Summary: The Lord's name is excellent above all the earth.


Psalm 8

Good morning.

The word Excellent in Psalm 8:1, in the Hebrew language means majestic, great, powerful, famous, glorious, noble, and worthy.

The NIV of Psalm 8:1 reads, “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.” NIV

The word "majesty" in this context means "mightier than everything else" and describes awe and wonder. It shows how the Lord God is both mighty and good, strong and beautiful.

I believe the modern church has a good grasp on the fact that God is full of grace and mercy, but I believe we have lost some of the sense of His Majesty within our worship of Him.

As I was driving into the office the other day, Sandra and I were looking at Mount Shasta and I was thinking about a volcanic eruption and being prepared for potential disasters.

Thinking about potential disasters, we began to discuss how unprepared some Christians are to meet the Lord, face to face.

When we hear a bad storm is coming, we get out the flashlights and candles, maybe we even have some water containers filled just in case.

But most Christians live their lives as if the appearance of Christ, at best is a far-off event, or at worst, that Christ’s coming back is simply a fairy tale.

The Lord God is majestic above all powers and things, so He is worthy to be worshipped, with the way we daily, live our lives.

Please open your Bibles to Psalm 8 as we continue in our current series surveying through that book.

Last week we studied Psalm 2 about Rebellious nations.

King David was baffled at how these nations somehow believed they had any chance of succeeding against almighty God as he asked, “Why do the nations rage”.

Then we heard about the God Who laughs at His enemies.

God doesn’t laugh because He is cruel, nor does He want to see people fail. The Lord laughs because of how silly it is, for a part of His creation, to plan a rebellion against the creator God.

Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, and He will rule and reign over all the Earth during the Millennial Kingdom and His physical throne will be on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Finally, we heard “Kiss the Son”, as the Holy Spirit ended that Psalm with a warning and a blessing.

Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. NKJV

Today, in Psalm 8, we will hear about the majesty of the Lord and how David was in awe as he considered how big God is.

I. God’s glory is far above the Earth.

Read Psalm 8:1

In the Hebrew, this verse reads, “O LORD, Y?hovâ (Yahweh), our Lord, 'a?ôn (Adonai). LORD means the LORD God; the Creator God of the universe and the Lord means boss or master.

For us, the best way to describe what David was saying is to translate it as “Our God, (Yahweh), is our Master (Adonai).”

David says, how excellent or how majestic is Your name in all the Earth. The Lord God is not a localized deity.

Isaiah 66:1 Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. NKJV

Heaven, earth, and everything in them belong to the Lord God.

Majesty brings together both might and goodness, both strength and beauty.

Today, the word “awesome” is thrown around and has lost most of its meaning. Here, David was at a loss for words, as he tried to explain how awesome the Lord God truly is.

"Majesty" in this context means "mightier than everything else" and describes awe and wonder. "Majesty" shows how the Lord God is both awesome in power and good, strong and beautiful.

In 1977, pastor Jack Hayford and his wife visited England during the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne.

They noticed the fanfare, celebration, and joy of the people for their queen. Pastor Jack visited many of England's historic sites.

After driving away from the palace, Pastor Jack was overcome with awe and found himself at a loss for words.

As he tried to come up with a word to describe all that they had seen, the word that seemed to describe the palace and how it pointed to the superiority of Christ, was majesty.

According to one newspaper, “As the Hayfords drove away from the palace, Dr. Hayford asked his wife to write down some thoughts that were coming to him.

He then began to dictate the lyrics, the key, and the timing of a song now sung by Christians worldwide, “Majesty”.

Some of the lyrics, “Majesty! Worship His Majesty! Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise. Majesty! Kingdom authority, flow from His throne, unto His own; His anthem raise!”

The Lord God is awesome beyond our understanding, and He alone is worthy to be praised.

Lecrae in his song, “Nothing Left to Hide,” said, “If ain’t no God what’s the point of each day? What’s the purpose of us waking up? We just some cells on a cellphone?

Just a bunch of atoms hanging in the attic? Just some molecules in the mailroom?”

If we believe there is a Creator God, then there is a purpose for existing, and according to the Shorter Westminster Catechism, man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

The Lord’s majesty is higher than the heavens.

Jesus is not only mighty, He is also good. He is not only big, strong, imposing, and all-powerful; He is beautiful, compelling, and glorious.

