Summary: Based on Ephesians 3:20-21 - Challenges hearers to consider what it means to know that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.

“IMMEASURABLY MORE!” Ephesians 3:20-21

FBCF – 9/22/24

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Title of this message taken from Ephesians 3:20 – that our God is able to do:

- “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine” (NIV)

- “far more abundantly than all we ask or think” (ESV, NASB)

- “above & beyond all that we ask or think” (CSB)

- “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (KJV)

- “far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” (TLB)

Funny story about Charles Spurgeon’s mother. Some believe that she was a Methodist. She once told him, "I prayed for the Lord to make my son a preacher, but I did not mean for him to be a Baptist preacher." Spurgeon smiled & replied, "Mother, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." No offense to our Methodist friends! Ha!

Ephesians: Written by Apostle Paul – in prison, probably in Rome, around AD 60 – “The Queen of the Epistles.” Beautiful letter written to display the scope of God’s amazing, eternal plan for all mankind. That plan is revealed in Jesus who came to “seek & to save the lost” no matter who they are – Jew or Gentile – male or female – young or old – rich or poor.

Ephesians can be divided up into 3 sections that cover the entirety of the Christian life:

- Ch. 1-3 – Who we are

- Ch. 4-6:9 – How we live

- Ch. 6:10-24 – How we fight

Watchman Nee, Chinese theologian, wrote short book on Ephesians – Sit, Walk, Stand – follows these same 3 sections of Ephesians.

- Sit – Ephesians 2:4-6 – “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…” – Tells us of our position in Christ

- Walk – Ephesians 4:1 – “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called…” – Tells us how we are to walk & live out our life as Christ-followers.

- Stand – Ephesians 6:11 – “Put on the fully armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” – Tells us how we will be able to stand against the attacks of Satan throughout our lives.

So, you see that Ephesians covers the entire Christian life. And right here in the middle of the book, at the conclusion of the “SIT” section, Paul triumphantly proclaims that, b/c of who we are in Christ, we can know that our God is able to do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine!” “Paul was teaching his readers what he himself already knew, that it is impossible to petition God for too much because His capacity to give far exceeds the believer’s ability to ask or imagine. Our thoughts surpass our words, but God’s power to act surpasses it all.” (

Think about it: Paul takes 3 chapters to tell us who we are in Christ:

- “faithful in Christ Jesus” (1:1)

- “blessed w/ every spiritual blessing” (1:3)

- “chosen in Christ…holy & blameless” (1:4)

- Redeemed – (1:6)

- “sealed w/ the promised Holy Spirit” (1:13)

- “alive together w/ Christ” (2:5)

- “saved through faith” (2:8)

- “His workmanship [masterpiece]” (2:10)

- “brought near by the blood of Jesus” (2:13)

- “fellow citizens…& members of the household of God” (2:19)

- “a dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (2:22)

- “partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus” (3:6)

He climaxes it all w/ the soaring prayer in 3:14-21 (read it) & drives it home w/ the powerful statement in v. 20-21 – which leads to our application:

APPLICATION – When it comes to what God can do in the lives of His children, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

WHY? Because…

IT’S HIS ABILITY, NOT OURS – “Now to HIM who is able…” – HE is able. It’s HIS ability we are counting on & trusting in – it’s HIS ability we need & are counting on.

- Our ability is so limited – His is unlimited

- Our ability wavers – His never does

- Our ability changes w/ time & circumstances – His is constant no matter what the circumstances are

IT’S HIS POWER, NOT OURS – “…according to HIS power that is at work within us…” – That power is not some impersonal force. That power is the 3rd Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. HE is the power at work within us:

- The power of conviction of our sins

- The power to have faith & trust Him

- The power to persevere through hard times.

- The power to comfort us in our times of sorrow

- The power to be bold & witness to a lost person

- The power to know what to say when that witnessing opportunity comes along

- The power to stand against the attacks of Satan

IT’S HIS GLORY, NOT OURS – “…to HIM be glory…” – We are to point to HIM in everything. If someone were to come in her & drop a check for $8 million for a new sanctuary, our first response should be to point to the Lord & say, “Thank you, Lord!”

IT’S HIS CHURCH, NOT OURS – “…in the Church…” – That’s HIS glory expressed in US & through US b/c we are HIS Church, HIS people, HIS Body, HIS FAMILY.

While we know & understand that this building or any future building that we might build is not, in itself, the church, it is where we gather to worship Him & proclaim HIS Gospel. This building has been HIS building since 1910. The CLC has been HIS building since 1999. The CEC has been HIS building since 2010. And if HE leads us to build a new sanctuary, it will be HIS building, not ours. We know & understand that everything we have is HIS. And that includes these physical buildings that we use to proclaim HIS Gospel, HIS message of HIS salvation for all people.

IT’S HIS PLAN, NOT OURS – “…in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever & ever.” – God’s plan is summed up in Jesus & Jesus alone. His plan is to exalt Christ in every way, throughout all generations, forever7 ever. That’s it! It’s all about Jesus – all about making much of Him & Him alone!

- “Upon this rock I will build my church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!” (Matthew 16:18)

- That’s HIS plan – to build HIS church upon the Rock of Christ Jesus & the Gospel. That’s HIS plan & that’s the plan that we want to accomplish, not our feeble plans that will fail.

- It’s HIS Kingdom we want to build – the Kingdom of God that will last forever – not our feeble manmade kingdoms that will fall.

And when we build HIS K’dom according to HIS plan & not our plan – when we build HIS Church according to HIS plan & not our plan – Satan & all the demons of hell will not be able to stand against us! Oh, they’ll try & I can promise you that they’re trying hard right now.

But if we will keep our focus on:

- HIS ability, not our ability

- HIS power, not our power

- HIS glory, not our glory

- HIS Church, not our church

- & HIS plan, not our plan

Then, Church, we WILL see Him do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine!” as we trust Him to do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.” I believe we might just hear Him say, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

CONCLUSION – And the Spirit inspired Paul to close this prayer w/ “AMEN!” – So be it! May it be done! Let it be so, Lord! Bring it to pass for your glory & yours alone!