Summary: These messages are designed to show the presence of Jesus is each of the 66 books of the Bible. Although we do not see His name in every book, all 66 books point to Him. From the beginning pages of Genesis to the end of Revelation, Jesus is present and active. The journey of Jesus travels Route 66.

“ROUTE 66”

JOHN 5:39

The Bible is God’s Word to us. Studying God’s Word shows us who God is and what He has done. The Bible also reveals what matters to Him, how we are to live, and our purpose in His plan of redemption. Jesus is the theme of the Bible. He is in every book of the Bible because everything in the Bible ultimately points to Him.

Following the healing of a man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, Jesus was confronted by the Jews who condemned Him for breaking the Sabbath law. In a lengthy response in John 5, Jesus declares His divinity by saying, "Most assuredly I say to you, the Son of Man can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner."(John 5:19)

Later, Jesus reveals His role in the Scriptures. This will be our entrance ramp onto Route 66. "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me." (John 5:39) Timothy Keller once said, “The Bible is not about you.” He is correct. The Bible is about one central character, Jesus.

I am embarking on a series of messages intended to show Jesus in each book of the Bible, “Route 66 – The Journey of Jesus”. The Bible contains 66 books. From the beginning pages of Genesis to the end of Revelation, Jesus is present and active.

If you grew up in the church, then you are familiar with Noah’s floating zoo. You have heard how David fell a giant with a single sling and stone, and you know about sycamore trees because of Zacchaeus. You may know the stories, but do you know THE story? The Bible is more than a collection of stories. The Bible IS a story.

Imagine a single, unfolding, thrilling drama; a story of epic proportions which is absolutely true. That is God’s Word. If we ever hope to properly handle the stories in the Bible, we must first grasp the story of the Bible. The story is not about you.

The Bible has one ultimate plan, one ultimate plot, one ultimate champion, and one ultimate King. The Bible’s main character is Jesus Christ. Although we do not see His name in every book, all 66 books point to Him.

• In the Old Testament, the Messiah is coming.

• In the Gospels, the Messiah is here.

• In the Book of Acts, the Messiah is proclaimed.

• In the epistles, the Messiah is explained.

• In Revelation, the Messiah is coming again.

All 66 books point to the journey of Jesus in scripture.

In Luke 24, shortly after His resurrection, Jesus appears incognito to two of His followers on a road. Bewildered and breathless, they relay the buzz surrounding the unexplainable empty tomb. Jesus says to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? (Luke then gives a summary, not a transcript, of the remaining conversation.) And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself." (Luke 24:25-27)

We do not know exactly what Jesus said that day. Perhaps it sounded something like this:

In GENESIS I was the Word of God, creating the heavens and the earth.

In EXODUS I was the Passover Lamb whose blood was sprinkled on the doorposts of your heart

so you could escape the bonds of slavery.

In LEVITICUS I was the temple, the holy place where you met with God.

In NUMBERS I was your ever-present guide, your pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night

In DEUTERONOMY I was the prophet coming who is greater than Moses.

In JOSHUA I was the conquering warrior leading you into the promised land.

In JUDGES I was the broken Savior rising up to meet you.

In RUTH I was your kinsman-redeemer.

In 1 & 2 SAMUEL I was the pure-hearted shepherd king who rushed out to face your giants alone.

In 1 & 2 KINGS I was the righteous ruler.

In 1 & 2 CHRONICLES I was the restorer of the kingdom.

In EZRA I was the faithful scribe.

In NEHEMIAH I was the rebuilder of the walls.

In ESTHER I was your advocate risking my life to restore you to royalty.

In JOB I was your living Redeemer.

In PSALMS I am the one who hears your cries.

In PROVERBS I am wisdom personified.

In ECCLESIASTES I am the meaning that lets you escape the madness.

In SONG OF SOLOMON I am your lover and your bridegroom.

In ISAIAH I was the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace

wounded for your transgressions and bruised for your iniquities.

In JEREMIAH I am the Spirit who writes God’s laws on your heart.

In LAMENTATIONS I was the weeping prophet.

In EZEKIEL I was the river of life bringing healing to the nations.

In DANIEL I was the fourth man in the fire.

In HOSEA I was the ever-faithful husband pursuing my unfaithful bride.

In JOEL I was the restorer of all the locusts have eaten.

In AMOS I was your burden bearer.

In OBADIAH I am the judge of the earth.

In JONAH I was the prophet cast out into the storm so you could be brought in.

In MICAH I am the everlasting ruler born to us in Bethlehem.

In NAHUM I am the Avenger of God’s elect.

In HABAKKUK I am the reason to rejoice even when your fields are empty.

In ZEPHANIAH I am the great Reformer.

In HAGGAI I was the cleansing fountain.

In ZECHARIAH I was the pierced Son whom every eye on earth will one day behold.

In MALACHI I am the Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in my wings.

In the Old Testament, the Messiah is coming. In the Gospels, the Messiah is here. Jesus was not just promised – He came!

In MATTHEW He is the King of the Jews.

In MARK He is the Son of God.

In LUKE He is the Savior born to us in the city of David, Christ the Lord.

In JOHN He is the Word become flesh, dwelling among us.

In ACTS He is the risen Lord proclaiming salvation to the nations.

In ROMANS He is the justifier.

In 1 & 2 CORINTHIANS He is the Spirit at work in the churches.

In GALATIANS He is the righteousness imputed to us by faith.

In EPHESIANS He is our righteous armor.

In PHILIPPIANS He is the God who meets our every need.

In COLOSSIANS He is the firstborn of all creation.

In 1 & 2 THESSALONIANS He is descending from Heaven with a shout, coming to meet us

together in the clouds.

In 1 & 2 TIMOTHY He is the one mediator between God and man.

In TITUS He is our faithful pastor.

In PHILEMON He is our Redeemer restoring us to service.

In HEBREWS He is our great high priest.

In JAMES He is the life at work in our faith.

In 1 & 2 PETER He is our living cornerstone.

In 1, 2, AND 3 JOHN He is our advocate pleading His righteousness in our place.

In JUDE He is God our Savior, the one who keeps us from stumbling and presents us blameless

in His presence with great joy.

In REVELATION He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the Lamb slain before

the foundation of the world, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (J.D. Greer)

From the beginning to the end, your Bible is an epic story about Jesus. He came to earth, truly man and truly God. He lived a perfect life. Jesus died an atoning death and rose to overcome sin, Satan, darkness, and death.

Jesus was everything Adam failed to be, everything Israel failed to be, and everything we failed to be. The One who deigned us to worship and to enjoy Him – the One whom we have offended because of our rebellion – stepped into His own story to salvage it.

The story is one of rescue: God becoming man to bring man back to God. Though each of us deserve separation from God forever because of sin, Jesus went to the cross in the place of sinners to pay their penalty.

Jesus loves to forgive, which is why He came. He loves to make new, which is why He is coming again. You can turn to Him in trust and know Him not as your Judge, but as your Savior and Friend.