Summary: Continues series on James. It addresses the importance of wisdom and how to get it.

James 1:5-8 Wisdom

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a Particular Baptist Preacher from the mid to late 1800’s, in London, England. The story is told of a time he attended a preaching conference when a preacher who was preaching at the conference boldly announced that he had reached a point in his life when he no longer sinned.

That evening at the dinner table, Spurgeon poured a glass of milk over the man’s head and he demonstrated that he had not yet reached the point he bragged about earlier. I must confess, I experienced a similar incident this week.

In case you’re wondering, I have been doing better on my road rage issue. I have been praying for more people, listening to more of the Z and preaching while I’m driving, so I have been doing better, and honestly, I have been striving to count it all joy.

I’ve told the guy I drag trailers for that if things slow down, cut me first, as I have other work to do, and Gladys and I have been praying that my days would be cut so I could spend more time here. Thursday the owner told me that the roofing business was slowing down so he would need me less days. I was so excited. I called Gladys and we celebrated.

I honestly started thinking, “Well, I’m doing better on this road rage thing, so the Lord is being gracious and is getting me out of this.” That is, until I got near Providence on the way home. I was pulling a loaded trailer toward the church, so someone in the right turn only lane decided they needed to squeeze in front of me and move over to the left-turn only lane. Then as I approached the light even closer, another car in the right turn only lane decides to merge in front of us. Then, up near Champlain, an older woman, in the middle of rush hour traffic catches a break in the west bound traffic on Doyle, and just starts crossing the road in the middle of traffic. I end up having to hit the brakes and the only reason my trailer tires didn’t smoke is because the road was wet.

I guess the Lord was reminding me that I still have a long way to go in counting it all joy in my own life. Even so, We are moving on this morning to verses 5-8 in James chapter 1. So look there with me please.

- Read James 1:5-8

If any of you lack wisdom he should ask. What is wisdom?

The wisdom spoken of here is not just general knowledge. It is God-given wisdom, or knowledge for a particular situation.

We have to remember that this wisdom is spoken of in the context of trials. So it is a wisdom, a knowledge given to help us when the trials come. Now, looking at this passage, I see 4 conditions required in order to receive this wisdom. First a person must realize he needs wisdom.


1. Realize you need wisdom

Look there again at verse 5.

- Read James 1:5

The first condition to receiving wisdom is to admit that you need it. You have to acknowledge, you have to admit that there is something lacking in your knowledge base. Let’s be honest, these days, that’s something not everyone will admit. Not everyone will admit that there is something they don’t know.

Save your places and turn with me please to Acts chapter 6 and verse 8.

- Read Acts 6:8-10

Stephen, one of the first deacons in the New Testament church, was speaking in public. He was sharing the gospel. Verse 10 tells us that the people opposing him were unable to stand up against his wisdom and the Spirit by whom he was speaking.

In other words, this man was filled with the Holy Spirit, and was speaking with the wisdom given to him directly from heaven. And how did the people respond?

- Read Acts 7:54-58

How did they respond when a Spirit-filled man began to share wisdom and truth with them? They screamed, gnashed their teeth, covered their ears, and attacked him with violence.

Doesn’t that sound a lot like what we see happening in our streets these days? Doesn’t that sound a lot like what we seeing happening in these defund the police, or pro Palestine protests? Doesn’t that sound a lot like what we see happening on our college campuses? Don’t give me facts. Don’t tell me the truth. I have decided what I believe and if you offer anything to contradict what I believe I’ll just holler or attack you until you quit. The weaker my argument, the louder I’ll holler.

It doesn’t just happen on the streets. It also happens in our homes and on social media.

Several years ago, we were celebrating Christmas with some extended family. Drew and his aunt started talking, just between the two of them, about covid; when one of Drew’s cousin’s spouses jumped up and shouted, “I told ya’ll I didn’t want to discuss that topic on this trip.”

Really? You’re going to send advanced orders about what can and cannot be discussed in your presence? They weren’t even talking to you and you’re interrupting their conversation?

We live in a time when people don’t want to hear the truth, and when many won’t even admit that there is some knowledge or wisdom they don’t have.

So the first condition to receiving wisdom is to admit that you need it.

2. Stick something in your mind for the Holy Spirit to work with.

- Read John 14:25-26

Verse 26, He “will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”

He will teach you all things. That’s a good thing, but the next part of that is conditional, “And remind you of everything I have told you.” How in the world is the Holy Spirit going to remind you of everything the Lord has told you, if you don’t take the time to read His word, so that He can bring His scripture to your memory?