II. Child-like praise.

Read Psalm 8:2

In Psalm 8:1, David was overwhelmed with the power and excellence of the Lord God but here in verse 2, David showed how God will demonstrate His power through man’s weakness.

1 Corinthians 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty. NKJV

Jesus repeated Psalm 8:2 to the religious leaders after they were mad at Him because He had just cleansed the Temple, and the children were shouting Hosanna and blessing Jesus.

Matthew 21:16 Have you never read, 'Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise'?"

Alexander Maclaren said, “The word means a strength...that, out of such frail material as children’s speech, God builds a tower of strength, which, will bridle and still the restless enemy.”

Jesus fulfilled many scriptures as the Promised Messiah, but He clearly showed that from the weakness and praise of little children, He has ordained praise and strength.

Most little children do not know how to fake worship or be political, they simply praise Jesus innocently, with a pure heart.

Matthew 18:2 Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them,

Matthew 18:3 and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. NKJV

Notice, “Because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy.”

The Lord displays His strength in unlikely parts of His creation because it silences the enemy.

Satan and his minions have no answer when the Lord uses weak things to accomplish His mighty will.

III. What is man?

Read Psalm 8:3-8

David was speaking of the creation account found in Genesis where the Lord gave dominion over to Adam and Eve.

These verses are repeated and further explained in Hebrews 2.

The summary of Psalm 8 is King David reflecting on the Lord’s majesty displayed in the creation and when compared to His glory, man is insignificant.

Even with man’s insignificance, the Lord chose the man to rule the earth and have dominion over its creatures.

Man was clothed with glory and honor prior to the fall of Adam, but someday the Lord Jesus will restore the glory and honor to man.

Jesus Christ left heaven and became a little lower than the angels by becoming a human.

The Old Testament points forward to the New Testament and the New Testament gives a clearer understanding of the Old Testament.

David said, “When I consider Your heavens”. David often looked up at the stars and creation while he was tending the sheep as a shepherd boy.

Adam Clarke said, “Notwithstanding the amazing magnitude of the sun, we have abundant reason to believe that some of the fixed stars are much larger: and yet we are told they are the work of God’s fingers!”

When we consider the awesome power of our creator God, man is so insignificant in comparison.

David asked the question, “And the son of man that You should visit him?”

Wiersbe said, “Why does God pay attention to “frail creatures of dust”? Because He has made them in His own image and they are special.”

? When did the Lord visit man?

Remember, these Psalms were written approximately 1,000 years before Jesus came to earth as a baby.

Notice David said of man, “You have made him a little lower than the angels”.

We are told some things in scripture that we must keep in mind.

• Angels, like man, are created beings, but man is made in the image of God, angels were not.

• Before receiving our glorified bodies, even saved men and women are a little lower than the angels.

• Once in heaven, saved men and women will rule the angels.

1 Corinthians 6:3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? NKJV

Boice said, “Although made in God’s image and ordained to become increasingly like the God to whom they look, men and women have turned their backs on God.” (Boice)

Hebrews 2:8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet." For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. NKJV

The reason all things are not currently in subjection under man is Adam forfeited his dominion over to Satan when he sinned.

Hebrews 2:6-8 repeats Psalm 8:4-6, but then…

Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. NKJV

Some who deny the Deity of Christ ask: how can Jesus be lower than the angels since the angels were created beings?

Wiersbe said, “It is only in Jesus Christ that the invisible God is revealed perfectly. Since no mere creature can perfectly reveal God, Jesus Christ must be God.”

Before Jesus came to earth, He could not die for the sins of the world because He was and is God. But Jesus came to earth and took on the form of a man so, He could physically die.

During our Philippians study, we learned that God placed Himself into a tent of humanity in the person of Jesus Christ, but He never ceased to be God. This is called the hypostatic union.

Jesus Christ is the One unique being: fully God and fully man.

This is important because if Jesus were merely a man, His death would not accomplish atonement. If Jesus never became a man, He could not die, and death was needed for atonement.

Hebrews 9:22 according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission. NKJV

A perfect sacrifice was needed to satisfy the cost of sin, so only a perfect man could pay the price. Since all men have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, whose blood would suffice?

Paul explained to the Romans exactly how this exchange took place with the person of Jesus fixing the problem Adam created.

Romans 5:9 having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

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Romans 5:12 therefore, just as through one man (Adam) sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned —

Romans 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.

