Summary: A powerful revelation of the little donkey in Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Scripture Text: Mk 11:1-10

This is speaking of Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem....

This was the fulfillment of an amazing prophecy by the prophet Zechariah chapter 9, vs 9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

So the Bible tells us that as Jesus rode into Jerusalem, he was met with great joy.

Mark 11:9-10 Many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way. [9] And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: [10] Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.

I love this story in the Bible, it is a beautiful picture of the glory and praise and honor that is due to the Lord Jesus Christ. In actual fact it is really just the smallest fraction of the glory and honor that Jesus deserves.

What a spectacular sight that must have been. Just imagine yourself in the midst of that glorious celebration. The shouts of praise and adoration for our savior filling the air. Some taking off their own garments and spreading them out before Jesus, and then others cutting down palm branches, and laying them down in front of him.

It was glorious, and as I said, this occassion was actually the fulfilling of an ancient prophecy that the Messaiah would come this way, and be honored this way.

But I want to draw your attention to something in this beautiful celebration that you could very easily miss, you could skip right over it, because after all, Jesus is supposed to be the center of attention, and the main attraction. And rightly so.

So then, you may be wondering right now what I'm talking about. Well I'm talking about the little colt, or donkey that Jesus was riding on. If this little animal could reason, and think, and if we could hear his thoughts on that day, he might have been thinking something like... Wow, do you see this? What a privilige and what an honor I have to be carrying Jesus.

He could have thought to himself... I must be the most blessed donkey in the world. I am so blessed to be the one that gets to carry Jesus, and lift Jesus up before the people.

He was probably saying in his donkey voice, hey everybody, look over here. Look at this. Look who I'm carrying, this is Jesus. Come on let's praise him, let's give him glory and honor.

Then he was probably thinking to himself... it could have been any other donkey in the world, but it's me, he chose me. Wow I am so blessed.

Tell your neighbor... Neighbor, it could have been any other donkey, but he chose you.

Aren't you glad he chose you? Jesus said, you didn't choose me, but I chose you. It feels so good to know that you were chosen.

— It makes me feel good to know that out of all the people on this planet, my wife chose me to be her husband. And greater than that is knowing that Jesus chose me to know him, and be his son.

— So now that we are aware of this little donkey, we need to back up a little bit and see how he found his way into this amazing text and this wonderful service to Jesus.

To see that we have to go back to the beginning of the chapter...

Mark 11:1-7 And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he " Jesus" sendeth forth two of his disciples, [2] And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him. [3] And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither. [4] And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. [5] And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt? 6. And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go. [7] And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him.

This story is so full of revelation... Lets see if we can unpack it.

First we have the masters plan. Jesus has a plan, a purpose, and a divine destiny for every one of us. Of course the universal plan for the human race is that they come to know him as their personal Savior and Lord.

Then there is also the distinct purpose and plan, which means that to which God calls you to personally, and individually. We call this destiny. Within the heart and mind of God there is a divine destiny for every one of his children. Only God knows what it is, and only God can reveal it to you. He does that through fellowship and relationship with Jesus. And he does that through his word. Through fellowship and relationship with him, and the study of the word of God, we discover our destiny.

So #1 Is the masters plan, only he knows the details of each life.

Let me insert this right here. This fact I just shared is the reason why we need the Holy Spirit so bad... Only he knows the details of our lives.

Yes, the Bible gives us the governing principles of our lives, but the Holy Spirit is the one who gives us the details.

#2 Is the masters commission, this is the commission that has been given to every disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He said... Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.

#3 Is the disciples submission. This is revealed as the disciples obeyed Jesus instructions, and they went and did what Jesus told them to do even though they didn't fully know what his plans were.

That's what true submission looks like. You don't have to understand it all, you don't have to have all the information, you just obey the instruction... Lord, all I need to know is you said do it. I don't have to have goose bumps, it doesn't have to make sense,... just speak the word Lord and your servant will go. That's what submission looks like.

Let me just tell from serving the Lord for over 50 years... He ain't never going to tell you everything he's got planned. He will only give you what you need to know to get started. And more information as it is needed, to keep you moving in the right direction.

#4 The colts condition, which is tied up, or bound, chained up, in confinement.

This is really speaking universally of the condition of the human race without Jesus.... Every person on this planet, past present and future is in a bound condition until they meet Jesus. They are tied up, bound up, held in chains of sin, by constraint they are slaves to sin, and fulfilling the will of the devil. And the truth is, no one can save themselves, heal themselves or set themselves free. Only Jesus can set you free.

