Summary: Psalm 44 reminds us that God’s message is not just for the people of the past, but it holds meaning for us today as well. In times of disappointment, it teaches us how to stay grounded in our faith, no matter the circumstances.

Staying True in Disappointing Times!

Psalm 44


Psalm 44 = sang in the public worship of Jehovah-God – “to the chief musician.”

“Sons of Korah” =

“Maschil” = instruction – teach us.

Remind = that God didn’t just have something to say then… has something to say to us today!

1Cor. 10:11 – “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”

Psalm penned during a time of national crisis:

vv.10,22 - Israel had been soundly defeated by her enemies.

vv.13,14 – nations around them exulting in their defeat… hurling insults at the people of God.

vv.15,16 – time of shame and humiliation for God’s people.

Story Behind the Psalm:

2 Sam. 8 & 10 = during the reign of King David – Edomite/Syrian War.

2 Kings 19:7 = reign of godly King Hezekiah – Assyrian invasion of Judah.

Assyrians = already conquered the N. kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) – taken them into captivity… now coming against S. kingdom of Judah … taken village after village… city after city… Judah’s amies had experienced defeat after defeat… until Sennacherib and his armies surrounded capital city of Jerusalem.

Sent letter to Hezekiah by Rabsheka – Hezekiah scared to death – takes letter before the Lord in prayer.

God = sent prophet Isaiah with a message for Hezekiah… no matter how great the Sennacherib thought he was… their Redeemer was greater!

Miraculous Victory = 185,000 Assyrians killed in one night – Israel victorious and never drew back a bow, hurled as spear or unsheathed a sword!

Learned = our God is able!

3 Stanzas:

1) Praise for Past Victories (vv.1-8)

2) Perplexity over Present Defeats (vv.11-22)

3) Prospect of Future Victory (vv.23-26)

Psalm 44 = opens with a high note of praise (v.1) … strikes the minor chord of disappointment and defeat (v.15) … ends with glad note of hope in the God who helps us (v.26).

Practical Application:

Psalmist = experiencing a time of disappointment – expected something different than the way things were… confused… Lord, I don’t understand.

Truth = we all face disappointing times in life. Life takes an unexpected turn or somehow things turn out differently than we thought it would. Feel like God has let us down… failed us. Confused and don’t get what God is doing in our lives. Doesn’t make any sense to us. Whether personally or nationally.

Psalmist = Lord, no matter what happens I am going to stay true to you – going to remain faithful because you are faithful!

“Staying True in Disappointing Times!”

1. Praise God for What He Has Already Done!

Look: vv.1-3,7,8

Phrase: (v.1) – “in their day, in times of old” = look at what God has done… blessings, victories, goodness and faithfulness of God.

Reminding = despite way things look now… just how good God has been and is!

Never lose sight of the goodness of God!

Church = as Christians living in America we are blessed beyond measure!

Have no idea what our fellow brothers & sisters in Christ face in foreign lands hostile to the Gospel… hatred, opposition, persecution… places like China, Vietnam, Mynmar, Middle East, N. India, etc…

Forget what our Baptist forefathers suffered so that we can enjoy the religious freedoms we have today:

Illust: John Bunyan – arrested for preaching the Gospel… languished 12 long years in an English prison – blind daughter, family destitute of the necessities of life… because he wouldn’t accept a license to preach from the Church of England.

Remained True!

Psalmist = saying God if You never win another battle, send another blessing, never see your mighty hand at work again… I am going to trust You! Going to stay true to You!

Psalm 44 = 3rd section of Psalms – Exodus Psalms (42-72)

Exodus = Book of Redemption – reminds us of the God who redeemed us… never lose sight of what God has done in life… where were… where God brought us to… all that He has done for us since saved.

Never answers another prayer, sends another blessing, etc… going to stay true!

2. Love God for Who He Is, Not What He Can Do for Us!

Look: vv.17-22

People of God weren’t suffering because they were unfaithful to God… on the contrary… suffering because they were faithful!

v.22 – “For Thy sake…”

Jesus = marvel not if the world hate you!

Church = as long as we are living in a broken world experience disappointing times in life.

Look: Job 1:8

Job = retained his integrity because he remained true in life’s disappointments… loved God for who He was, not what He did for Him!

Christian = that serves God only because of what God does for them is going to fall away in disappointing times… quit on God, give up, throw in the towel.

Problem = near sighted – only see things from an earthly, human perspective rather than a Heavenly, Divine perspective.

God = still good, merciful, loving, faithful, caring, compassionate during the disappointing times of life, still at work in our lives during the disappointing times of life.

God = may be keeping us from pride, self-sufficiency, thankful, growing our faith, dependance up Him.

Look: v.6

3. Determine to Trust God Anyhow!

Cf. What Psalmist doesn’t do. He doesn’t give up on God!

v.1 – “in the times of old” = past

v.4 – “Thou art my King…” = present

The God of the past is also the God of the present!

Not lost His power! His arm not short that it cannot save! God is still able! Can God? God Can!!!

v.4b – “…command deliverances for Jacob” = God all you have to do is speak the Word!

vv.5,6 – not in our strength, might power but through You we will defeat the enemy!

Never win battle with the world, flesh, devil in our own strength. Through Him that we will defeat the enemy.

A. A Word of Hope

B. A Word of Prayer

v.23 – “Awake…arise”

vv.24-26 – “Arise for our help…”

Lord, I am going to stay true to you… because I know that at some time and in some way You are going to intervene… deliver, give the victory! He Always Wins!!!


How to stay true in disappointing times…

Praise God for what He has already done.

Love God for who He is and not what He can do.

Determine to trust Him anyhow!