My friend, if you want to respond to a trial, to a situation with Godly wisdom, then spend some time putting God’s Word in your mind so He can bring it to your memory.

David said in Psalm 119, and verse 105.

> Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

And in the same psalm in verse 11 he says, “

> Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.”

When you think of the 3 little pigs, we remember the first built his house with straw. It was cheap. It was readily available, but it was quickly destroyed.

The second pig built his house with sticks. Again, it was something inexpensive, and readily available. Again, it was destroyed.

The third pig built his house out of brick. It was more expensive. It was heavier. It took more work, but when the wolf came, it was built out of something that would last.

My friend, you can fill your mind with pop culture. You can fill your mind with what is popular and common, but those things won’t last. We see homes all around us, destroyed because of worldly thinking.

Put something in your mind, in your head, that will last, that has passed the test of time. Give the Holy Spirit something He can built with, something He can bring to your memory to help give you Godly wisdom in a crisis situation. Fill your mind with the things of God.

Is it easy? No. Does it take time? Yes. Does it take commitment and dedication? Yes! It takes a commitment and dedication to spend time in God’s Word each day. But, when you saturate your mind with those things, they come to mind more easily and the Holy Spirit can more easily bring them to mind when you need wisdom.

The other day I heard some medical folks talking, and they were using a bunch of medical terms I didn’t know, and they conversing about these things that made no sense to me, and yet they understood each other perfectly, and knew what to do in that particular situation.

How? They had put in the time to study and to become familiar with those terms.

It works the same way when it comes to spiritual things. Put something in your head the Holy Spirit can work with.

Oh, I pray that when Drew comes to me wanting help or direction, that I will be able to give him Godly counsel. I pray that someday, if grandchildren come to me wanting help or direction, that I will be able to give them Godly counsel, not just stuff I have thought up.

Put something in your head that the Holy Spirit can bring to your memory.

You want to make God-pleasing decisions, decisions made with Godly wisdom, First admit you need wisdom. Second, put something in your head for the Holy Spirit to work with. Third, ask for wisdom.

3. Ask for wisdom

- Read James 1:5

What does James say? If any of you lack wisdom he should ask. Now, Who is he asking? He’s not asking his spouse. He’s not asking his boss. He’s not asking his children. He’s asking God.

> Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

** Started driving a much newer GMC pickup this week. Vibrating under my thigh. . . . Thought we were about to have a Mississippi squirrel revival. I didn’t know what was loose in my shorts.

Sometimes the Lord allows these trials to come into our lives to get our attention, and to cause us to call out to Him.

All true wisdom begins with an acknowledgement and a fear and respect for God. So when people need wisdom in the midst of trials, they don’t pull out the self-help books, they ask God.

“Lord, I don’t know what to do in this situation. I don’t know how to handle this problem. I don’t know how to respond to this demanding person. I don’t know the best way to handle my financial difficulties. I don’t know how to help this truant child. I don’t know how to handle this lying co-worker. Lord, please tell me what to do. I need wisdom.”

It takes a bit of humility to admit that you don’t know something, or to admit that you’re not sure what to do in a particular situation. It takes a bit of humility to admit that you don’t have it all figured out. Some of that comes with age.

When I first finished seminary, I thought I had a great deal of life figured out. I had answers for a lot of things I’m not so sure about today.

Sometimes it takes time, and a close walk with the Lord, to realize that you may not have everything figured out, and to realize how desperate you are for the Lord’s direction in your life. Sometimes it takes maturity to realize you even need to ask for wisdom.

Some folks are so sure of themselves, that they have a quick answer for everything, never even asking God for counsel or wisdom in a situation.

James says, ask for wisdom.

But, then, James shares another condition to receiving this wisdom. Look there again in verse 6.

- Read James 1:6-7

4. Ask believing

James says that we must ask, believing. We must ask without doubting. We ask for wisdom, and we ask believing that God will give us that wisdom.

The doubter doubts that there is an answer to this problem, that there is a way out of this situation. The doubter sees no way out and doubts that God can do anything. The doubter doubts the ability and the character of God.

We believe that there is an answer to this situation, there is a solution to this problem, and that the Lord will give us that answer. He will give us that solution.

- Read Matthew 7:7-12

Jesus says that your heavenly Father wants to give His children good gifts.

