Summary: These are the final instructions given to a church whose name means “desirable”. Would our church today be willing to be this bold, this committed, this faithful to the calling that God has placed on each of us?

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 31

Paul’s final encouragement to Ephesus

Acts 20:7-38


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week, we had several challenges to consider when it comes to being faithful

-- Ref: Christian life APP: Will we live with the certainty that God is able?

• Will be bold and share what we know with people who need it?

• Will we support those who are also attempting to share Jesus?

- Today, I’d like us to just dive in without much intro – let’s just unpack together

- Read Acts 20:7-38 / Pray

- TR: Two ways to look at this message:

1. For those who are faithful to Christ today, this is an encouraging message

2. For those who are not, it is direction/or a plan on how to refocus your life

Point 1 – Paul responds to God’s calling

- Don’t miss the incredible miracle that Paul performs!

-- He actually heals a man and bring him back to life! Fell 3 stories and lived!

-- What kind of testimony do you think he might have had later in his life?

-- Truly, this is Apostolic power, something Paul was gifted with from God

-- SEE: This happened while Paul was compelled to get to Jerusalem

- Paul had a desire to be alone; to find time of solace (preparation)

• The journey would be about 20 miles by land & 30 miles by sea

• See that he chose to go by sea - to recenter and draw close to God

- We can tell by the writing he was rushed to be there by Festival of Pentecost

• But before he left, the elders from Ephesus came to meet with him

• Believer: This is one of the most touching scenes of fellowship we have

- Paul’s testimony is that he has been devoted to them since Day 1 (v18)

-- In that, he demonstrated to them what it means to serve the Lord

-- Greek: douleuon toi kurioi; serving the Lord (how he spent his time)

-- There are three things that characterized his time there (RE: 2+ years):

• He served with humility (to share Jesus)

• He served with many tears (weeping for the lost)

• He served and endured many trials (esp. attacks from Greeks / Jews)

- His testimony to them is one of urgency, a desperate need for them: (vv20-21)

-- Pay close attention to how he summarizes his ministry to Ephesus; he …

1. Taught the whole gospel; keeping nothing back

2. Taught publicly and privately the importance of Jesus

3. Taught with power; as someone under an oath (compelled to obey)

4. Taught to both Jew and Greek; showed no favoritism

5. Most importantly, taught repentance and faith in Christ

- Even under persecution (v23) he had a willingness to suffer for the Gospel

-- His testimony is simple: the Holy Spirit bears witness to what he has done

-- APP: He walked so closely with the Lord that the Spirit always prepared him

- Read v24: “My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing …”

-- APP: Despite knowing what he would face (see v23), he still went

-- How? He didn’t count his life of value compared to what Jesus had done

-- TR: BIG QUESTION: How does someone do this for Christ?

Point 2 – Paul is focused on a simple mission: Preach Jesus!

- Paul wished to finish his life with joy, diligently running the race

-- Don’t forget his final words to Timothy, he proclaims his purpose & victory

-- 2 Timothy 4:6-8, “As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me - the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing.”

- KEY: His only desire is to finish the ministry Jesus had assigned him …

-- Acts 9:15, “But the Lord said, “Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel.”

- Consider this: His work in Ephesus comes from a humble heart

-- He is not serving to get recognition, nor to further his own personal gain/wealth

-- Another sermon: There is something to be said about using ministry for profit!

- His ministry summary (vv26-27) is truly without ambiguity

• He was free from the blood of men who didn’t repent

• Meaning: If a man did not accept Christ, it is not his fault!

o OT ref of responsibility of warning: Ezekiel 33:6, “But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.’”

• He is free b/c he proclaimed the entire Word of God & held nothing back

- Personal CH: The testimony of Paul should be the claim of every preacher

-- But how can this not apply to us all? Are we ALL not to be messengers?

- BIG CH: What could we do to achieve the same testimony as Paul?

-- Would we be examples like this who testify to all that Jesus has done?

-- FACT: The only way to successfully do this … is to DO IT

-- How? To die to yourself and follow Christ!

- TR: About this time you are probably either looking for one of two things:

-- The exit door or a plan to make this a reality in your own life! (Them too!)

-- Thinking: “OK, so let’s get real pastor … how am I supposed to this?”

-- … “With all my distractions and challenges, how am I supposed to live this?”

-- I urge you to tune into our final point, and consider what you need to change …

Point 3 – Paul’s method for encouraging the ministry today

- Thankfully, God does not leave us wandering to fend for ourselves

-- Four areas for us to specifically focus on (if you’d like, use it as a checklist):

1. Keep watch over yourselves and the church (v28)

- Paul tells them to guard themselves and the people of the church

-- First, make sure that you are being faithful to what God has said (not your ways)

-- Guard against false teaching, unforgiving spirits, and against self-indulgence

-- Stay away from myths, speculations, and the false doctrines of humanity

-- How? Give yourself freely to the doctrine (or teaching) of Scripture

-- Spend time reading, studying, learning about who Christ is to you!

2. Feed the Church of God (vv28-31)

- Another word for feed is “shepherd” (Greek: poimainein; to feed)

-- The Church must be fed because of what it cost for the Church to be born!

-- RE: The life of Jesus was ransomed for it; His death paid for our birth!

-- Greek: periepoiesato; purchased … literally means a “$$ transaction”

- SEE: If he purchased it, then the church (everything in it) belongs to Him!

-- Therefore, if we live for Christ, everything we do must/should be about Him!

-- This includes the protection against false teaching, irresponsible finances, etc.

3. Live for God’s Word (v32)

- God and His word must always be used to build up a believer; to strengthen them

-- His word is literally the description of an inheritance (Greek: kleronomian)

-- It is both relevant for the past, for the present, and will be applicable in the future

-- How can we be so sure? Consider … John 1:1, “In the beginning the Word already existed. The word was with God, and the Word was God.”

-- The word is what assures us we can trust in what it says; because of the Author

4. Labor and give by not coveting worldly wealth (vv33-35)

- Fact: Paul did not covet worldly wealth as a way to obtain comfort in life

-- His mind and thoughts were solely on the mission (point 2): Preach Jesus

-- RE: He worked all day as a tent maker, as a teacher, and as an evangelist

-- Why? To help those serving with him and to be more like Jesus (re-read v35)

-- Jesus gave all that He had to those in need, He led by example!

- Paul was not willing to be a burden for the church, to cause them to care for him

-- It is a great model of unselfish behavior; a model of not relying on the church

-- How could he be successful? He was not indebted to them; not “their servant”

- For us: We must take note of a few things here

• A minister can/should be supported by the church; but not made a slave to it

• However, in order to be supported the Church must have resources to give

- This goes back to Jesus’ teaching about it being “better to give than receive”

-- NO – this is not a message about tithing … if you need to then do it … but …

-- It’s an encouragement about how the church supports those who care for it!

- Why? Because we are all called to support the Gospel work, however we can

-- It is not our opportunity to succeed financially; it’s a joint effort / collaboration

-- EX: The church supports, the minister supports, the congregation supports, etc.

- If we minister, if we serve, if we witness, if we give, or if we love …

-- We must do it faithfully with only one goal in mind: for Christ to be honored!

- Consider this week the impact of these words on this one little church …

-- These are the final instructions given to a church whose name means “desirable”

- Would Seasons Church also be a place that only desires to know and share Jesus?

-- Only you and I can determine that – but first we must obey what He says

-- We must maintain and be faithful in all things … there are no shortcuts!

- Pray