How does he set us free? He sends the truth to us like he's doing today. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

The Bible doesn't say ye shall hear the truth and the truth shall make you free, it says ye shall know the truth... which means to make it personal, to accept it, to fall in love with it... Most importantly, to do it, or obey it.

Dear friend, you're better off not hearing the truth, than hearing and not obeying. Because you are responsible for the truth you hear.

So let me say it again, this little donkey' is tied. That word tied means bound, under constraint, chained, to be held in restrictiction under the will of another.

Again, his condition represents the whole human race before Jesus.

#5 We see something else, we see the colts location. Location means where you are in reference to things around you.

"Hypothetically speaking" let's say my Location is in California, ok, I got that, but that's not enough information. Is there any more information? Yes I'm in the San Joaquin Valley. Any more? Yes, I'm in the Tulare County area. Is that all? No I'm in the city of Reedley, on Rd 57 Just off of Rd 60. Oh, ok, I've got you now.

So where exactly was the colt located? He was in the village tied by the door. Who is the door to the sheepfold? Of course it's Jesus.

So what does this tell me? It tells me that you can be around the door and still be bound. You can have the door in sight and still be bound, and a slave to sin. You can sit in church every Sunday and look at the door and sing songs about the door and still be lost.

You can even lift your hands and say how beautiful the door is to you, and still serve sin. Being close to the door doesn't save you. You may be able to describe the door to me in perfect details, and still be lost.

— Have you ever thought that Judas got close enough to kiss the door of heaven, and went to hell?

Jesus doesn't promise eternal life to those who hang around the door. In other words, church affiliation doesn't save you. Your relgious pedigree doesn't count for anything.

You must be born again, and you must abide in the vine. And you must lose your life to gain his. And you must lay aside every weight, and the sin, which doth so easily beset you, and you must run with patience— steadfast committment, and endurance, the race that is set before you.

There's something else about the location of the colt, it says he was tied up without. The word "without" means outside, away from, strange.

So the colt who represents who we are without Jesus, which is away from, and in a strange place. Because it is strange for us to be outside away from Jesus... because we were created to have fellowship with him. We were created to have a relationship with the father, and just like the prodigal son, when you aren't living by God's words, and you're not fellowshipping with the father, and aren't living according to his will... you are in a strange place.

And then finally we see it was in a place where two ways met. We could call it a fork in the road. Or we could call it the point of decision. It is the place where you will choose one way or the other, because you cannot walk two different paths at once.

You can't be 50% for Jesus and 50% for the world. Now I have to tell you, the devil will try to make you believe that you can do that. He's ok with that, because he knows that if you only give God 50% He's got the other 50%.

But the problem for you 50 Percenters is this... It won't fly with God. God is not into 50%

— Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

— Luke 14:26-27 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. [27] And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

So here's what the gospel does, it brings you to a place where you have to choose. You are either going to serve God and walk in his will, and his plan for your life. Or you are going to walk in your own way, which is a way that leads to death.

You may say yeah pastor but you don't really understand, it's not like I'm into pornography, adultery, or drugs and stuff like that.

Yes I do understand... There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, it's not what you would call sinning, it looks good, it feels good, it's easy on the flesh... yes I understand, but the Bible says it leads to death.

Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Every time I take the pulpit, and every time I share a message, whether I preach it or write it, I have it in my heart to try to help you choose the right path. Not just once, but every day. Everyday you have to make that choice again. Everyday you have to decide to crucify the flesh, and walk in obedience to God's word.

— Everyday you have to decide to take the high road of obedience, committment, consecration, and holiness.

— Everyday you have to choose between yeilding to the flesh, and walking after the flesh, or crucifying the flesh, and walking in the Spirit.

In Luke 9:23 Jesus said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Now we see something that we need to be prepared for... The resistance.

Mark 11:5 says, And certain of them that stood there said unto them, what do ye, loosing the colt?

We could elaborate on that, I can imagine the conversation going something like this... Hey, who are you? What do you think you're doing? That's not your colt.

Friend you might as well expect resistance and opposition. When you start helping people, the devil will fight you. The devil doesn't want anybody to be set free.

The devil either wants people to believe that he owns them, and that they can never be free. Or he'll tell them, you are free, so he can manipulate their lives through a deception of freedom.

The disciples were met with opposition, but everything changed when the disciples told them what Jesus said. Jesus said, if anyone objects or resists when you are loosing the colt, just tell them, the master hath need of him.