My word, when Drew asks me for help, for counsel, I want to give it, because I want to help him. Do you think your heavenly Father wants to help you any less? There is an answer to your situation. There is a solution to your problem. There is a way the Lord is going to use this. Ask Him.

And when you ask, give Him time to answer. Look, there are no emergency sessions in heaven. Whatever your situation, whatever your struggle, whatever your trial, God knew it was coming, and He will answer, He will give you the needed wisdom when it is required.

It is the Devil who wants to push you, to rush you, to try and get you to make hasty decisions without consulting God, or receiving His wisdom.

Don’t rush into that marriage. Don’t rush into moving. Don’t rush into accepting that job. Ask the Lord for His wisdom, for His will in the situation, and then give Him time to show you His will.

There are conditions to seeking Godly wisdom. You must realize you have a need. You give the Holy Spirit something to bring to your memory. You ask for wisdom, and you ask believing. And what is the response?


- Read James 1:5

Now, as we think of the result of our prayer, think for a moment about Who we’re asking for this wisdom. Verse 5 says we are asking God.

1. God is able

Let me ask you, is there anything God cannot do? He who with a word created the universe? He Who spoke and created light?

God said, let there be light and there was light. God said, let there be a separation between the dry land and the waters. And the seas and oceans gathered together in one place and the dry land in another place.

God said, let the dry land be covered with plants, and there were plants and trees everywhere. My word, I wish I could do that with a garden. Let there be tomatoes, okra, and collared greens, and instantly a garden appears.

God said, let birds fill the skies and there were birds everywhere. My word, it’s a struggle for me to even keep my chickens alive and He created them out of nothing.

Jesus walked on water. He told the storm to shut up. He caused the fig tree to wither.

Do you remember when the disciples had been fishing all night and caught nothing? Sounds like a fishing trip with Omrun. They’d fished all night and caught nothing. Jesus tells them, cast your net on the other side. Oh really? That’s what the problem is, my net’s on the wrong side of the boat? They cast their net on the other side of the boat, and they catch so much fish it almost sinks the boat.

Jesus goes to the tomb of Lazarus, and indicates that He’s about to heal him and raise him from the dead. His sisters are standing there. “Ah, Jesus he stinks.” If you had been here when he was sick, you could have cured him. If you had been here right after he died, perhaps you could have done something. But, he’s been in the tomb 4 days. His body has already started decaying. He’s beyond help.” Jesus answers, “Get that stone out of the way.” They roll the stone out of the way, and He calls out, Lazarus come forth.” He had to narrow it down to just Lazarus, because someday He’s going to call out and all the dead in Christ will rise.

Lazarus come forth, and that man who had been stinking just minutes earlier, gets up and comes hobbling out of the tomb.

Some of y’all have some relatives that are starting to stink and you need some wisdom to know how to deal with them.

They did all they could to keep Jesus dead and in the tomb . . .

Remember when they arrested Peter and put him in prison? The Lord sent an angel to open all the doors and escort him out.

Oh, there’s nothing God can’t do.

God is able. And second, God is willing.

2. God is willing

- Read James 1:5

God gives. Notice to whom He gives.

a. To all. Context. James is writing to believers. Remember, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” So He gives to all believers.

b. And He gives generously

But James emphasizes that the manner in which God gives is “generously and without reproach.” “Generously” has the nuance of “simply,” or “without mental reservation” (Peter Davids, Commentary on James [Eerdmans], pp. 72-73). He gives because He delights to give to His children. “Without reproach” means that He does not say, “What? You again? I just gave you what you wanted and you’re back here bugging Me again?” God never makes you feel cheap or irresponsible for asking again and again. Rather, He invites you to ask for all the wisdom you need.

Some fathers are stingy and selfish. Their standard answer is, “No!” Or, if they grudgingly give you what you ask for, they never let you forget it. You have to budget your requests carefully, because if you get a yes on something, it will be a long, long time before you get another yes. I thank God that my Dad is not at all like that! He is a very generous, giving father, both with his money and his time. But if your dad was of the stingy type, you need to be careful not to view God in the same way. God is ready and willing to lavish His wisdom on His children who ask for it.

> Romans 8:31-32 What then are we to say about these things?If God is for us, who is against us?He did not even spare His own Sonbut offered Him up for us all; how will He not also with Him grant us everything?

How does He give? He gives generously.

Some of you are going through situations, difficulties right now, but you’re trying to figure things out on your own and haven’t really asked for help.

- Read James 4:2-3

Pray for wisdom for folks.