Summary: Part of God’s plan for your life is for you to find and follow spiritual leaders. What should they look like? What should I look for when looking for a spiritual leader to follow?

Who are the greatest leaders of all time? Googling the list will include all types of people. For some, its’s political leaders like Winston Churchill, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth, even Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII.

For others its famous reformers: Like Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr,, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mother Theresa, and even Theodore Roosevelt.

In church history there is a list of the most influential Christians of all time. It includes names like; George Whitfield, Dwight L Moody, Jonathan Edwards, Billy Graham, and others.

Yet, Forbes Magazine recently did a story of all known people of all time and (hands down) said this: “It is not a stretch at all to say Jesus Christ was the greatest leader the world has ever seen.”


What kind of leader is Jesus? The writer of Hebrews consistently points us to Jesus saying: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...” Hebrews 12:2

In this statement, we see that the greatest goal, aim, and desire of Jesus is to bring faith to us (He’s the author) of our faith, yet, His work does not end there; He then becomes the perfecter of our faith.”

The word “perfecter” (Teleioten) means: “Finisher” or “completer.” This same word is used by Jesus when he said on the cross; “It is finished” as well as, it is used to describe the power of Jesus resurrection to “finish His work in us.”

As Jesus led His disciples, He made them into leaders that would carry on His work and mission and interesting enough, when you get to heaven you will see a symbolic reminder of this.

Revelation 21:14 reads: “And the wall of the city (New Jerusalem) had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” I believe this is the name of all the apostles of Jesus minus Judas, and Paul the apostles name will be the twelfth.

From the symbolism of heaven; God obviously highlights the value of having Godly people in our lives to help build your faith.

Part of God’s plan for your life is for you to find and follow spiritual leaders. What should they look like?

Transitional Sentence: What should I look for when looking for a spiritual leader to follow?

I. Look for a Biblical Leader

vs. 7- “Remember those who led you....”


Verse 7 starts with a command. It’s orders from headquarters. Jesus commands us to get a leader. He says: “Remember those who led you..”

The word “remember” means: “keep in mind those who are leading you.” The word is actually assumes that you have actively sought out a leader to help you grow in your faith.

Jesus initiated leadership as he went and called the disciples to Himself. In other words, Jesus assures us that we are not designed to “grow alone.” You need a godly influencers in your life.

How do you find a godly influencer? Changing starts with choosing. How do I chose an influencer?

1. Choose an Influencer whose Greatest Interest Is the Bible

In verse 7 we read: “Remember those who led you (now don’t miss this) who spoke the word of God to you...”

When we get to heaven no one is going to ask you: “How much money did you make? Instead, Jesus is going to ask you, Did you make your life count? Did my Word dictate your decisions?”

Every day you make decisions that shape your life. As you journey you need leaders and influencers in your life who are following someone themselves; they are following Jesus.

The way we test our teachers is to compare what they teach to what Jesus taught.

This summer, I went to a little village where Paul taught. It was a small mountainous community in Greece where Paul went on his Second Missionary Journey. In Acts 17 we are introduced to these people as we read: “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message (of Paul) with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul was saying was true.” Acts 17:11

Who you listen to matters. Therefore chose an influencer whose greatest influence is the Bible.

“Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you...” vs. 7

2. Choose an Influencer of Character; Not Charisma

In verse 7 we continue reading: “and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith” Vs. 7

Our world has become accustomed to following people and being influenced by people who ignore the importance of character. In America, we struggle to find leadership in government, at work, and even in many churches because character has taken a back seat to charisma.

The writer of Hebrews affirms that we imitate peoples character. In other words; we do what they do. It’s a natural response.

The word for “imitate” (mimeisthai) is the Greek word from when we get our word “mime” and “mimic”. We also get our word “Mimeograph” which is a duplicating machine that proceeded the photocopier.

Celebrity and Charisma naturally makes people into role models, whether you want it to or not.

Illustration: You can’t help but be a role model

Vogue Magazine consistently asks celebrities about the fact that young girls want to mimic them and make them their role models. This is what some of the celebrities said:

Singer Perrie Edwards said: “I think being named role models kind of happened just naturally, we never really asked for it...”

Miley Cyrus admits that girls mimic her and said: “People need more conventional role models but I don’t care to be that person.”

When Taylor Swift was told she was a role model she said: “Yeah, as a role model I’ve taken a few hits and I’m still going, I guess it’s because I am not just about standing on top of a mountain with wind blowing in my hair looking fabulous. “

O.K. then..... ?


When it comes to who you mimic; there are lots of choices.

Yet, the Bible here tells us that we should look deeper than the fluff and stuff. We should look beyond the beauty or the brawn.

We should look for into the fiber of one’s person and character and allow them to influence your life and shape you as you become like the one who disciples you.

Transitional Sentence: What should I look for when looking for a spiritual leader to follow?

II. Look For A Leader of Spiritual Stability

Vs. 8- “Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday, and forever.”


Anyone who is a strong spiritual leader has been through a multiple of trials and storms in life and came out on the other side with a stronger faith.

The Book of Hebrews is written to a large group of people who were going through some of the biggest challenges of their life. They were going through a lot of difficulties.