That's what you and I must believe as we are involved in setting people free. The master hath need of him or her.

We know that Jesus is the one who saves heals and delivers, but we also know that he does it through his disciples... his believing ones. We are his hands and feet.

This knowledge that the master needs him, empowered the disciples to reach out and loose the colt.

I may not know what the master has in mind for you, I don't have to know that. All I need to know is...

The Master needs you.

The Master knows where you're at.

The Master cares about you.

You are valuable to him.

You are important to him.

He has a plan for your life.

Jesus sent me to find you.

Then Vs: 7 says, And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him;

—This is symbolic of discipleship. It was similar to when Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha. The mantle of Elijah being cast over Elisha was symbolic of Elisha's introduction to the life of discipleship- under Elijah.

—The calling upon the disciples of Jesus has never changed, it is to make more disciples of Jesus.

—The great commission is not only to go into all the world and preach the gospel, and get people saved, but also to make disciples of all nations.

Loosing the colt— salvation, is the smallest part of the equation. Discipleship is a long term committment.

Then... Jesus sat on him. This is a big deal, remember Jesus said this colt had never been sat on. So the thought is that this is a wild colt. It is untrained... It has never been instructed or corrected.

—It also speaks of one who has never been loaded down and saddled with a bunch of religious traditions, and opinions of men.

So Jesus sat on him. The phrase Sat on him speaks of being on top, being in charge, exercising authority and control over.

Many People really have a problem with this, because they don't want Jesus to sit on them. Sure they want his blessings, and they want to go to heaven, but they don't want Jesus to sit on them.

They want to say they believe in Jesus, but they want to be free to come and go as they choose, and to watch what they want to, and listen to what they want to, and say what they want to.

But I'm going to tell you the truth, I'm glad Jesus sits on me.

*Sometimes I want to say something or do something in the flesh, then Jesus sits on me.

*Sometimes I start watching something I shouldn't watch, and I feel Jesus sit on me.

But this phrase Jesus sat on him, means something else too...

It means to confer a Kingdom... You see if we can yield to his authority, and his divine government over our lives, he will entrust us with a Kingdom. In other words, he will trust us with power to rule and reign with him. Not just when we get to heaven, but right here, right now.

But friend, I have to say this... If Jesus can't sit on you, then you can't sit with him. Did you get that?

—Gods plan is for us to sit with Jesus in heavenly places, and rule and reign with him over the kingdom of darkness. But if he can't sit on you and be your king, then you will never sit with him as a king.

So who wants Jesus to sit on you now? Who is ready to accept the directions, and the instructions and the corrections of the Holy Spirit?

So now we have come full circle, we're back at our text. Jesus is riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. He could have chosen the most magnificent steed, head held high, muscles rippling, prancing up and down the street, but instead he chose a lowly donkey, a symbol of servitude and humility.

The little colt is now fulfilling its purpose. This was Jesus plan for him. He's carrying Jesus. He's lifting Jesus up. His greatest joy is to be one who carries Jesus to others.

Friend, this is your calling and mine. No matter what our particular skills, talents, and gifts may be, our one singular calling is to lift Jesus up,— to magnify Jesus, to bring glory and honor to Jesus. To make Jesus the center of attention— the main attraction.

Now we have to be honest... Just like that little colt, the truth is, there is a little donkey in every one of us.

But if we are willing to be sat on, to be discipled, to be instructed, and to be corrected, and submitted to the Holy Spirit, he will use us for his glory.

The greatest honor and privilege we have in this life, is to be used by God. To be one who brings glory, and honor to God. To be one who points the world to Jesus.

— I don't think I can close this message without sounding this warning. One of the most dangerous enemies we will ever face is the spirit of pride.

Jesus chose this little donkey intentionally to demonstrate to us the attitude that he loves... it is the attitude of humility.

1 Samuel 15:7 Samuel said to Saul, when thou was little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord anointed thee king of Israel?

Through humility, Saul was raised up and anointed by God, But when Saul began to lift himself up, God took him down, and took the kingdom from him, and gave it to David.

So God wants you my friend, he wants to loose you, fill you with his Holy Spirit, disciple you, and anoint you to set the captives free, and heal the sick.

But as God begins to anoint us, and use us, we must always remember, it's about lifting up Jesus, and bringing glory to him.

Yes, there's a little donkey in all of us, but God will use us in mighty ways if we'll live submitted to his will, if we will let him sit on us.