Summary: The LORD restores "the years that the locust has eaten" (JOEL 2:25).


Joel 2:21-26.

The locusts, and their like, had eaten away many years of Israel’s history (cf. Joel 1:4), with devastating results. Not only was the land wasted for the farmers and winemakers, but also the offerings of the LORD were cut off (cf. Joel 1:9-12). Joy was ‘withered away from the sons of men’ (cf. Joel 1:12)!

Joel’s reaction to all this was to speak into the ear of government and church leadership, calling for a national fast and a public day of prayer and humiliation before the LORD (cf. Joel 1:14; Joel 2:15). The LORD Himself called for nothing less than national repentance, rending of hearts, fasting, weeping and mourning (cf. Joel 2:12-14). The ministers of the LORD were enjoined to join Joel in this initiative by weeping and saying, ‘Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: why should they say among the people, Where is their God?’ (cf. Joel 2:17).

When they thus humbled themselves and fasted and wept and mourned and cried to the LORD, ‘then would the LORD be jealous for His land and pity His people’ (cf. Joel 2:18). The LORD would ‘no more make you a reproach among the heathen’ (cf. Joel 2:19). The locust has done his ‘great things’ (end of Joel 2:20); now the LORD would do His ‘great things’ (JOEL 2:21).

Israel is called to rejoice in the LORD their God (JOEL 2:23a). We pray for seasonable weather, and that is just what the children of Zion had restored to them: “the former rain moderately, the rain, the former rain and the latter rain” (JOEL 2:23b). In the words of Elijah, ‘I hear the sound of an abundance of rain’ (cf. 1 Kings 18:41).

Now the pastures of the wilderness would spring, and the trees and the vines would be fruitful (JOEL 2:22). The floors would be full of wheat, and the vats overflowing with wine and oil (JOEL 2:24). The LORD would restore the years that the locust had eaten: “my great army which I sent among you” (JOEL 2:25).

Now the people of the LORD were vindicated, along with His great name (JOEL 2:26). With the twice repeated “My people shall never be ashamed” (cf. Joel 2:26-27), even the groaning of creation (cf. Romans 8:22) was abated.

In Christ, God restores to us what would have been had we not allowed sin an entrance. Ultimately the full restoration lies ahead, even for us, but meantime we have the ‘guarantee of our inheritance’ (cf. Ephesians 1:14). The Holy Spirit, and all the rich blessings which come with His presence in our lives.