Summary: In Psalm 40, David felt trapped and overwhelmed, and he saw no way out. This psalm is a reminder that no matter what kind of pit we find ourselves in, God is able to rescue us and give us a new song of joy!

Lessons from a Pit!

Psalm 40


Psalm 40 = David describes one of the most difficult times in his life – ordeal was so excruciatingly painful he compares it to a horrible pit (v.2)… a hole that he had fallen into and couldn’t get out… felt trapped and alone.

“Horrible” = (lit) roaring, pit of noise… described the turmoil in his heart, emotions out of control… distressed to the point of despair.

“Miry clay” = compared to a pit or cistern… a deep well or pit with a slimy, sticky bottom… David felt stuck… no way out!

Story Behind the Psalm:

Know the Psalm was penned by David… it was to be sung in the public worship services… glad that David was willing to share his heart!

Psalm 40 = not a funeral song, not a song with a sad note – a glad note! Psalm of joy and praise to the God who intervened in his life… came to his rescue… lifted him out… set him on firm footing and gave him a new song… praise to our God… God not just David’s God; He is our God!

David = went from the mire to the choir!

Not told exactly what kind of pit David was in…

- Pit of rejection

- Pit of adversity, trial, difficulty.

- Pit of personal struggle and temptation.

- Pit of sin and personal failure.

- Pit of family problems.

- Pit of discouragement, depression, despair.

- Pit of loneliness – David knew long periods of personal loneliness… when on run from King Saul.

- Pit of exaggeration – during times of discouragement and depression we exaggerate our problems… make them bigger than what they really are.

- Whether it was a pit dug by one of his many enemies or a pit of his own digging… whatever that pit was… real to David.

What do know is that David at times found himself in a pit… times we find ourselves in a pit… feel like we are stuck, no way out!

Glad = God that lifted David out his pit… can lift us out of ours!

Preach: “Lessons from Pit!” or “What to do when your find yourself in a Pit!”

1. Learn to Wait Upon the LORD!

Look: v.1a – “I waited patiently for the LORD.”

David = remembering, reflecting, looking back on his horrible ordeal… he didn’t run ahead of God… waited patiently for the Lord to intervene in his life.

“Waited patiently” = I waited and waited and waited!

Patience = not one of my better virtues!

How many times have we failed to wait on the Lord…

Illust: I pastored a man in my first ministry… saved on a navy ship during WW2 – dice, deck of cards and pack of lucky strikes into New York harbor… good marriage, but his wife wanted nothing to do with the Lord. Prayed for her… seemed that she never be saved… wanted a wife to serve God with so bad… didn’t seem like God was answering his prayers so he divorced his wife and married a single woman in the church he attended thinking that was the answer.

Things went from bad to worse… went from frying pan into the fire… … she was contentious and ornery… spent next 50 odd years in a pit of misery of hiw own making.

Y Adult Christian = got ahead of God and married the wrong person, wrong vocation, etc…

Impatient = gotten in a hurry… ran ahead of God trying to fix the situation and made matters worse or made a mess of our lives.

Quote: “We never wait on God in vain.”

God = doesn’t remain silent forever.

v.1b - “… and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”

God = at work even when we can’t see Him working.

Job = “He knoweth the way that I take” = God knows!!! God Cares!!! God is at Work!!!

How we need to Learn to wait on the Lord!

Isaiah 40:31 – “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Psalm 25:3a – “Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed:” = disappointed – God, I know You and You will not let me down!

When we wait, at some time and in some way, God moves into our situation!!!

2. Learn that God Works on His Schedule, Not Ours!

Love: v.1b-2,3a

David = I waited and waited… then God broke through in my life!

Honest = we don’t always understand what God is doing in our lives… the why’s and wherefores’ of life.

Paul = Rom. 11:34 - “Who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor?”

God = works in His own wise counsel and His own perfect way!

Generation = Now! Instant everything!

Internet Advertisement = fellow had slow internet… click on a site and then go out and play basketball waiting for it to load.

We = are in a hurry! God, get me out of this!!! Rescue me!!!

God = is not – yet He is always on time! His way is perfect!!!

Nothing happens in our lives without purpose! For our good and His glory!

- For our Good = find ourselves in a pit and we wonder how can this be good?

God = God doesn’t put us in the pits… but He does use the pits of life to teach us 1) something about ourselves, 2) something about Himself. Doing His perfect or perfecting work… molding us into the image of Christ.

- For His Glory = God intervenes in our lives… see His greatness, His goodness… we can’t help but praise Him!

Ron Hamilton = “God never moves without purpose or plan, when trying His servant and molding a man.”

Quote: “Salvation of a soul is the miracle of a moment. But the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.”

Quote: “It takes time to make a worthwhile product and God is willing to wait.”

Quote: “When God’s children are in the furnace of affliction His hand on is on the thermostat and His eye is on the clock.”

God = not leave us in the pits any longer than is necessary to accomplish His purposes.

3. Learn to Praise God to Others!

Look: v.3

David = goes from sighing to singing! Sad to glad note!!

He lifted me out!!!

Quote: “This new work of grace had prompted a new hymn of praise.”

God = been so good to David he had to let it out! New song in my mouth!!

David = didn’t just praise God privately, praised Him publicly.

v.3b – “many shall see it and fear; and shall trust in the LORD.”

Witnessing = simply telling someone else how good God is! Sharing what God has done in our lives!!!

A. Praised God to Others (3,4)

B. Praised God Himself (5)

4. Learn that God Deserves Our Consecrated Obedience!

Look: v.6

David = God it wasn’t the sacrifices and offerings that I brought – it was me you wanted!

“Mine ears hast thou opened” = God had gotten David’s attention – gave him a clearer perspective on life’s priorities. Those things are truly worth living for!

Pits = have a way rearranging the priorities of our lives.

Psalm 40 = Christmas Psalm – [vv.6-9] Messianic – quoted Hebrews 10:5-9… prophetic in nature… look beyond David to David’s greater Son, the Lord Jesus and His coming into the world.

Look: vv.7-9 – Jesus’ = life was a picture of absolute surrender to God.

Christian = we are to follow His steps! No surrender is too great for our God.

David = gave himself afresh to God! There was a renewed dedication in his life to God and the things of God. God you have done so much for me how can I not but give myself back to you!

What true of David ought to be true of us!

Romans 12:1 – “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

v.8 – “I delight to do thy will O God.” = God’s will is not a drudgery; it is a delight!”

Look: vv.9,10 – David got beyond the altar – did what he promised!!

5. Learn that Troubles are a Part of Life!

Look: vv.11-15

As long as we are on this side of Heaven there are always going to be problems and there are always going to be enemies.

Never going to come a time when we are problem free… life smooth sailing.

Quote: “God didn’t promise us smooth sailing but He did promise us a safe landing.”

6. Learn that God is Always Faithful!

Look: vv.16,17

David = Lord I need you!


Lessons from a pit…

- Wait upon the Lord

- God works on His schedule, not ours.

- Praise God to others.

- Give yourself afresh to God and His will.

- Troubles are a part of life.

- God is forever faithful.