Summary: As Christians, our greatest example of an overcomer is Jesus Christ Himself. In this message, we will focus on Jesus as the ultimate overcomer, understanding that because He has overcome, we too can walk in victory.

The Ultimate Overcomer: Jesus Christ!

Revelation 1:9-18


Cf. we have been learning what it means to be an “Overcomer” – not some super saint – SC emblazoned across their chest – saved you are an overcomer.

1John 5:4 – “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world.”

“Overcomer” = to prevail, to conquer, to win the victory.

Christian = not a victim but a Victor.

Victory = is in the Lord Jesus

Rom. 8:37 – “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”

1 Cor. 15:57 – “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2 Cor. 2:14 – “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ,”

On this Easter Sunday I can affirm with every fiber of my being that we can overcome in life because Jesus overcame in death!

Revelation = (lit) unveiling of Jesus Christ.

v.9 – Apostle John has been exiled to the prison island of Patmos for the crime of preaching the Gospel.

Isle of Patmos = a small rocky island in the Aegean Sea 10 m long x 6 m wide – Alcatraz of its day. The beloved Apostle John, 90’s, had been boiled in oil, banished to Patmos, and forced into slavery laboring the mines.

John = given a vision of the glorified Christ.

Illlust: lot of folks have wrong view of Jesus:

1) Baby in a manger

2) Dead man on a cross

3) The Lord on the throne!

Jesus Christ = the Ultimate Overcomer!

Vision of Christ in Revelation 1:13-18 is not the scene of some monstrous looking person with red flaming eyes, white hair, feet on fire and a sword coming out of his mouth. Figurative language, descriptive language describing the characteristics of the glorified Christ!

Some see in this scene a picture of Jesus coming to Judge. While the Book of Revelation is about judgment… I don’t believe that is the scene before us.

Lord Jesus = pictured walking amongst His churches… here Jesus is pictured as our Great Intercessor and High Priest. Think about what that must have meant to John seeing the Lord.

John = 90’s – boiled in oil, banished to rocky, wet island of Patmos, forced into slave labor, sleeping on cold ground, barely enough food to keep him alive… churches facing the onslaught of persecution from the Imperial Roman government… wondering how turn out, felt abandoned and alone, confused… and then He sees Jesus as He is! The One who Overcame it all! It is a message of comfort, hope and victory not only to John but to you and me this morning.

Lord Jesus = saying John take your eyes off what is going on around you… get your eyes on Me!

Church = we need to get our eyes off what is going on in the world around us and get our eyes on the One who is above us!

1. The Living One!

v.10 – John hears a voice.

v.12 – turns to see the voice, the one talking to him.

v.13 – sees Jesus!

“Son of Man” = Lord’s favorite title of Himself – no less than 85x’s in Gospels… humanity of Jesus.

John = I’m not dead; I’m alive!

Illust: Other religions visit the tombs of their founders because of what is there… visit the G. Tomb because of what is not there.

Luke 24:6 – “He is not here, but is risen.”

It has been a full 60 years since John had last seen the Lord Jesus and He had not changed!

v.11 – “Alpha & Omega” = 1st letter Gk alphabet and last letter of Gk alphabet… “the first and the last” = One who started it all and the One who will bring it to pass… John, “I am the One in charge, I have this!”

2. The Interceding One!

Look: v.13b

“Garment” = robe and sash worn by Israel’s high priest – pictures Lord Jesus as our Great High Priest.

John = filled with comfort, hope, encouragement – sees the Lord Jesus as His Great High Priest, Intercessor, and Advocate.

High Priest = touched with the feeling of our infirmity.

Intercessor = in Heaven praying for us, sustaining us.

Advocate = He comes to help us.

Christian = there is One in Heaven touched by what touches you, continually intercedes, prays for you, helps you!

Heb. 4:16 – “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

3. The Purifying One!

Look: vv.14-15a

“Hair, eyes, feet” = symbolic of purity, righteousness, holiness – perfect sinlessness of Jesus.

Quote: “He was a Man of grace and a Man of glory, but never was He a Man of guilt.” – A Rogers

Glimpse = the Lord Jesus in all His holiness – have a purifying effect on our lives.

“Eyes as a flame of fire” = reminder coming day when give account to Him.

“Feet” = like burning brass moving amongst His churches… Lord Jesus at work purifying us, refining us, conforming us to His own image!

1Pet. 1:15,16 – “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”

4. The Commanding One!

Look: v.15b – “and his voice as the sound of many waters.”

Voice = like the roar of the surf, ocean waves crashing against the rocky shoals of Patmos… sound overwhelm all other sounds.

Power in His Voice! Majesty Voice!

Voice that spoke…

Worlds came into being

Demons fled, deaf hear, mute speak, blind sea, lame leap.

Final judgment = banish unsaved – “depart from Me…”

Leper = “I will be thou clean.”

Paralytic = son, be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee.

Saints = voice of sweet assurance.

5. The Protecting One!

Look: v.16a – “And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword:”

“Sword” = not same sword carried by Roman soldiers – short sword – this one is a large broad-sword – crush one’s enemies.

Lord = impressing on John – I am greater – greater than Caesar, Rome, world, devil… Victory is Mine… nothing and no one a match for God… one day going to wrap it all up.

Church = He is greater! Victory is His and He has given it to us.

Matt. 16:18 – “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

6. The Reigning One!

Look: v.16c – “and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”

Jesus came 1st time = humility, veiled His glory.

Jesus comes a 2nd time = in all of His regal glory!

Scene = reminded John of that day on Mt. when Jesus transfigured before him…face shown as the brightness of the noon day sun… when he saw Jesus in all His glory for the very first time… now sees Him again!

Jesus = not lost His glory, His greatness, His power!

Saying to us that Jesus Christ is Lord! One day going to rule and reign over this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords!

Coming a day when every knee bow before Him!

7. The Reassuring One!

Look: v.17

John = overwhelmed by His glory falls at Jesus’ feet like a dead man.

Lord Jesus = reaches out His right hand and touches him… it’s alright John. “Fear Not”… you don’t have to be afraid!

Imagine = stepping onto the shores of Heaven… seeing the Lord Jesus for the first time… falling before Him as if dead… reaches out a nail-pierced hand…touches you… hear his gentle voice… it’s alright my child, you don’t have to be afraid… your finally home!

Glad we don’t have to wait till we get to Heaven to know His touch! Hear His voice… reassuring us… don’t have to be afraid! It’s alright!

8. The Conquering One!

Look: v.18 – why you don’t have to be afraid. I am the Ultimate Overcomer!!!

“Liveth” = historical present tense – I am the One who has lived from all eternity… “and was dead” = point in time that I died but I didn’t stay dead… “and, behold” = see, look, take it all in John… I am alive for evermore.”

Jesus = I am the ever living One! I’ve conquered sin, Satan, death, hell, the grave!

At the cross Jesus voluntarily gave His life for your sins and mine.

“It is finished” = not a victim but a Victor! Took our place… substitute… paid in full the penalty for our sin.

When Jesus took His last breath on the cross… buried Him in a rock carved tomb and rolled a great stone over the door… glad not the end of the story!

3 days later, He got up from the grave in resurrection power!

“Keys of death and hell” = symbl of authority – took the sting out of death… for child of God entry way into Glory!

John 11:25,26 – “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.”


Up from the grave He arose

With a mighty triumph o’er His foes

He arose a victor o’er the dark domain

And He lives for ever with His saints to reign.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Christ arose!!!!