Summary: Watch out for these traits in your spouse...

Here are traits that may indicate you have a God-given husband:

1. Peace: You feel a deep sense of peace and calm in your relationship.

2. Shared values: You both share similar values and beliefs.

3. Spiritual growth: Your husband supports and encourages your spiritual growth.

4. Love and respect: He loves and respects you unconditionally.

5. Communication: You communicate effectively and openly.

6. Trust: You trust each other completely.

7. Forgiveness: You both practice forgiveness and understanding.

8. Support: He supports your dreams and goals.

9. Encouragement: He encourages you to be your best self.

10. Prayer: He prays with and for you.

11. Humility: He exhibits humility and recognizes God's sovereignty.

12. Leadership: He leads your family with wisdom and integrity.

13. Selflessness: He prioritizes your needs above his own.

14. Patience: He demonstrates patience and understanding.

15. Kindness: He shows kindness and compassion to you and others.

16. Accountability: He holds himself accountable to God and your relationship.

17. Fruit of the Spirit: He exhibits the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) in your relationship.

Remember, no one is perfect, but if you see these traits consistently in your husband, it may be a sign that he is a God-given blessing in your life.