Romans 5:15 But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense, many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. NKJV

Warren Wiersbe said, “To summarize: God the Father created us to be kings, but the disobedience of our first parents robbed us of our crowns.

God the Son came to earth and redeemed us to be kings, and today the Holy Spirit of God can empower us to “reign in life by one, Jesus Christ”.

“When you crown Jesus Christ Lord of all, you are a sovereign and not a slave, a victor and not a victim.” (Wiersbe)

IV. Glorify God.

Read Psalm 8:9

How majestic is our God?

Even Satan and the rest of the fallen angels know how majestic the Lord God is.

The word Excellent in Psalm 8:9, in the Hebrew language means majestic, great, powerful, famous, glorious, noble, and worthy.

The word "majesty" in this context means "mightier than everything else" and describes awe and wonder. It shows how the Lord God is both mighty and good, strong and beautiful.

Imagine for a moment how the holy angels in heaven feel when they see and hear the flippant attitude those on earth have towards almighty God. Even within our worship.

Cindi McMenamin asked, “What will worship look like in heaven? It will consist of a lifestyle as natural as living, as essential as breathing, as enjoyable as thriving.”

If you and I get a glimpse of what true worship of the Almighty God looks like here on earth, we’re in for a breathtaking experience when it comes to what heaven has to offer.

Revelation 5:11 Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,

Revelation 5:12 saying with a loud voice: "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!"

Revelation 5:13 And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: "Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!" NKJV

Because Jesus personifies "majesty" and in this context, it means "mightier than everything else" and describes awe and wonder.

Jesus is worthy of all praise, glory, honor, strength, and power. Praise the Lord here and now, like we were in heaven already.

V. Practical Application.

The Lord is majestic. He is above all powers and things, so He is worthy to be praised and worshipped, with the way we live.

David had one thing occupying his attention, the Lord’s majesty and splendor, beauty, comeliness, and excellency.

Praise is the way we express our amazement and thankfulness to the Lord for His mighty acts.

In the Psalms, David tells us that Praise is the response to the Lord’s glorious splendor of His majesty (His Kingship), along with His awesome deeds and His greatness.

One of the Hebrew words used for praise is Yadah which means “to use (hold out) the hand especially in reverence or worship.”

When David used the word Yadah, his readers understood it to mean, “The worship and praise of God with extended hands.”

For some, raising hands to worship in a public setting is very uncomfortable, because other people are in the room.

But others may take physical displays of worship too far, drawing attention away from the Lord onto themselves.

Strong’s concordance says Yadah can mean “Give thanks”; while praising and extending the hand to revere and worship.

For David, Yadah meant extending their hands in the worship of God. The Lord tells us to lift our hands to Him in worship.

Think about a little toddler lifting their hands to their dad, asking to be held.

Think of this within our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

When we lift our hands to God, we are saying, “God, I want you. I need you. I need to be held by you.”

No loving father would reject the outstretched hands of their child. God will not reject your outstretched hands to Him.

But we are not doing this to draw attention to us, we are doing this as we enter into authentic worship with the Father.

Our response to who He is and what He’s done for us should result in an expression of worship that engages all that is within me to bless His Holy Name!

Worship is not just a time of singing; it is expressing our praise and love to the Lord as a response to who He is and what He has done.

The first and most practical way of worshipping the Lord is by allowing Him to have His proper place within our lives.

I told you earlier how Sandra and I were discussing how unprepared some Christians are to meet the Lord, face to face.

When we hear a storm is coming, we get out the flashlights and maybe we even have some water containers filled just in case.

But most Christians live their lives as if the appearance of Christ, at best is a far-off event, or at worst, that Christ’s coming back is simply a fairy tale.

When I hear the priorities of some Christians, it makes me wonder how much they truly know about the Lord, and if they truly believe His return is imminent.

When we prioritize our lives and the schedules of our families, is the Lord and Church a priority or are there many other things that come first?

Kyle Idleman said, “When we hear God say, “You will have no other gods before me,” we think of it as a hierarchy:

God is always in first place. God isn’t interested in competing against others or being first among many.

God will not be part of any hierarchy. He is first.

? Are we living in such a way that demonstrates we believe Jesus; the majestic One could come back at any moment?

If I were to ask those closest to you, “Does Jesus have first place within your life? What or who are your priorities?”

What would your family members say?

We should praise the Lord with the way we prioritize and live our lives and praise the Lord while fellowshipping together.

Psalm 8:9 O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! NKJV