In Hebrews 10:32-35 we read: endured a great conflict of sufferings, partly by being made a public spectacle through reproaches and tribulations, and partly by becoming sharers with those who were so treated.. For you showed sympathy to the prisoners and accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and I lasting one. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.”

Their lot in life was not easy; therefore they needed strong spiritual leaders and influencers who would stand with them and often suffer alongside them and not give up.

As a leader himself, he bolted out of the Bible and reminds us all who Jesus is. In a shaky and difficult world of instability there is one person who holds everything together. He stands in place. He Himself is our security and our stronghold.

Illustration: Is there any hope?

On December 17, 1927, the Navy submarine S-4 was conducting a test submerged off Provincetown, Massachusetts. As the sub surfaced, a Coast Guard destroyer accidently rammed her, penetrating the hull. The sub quickly began to take on water and sank to the depth of 110 feet.

The crew scrambled to find safety in the unflooded compartments. The 34 who had retreated to the rear, soon died. However, the six men who ended up in the front of the ship remained alive.

In extremely cold water and tangled wreckage, Navy divers worked frantically to rescue the survivors. An approaching storm made the situation even more tension filled and desperate.

Tapping on the hull, divers were able to communicate with the survivors by Morse Code. With the oxygen supply dwindling, one diver placed his helmeted ear to the side of the vessel and received this Morse-coded message: "Is ... there ... any ... hope?"


In life, God often allows struggles, suffering, and even trials to ultimately strengthen our faith, so that when those with weaker faith are struggling, we can assure them saying: “Yes, there is hope, Jesus is with you. Jesus is large and in charge.”

Do you know what the Bible says? It says:

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ. I Corinthians 1: 4-6

James who was a disciple went through so many trials and experienced God’s hand in them that he ultimately said this: “Consider it all joy when you experience all the different kinds of trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:2

God does not waste our pain. Right now you might be going through a pretty tough trial, but let me encourage you to know, right here in this room are many who have already gone through similar things that you are experiencing right now.

One of the greatest reasons why God wants you to connect with a church family is so that you will gain the benefit of the body of Christ; that is full of people who have been where you’ve been and can walk through your trial with you.

God formed a family called the church and one of the greatest leadership calls is just to put your arm around them and walk with alongside you through your trial. He has given you spiritual leaders and a faith family so you do not have to be alone or walk alone.

Transitional Sentence: What should I look for when looking for a spiritual leader to follow?

III. Look For a Leader to Hold You Accountable

Vs. 9- “Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were occupied were not benefited.”


One of the reasons why we need strong and stable spiritual leaders in our life is because we need accountability.

In the day of the Hebrews there were multiples of unbiblical practices and false doctrines floating around.

One of those beliefs was that for you to be part of God’s family and right with God, you had to participate in a plethora of dietary practices and food regulations.

Even today there are practices that are called kosher and non-kosher These practices caused God to actually give Peter a dream in Acts 10:15 telling him that it was o.k. to kill and eat what many considered to be “unclean animals” according to Old Testament laws.

Paul even said to the Colossians: “'Let no one act as your judge in regard to food.”

Jesus even said: “The Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans14:17

While it might seem trivial, through the years there have been many people try to lay their legalistic practices on others that were not stated in the Bible. For some you were told that playing cards was a sin. Others, you were told that any form of dancing was wrong. We as Baptists along with many other denominations have a whole load of legalistic things that we were taught.

Yet, what really matters is what is in the Bible. God wants us to be Biblically pure so that we can live a pure life.

Therefore, one of the reasons why you need strong spiritual leaders is for the purpose of accountability.

James 5:16 says: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other, so God can heal you.”

Someone once said: “If you want to be forgiven; just admit to God. If you want to change; find someone that you are gut level honest with.”

No one goes into a battle alone. They go in with a platoon. They go in with a battle buddy.

James 5:16 the Bible tells you what you get when you get a “battle buddy.”

Three things God promises to give you from a battle buddy:

a) You get someone to be honest with. You can be honest about your temptations and trials.

b) You get someone that will genuinely pray for you. They will bring your name before God


c) You will get God’s healing. God will respond to your prayers you pray for each other.

I love the verse that comes on the heels of these promises. It reads: “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” James 5:17

I want to ask you: Do you have a battle buddy or are you fighting your battles alone?

Do you know what battle buddies do? They take on each other’s battles together because two are better than one.

I love to say this: God does not want anyone to fight alone; after all, even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

Concluding Illustration: Two Roman shields

In Roman days Roman soldiers owned two kinds of shields:

a) One shield was called the “parma”- It was used for parades. It was a maximum of 36

inches across, it was decorative, ornamental, round, and easily carried.

b) The second was called “scutta’- It was more like a door. It had an attachable hinge on

the shield so that it could be connected to the other shields and provide protection and

easy advancement against the enemy as they pushed forward in battle for victory.

In these groups there was cooperation. They had one another’s back. They held each other accountable. There was dependence and comradery.

God intended for the church to be like a platoon.

As a kid, in church I used to sing: “Onward Christian Soldiers.” and in Sunday School we sang: “I’m in the Lords army.”

Listen: There’s a spiritual battle raging, but the greatest confidence we have is that our ultimate leader, Jesus Christ is mighty in battle and the battle is the Lords!

With that confidence; let’s not just look for leaders; let’s be a leader! A leader of faith as we march on to victory.

How about join this army today?