of what's happening here. Israel left Egypt after all the 10 great plagues that God put on Egypt, and Moses took God’s people out of Egypt. The Bible doesn't tell us exactly, but it was probably early in their 2nd year after leaving Egypt that the children of Israel arrived at Kadesh Barnea, the border of Canaan, the land that God had promised to give them. So Moses sends out the 12 spies to check on the land, and to check to see what it was like, and who was living there. That's where we pick up our story.

Scripture: Turn with me in your Bibles to Numbers 13:25-33 #2 SLIDE

So, if you know the rest of the story about the Children of Israel and what happens next. Because they disobeyed God and didn't go into the Promised Land like He told them to, they were forced to wander for 40 years in the wilderness! Until all the men that were above the age of 20 had passed off the scene. Only Joshua and Caleb, the two that remained faithful to God, would live to go into the Promised Land after the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

The first mistake they made was they…

I. Failed To Seek The Lord’s Leading #4 SLIDE

Psalm 106:13 #5 SLIDE Says… “They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel:”

No, I'm not saying that Moses was a bad leader. In fact, he was a very good leader and a very godly man. However, in this instance regarding going and searching the land with the spies nowhere does the Bible say that they sought counsel of Lord or His leading first.

Now because the Bible doesn't say for sure we can't know if Moses prayed and sought God or not. But the bottom line is it turned out very badly. Sending these 12 men resulted in 10 of them doubting God

B. Either way, the message and the truth for you and I to learn from this today is

seek the Lord's leading when you have a problem, or a decision to make.

The Bible says in Proverbs 2:1-6 #6 SLIDE “My son, if thou wilt receive my

words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear

unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after

knowledge, And liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as

silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand

the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD giveth

wisdom: Out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”

If you have a problem at home or at school, or in your neighborhood or

anywhere, pray to God about it! Seek Him, ask Him for help, ask Him for what

you need or what you're struggling with.

He's always on call, He's always available waiting for us just to cry out to Him and seek His help and strength and His wisdom!

I once had a teacher that said Jeremiah 33:3 is God's phone number. It v says Quote: #7 SLIDE

And remember God does want to hear from you when you have a need, or when you have a problem, you can't solve. But he also wants to hear from you every day! Everyday #8 SLIDE we should be seeking God's leading in our life regardless of our circumstances.

They didn’t seek the Lord’s leadings, & the 2nd mistake the Isrealites made was they…

II. Didn't Trust The Promise Of God #9 SLIDE

In Exodus 33:1 God it already told Moses and the people he would give him the land. It says…#10 SLIDE “And the Lord said unto Moses, Depart, and go up hence, thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the land which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed will I give it:”

We're not going to take the time to read it, but in the very next verse God tells Moses and the children of Israel exactly who the people are that are already in the land that he is given them. He named all of them!

But He had also promised them that he would give them the victory, and He said He would give them the land & fight for them, they had no reason to fear or doubt, they had a promise from God Himself!

But boy doesn't remind us of ourselves? We have all the promises of this blessed Book, yet we fear, and we doubt, and we worry.

Yet the Bible tells us in 2 Peter 1:4A #11 SLIDE “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, …”

According to a recent study by a reliable group, which was completed in March of this year, #12 SLIDE they concluded that the KJV Bible contains 3573 promises!

Illus: In 1985, for the first time in more than fifty years, the US Mint authorized by Congress began to produce gold coins. Beginning in 1986 these new coins would come on the market. #13 SLIDE Each of these American Eagles, as they are known, is guaranteed by the US Mint to contain 1 oz of 22 karat pure gold. Buyers from all around the world immediately begin buying the American Gold Eagle coins. The reason, because they knew they could trust the value and integrity of the coin because it was backed by the promise of the US government. If people all over the world knew they could trust our government, how much more can you and I trust the precious promises of God!

By the way if you find one of these, they're worth over $3000 now!

Israel didn’t seek the Lord’s leadings, they failed to trust God’s promise but 3rdly they…

III. Wouldn't Listen To God’s Men #14 SLIDE

Verse # 30 said that #15 SLIDE “...Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.”

Caleb was clearly God's man in this situation, he was speaking truth for the Lord. He remembered the promise that God would give them the land and fight for them. So, he said we are well able to overcome it

I'm not sure how familiar you all are with this story of the 12 spies that went into Canaan? But like the song goes #16 SLIDE 10 were bad and 2 were good. Caleb was one that believed and followed God…does anyone know the other man that believed God? Joshua

If you and I aren't careful, we can be guilty just like the Children of Israel of not listening to God’s men. If we come to church, God has given us men or women that study the Word of God so that they can teach us. If we ignore them, we are actually ignoring the wisdom and truth of God!

In Proverbs 11:14 it says #17 SLIDE“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” & then in Proverbs 15:22 “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.”

The Bible makes it very clear and multiple places that we are to listen to godly counsel, and those that God has placed in our lives that teach us and encourage us in God's will, and for living our lives for Him

Illus: When Mr. Dan, our missionary to Nicaragua, worked in a church in California for several years. #18 SLIDE His pastor's name was Pastor Ricky Owens. Pastor Owens was really tough on Dan and another young man that he was training. But the bottom line is he gave them very good counsel and he trained and prepared them for what God had in the future for their lives. Pastor Ricky Owens is now one of Dan's best friends in the world and someone that he can still talk to, pray with and go to for advice. The point is, God puts godly people in our lives and it's our choice if we're going to learn from them.

The Israelites didn’t seek the Lord’s leadings, they failed to trust God’s promise, they wouldn't listen to God’s men, but lastly, I want us to see their biggest mistake was that they…

IV. Looked At Things Through Their Eyes #19 SLIDE

10 of those spies were actually leaders of their tribes and should have been able to be trusted, and their judgment should have been better. But we're going to look at what they did.

They took their eyes off of God, and they began looking at the situation through their own eyes! Just look at these verses from our scripture reading…#20 SLIDE

They got their eyes off of God, they began to fear and to doubt God's power and ability! If you look at these verses these 10 men spent more time looking at how bad things were and how impossible the situation was, instead of the fact that God had promised victory!

B. What a lesson this is for us to keep our eyes on Jesus! #21 SLIDE boys & girls

as you get older the temptation is going to be to try to figure things out on your

own try to solve your own problems. Or go to a friend for advice, but can I

tell you that Jesus and his Holy Word is where to go for your answers.

Every time in the Bible when someone gets their eyes off the Lord that's when the problems start! That's when they get into trouble that they cannot fix things by themselves.

Illus: I'll just give you one example, the apostle Peter. Do you remember when he saw Jesus walking on the water and he said Jesus if that be you let me come to you? And Jesus told him he could, and he began walking on the water! Can you imagine that no other normal human had ever walked on the water before, and no one has ever done it since! And it was going pretty well, until Peter took his eyes off Jesus #22 SLIDE and began looking around at the storm and the waves and the rain. Then immediately he began to sink!

It's a great reminder for all of us to keep our eyes on the Lord! Life's problems can be hard enough, you surely don't want to have to face them without God's help.

Conclusion: Boys and girls, we as children of God need to learn how to follow His leading, trust His promises, listen to God’s men and women in our lives, and not look at our lives through our own eyes. But realize God can see beyond all of our problems and circumstances and if we trust and by faith follow Him, He will lead us and make our lives count for the Kingdom of God and for our Lord Jesus Christ!


Closing Prayer: