Summary: Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God, but it can be affected by various challenges, including impotence, leading to emotional and spiritual distress.

God's Plan for Restoration of Marriage

Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God, but it can be affected by various challenges, including impotence, leading to emotional and spiritual distress. However, God has a plan for restoration, offering hope and healing for couples facing such difficulties.

Acknowledging the Problem

Recognizing the issue is the first step towards restoration. Couples must acknowledge the impotence and its impact on their marriage, seeking help and support.

Seeking God's Guidance

God's Word offers guidance and wisdom for navigating marital challenges. Couples can find comfort and direction in scriptures like 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, Matthew 19:12, and Ephesians 5:25-33.

Forgiveness and Understanding

Forgiveness and understanding are essential in the restoration process. Couples must work towards forgiving each other and themselves, understanding that impotence is not a reflection of their worth or love.

Spiritual Intimacy

Cultivating spiritual intimacy can strengthen a couple's bond, even in the absence of physical intimacy. Shared devotionals, prayer, and worship can deepen their connection.

Medical and Professional Help

Seeking medical and professional help can address underlying issues contributing to impotence. Couples can explore options like counselling, therapy, and medical treatment.

Renewing Vows and Commitment

Renewing vows and commitment can reaffirm a couple's love and dedication to each other. This act can symbolize their renewed promise to support and love one another.

Support and Community

Surrounding themselves with supportive family, friends, and community can provide encouragement and strength. Couples can find solace in sharing their struggles with trusted individuals.

Destructive force of Pride and Power

Marriage is a beautiful institution created by God, but it can be affected by two destructive forces: pride and power.


- Pride is a heart attitude that says, "I am more important than you."

- It leads to a focus on self rather than the other person.

- Pride causes us to become self-centred, selfish, and demanding.

- It destroys intimacy, communication, and unity in marriage.


- Power struggles occur when both partners try to control and dominate each other.

- It's a battle for supremacy, leading to conflict and hurt.

- Power struggles stem from a desire to be right, rather than a desire to love and serve.

The Solution:

- Humility: Recognize that we are equal partners in marriage (Ephesians 5:21).

- Servant Leadership: Follow Jesus' example of servant leadership (Matthew 20:25-28).

- Mutual Submission: Submit to each other out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21).

- Love and Respect: Treat each other with love, respect, and kindness (Ephesians 5:33).

Pride and power can destroy a marriage, but humility, servant leadership, mutual submission, and love can build a strong and healthy relationship. Let us choose to serve each other and follow God's design for marriage.

Remember, a healthy marriage requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to follow God's design.

Harden heart:

A hardened heart can be a significant obstacle in marriage, leading to emotional distance, conflict, and disconnection.

The Consequences of a Hardened Heart:

As we've seen, a hardened heart can lead to a range of negative emotions and behaviours, causing harm to the relationship and individuals involved. It's essential to recognize the signs of a hardened heart and address them before it's too late.

The Root Cause:

In Matthew 19:8, Jesus reveals that a hardened heart is often a result of unresolved issues and unforgiveness. When we fail to forgive and let go of hurts, our hearts become hardened, making it challenging to connect with our partner.

The Solution:

Ephesians 4:32 reminds us to "be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Forgiveness is the key to softening a hardened heart. By choosing to forgive and let go of grudges, we create space for love, empathy, and understanding to grow.

Practical Steps:

1. Recognize the signs of a hardened heart in your marriage.

2. Identify the root causes of hurt and unforgiveness.

3. Choose to forgive and let go of grudges.

4. Practice empathy and understanding towards your partner.

5. Cultivate kindness, compassion, and love in your relationship.

Hardened heart in marriage can be overcome by acknowledging the signs, addressing the root causes, and choosing forgiveness. By softening our hearts, we create a fertile ground for love, intimacy, and connection to flourish. Let us strive to maintain a soft heart, tender towards each other and towards God.

Hebrews 3:12-13 encourages us to "see to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God." May our hearts remain soft, receptive to God's love and guidance, and may our marriages reflect the beauty of His design

Destructive emotions in marriage:

Resentment and jealousy are two destructive emotions that can ravage a marriage, leaving emotional distance, conflict, and heartache in their wake.

The Roots of Resentment:

Resentment grows in the soil of unaddressed issues, unresolved conflicts, and perceived unfairness. When we feel hurt, angry, and frustrated, and our needs and expectations are unmet, resentment takes root. If left unchecked, it can lead to emotional distance, conflict, and even betrayal.

The Roots of Jealousy:

Jealousy stems from insecurity, fear of loss, and possessiveness. When we struggle with low self-esteem, fear abandonment, or feel threatened by others, jealousy can consume us. This can lead to control issues, mistrust, and a breakdown in communication.

The Consequences:

If left unchecked, resentment and jealousy can lead to emotional distance, conflict, decreased intimacy, increased stress, and even divorce. But there is hope!

The Solution:

To overcome resentment and jealousy, we must:

1. Practice open and honest communication

2. Address and resolve conflicts

3. Foster emotional intimacy and connection

4. Build trust and reassurance

5. Seek counselling or therapy

6. Practice forgiveness and letting go

7. Cultivate self-awareness and self-reflection

8. Develop healthy coping mechanisms and stress management

A healthy marriage requires effort, commitment, and communication from both partners. By acknowledging the roots of resentment and jealousy and actively working to overcome them, we can create a safer, more loving environment for our relationships to flourish. Remember, forgiveness, trust, and communication are the keys to unlocking a healthier, happier marriage.

Let us strive to cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and understanding in our relationships, and may our marriages reflect the beauty of God's design.

God's Restoration Power

Ultimately, God has the power to restore and heal marriages. Couples can trust in His sovereignty, seeking His guidance and intervention. God’s plan for restoration of marriage offers hope and healing for couples facing challenges like impotence. By acknowledging the problem, seeking God's guidance, and working towards forgiveness, spiritual intimacy, and renewal, couples can experience restoration and a deeper connection.