Summary: Even when humanity rebels, we still see a wonderful example of God's grace shown to His servants. Acts shows us again and again, and here in Ephesus it becomes very evident.

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 30

Godly protection in an idolatrous civilization

Acts 19:21-41


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week, we unpacked what the bible teaches about Salvation and Revival

-- These are more than “church words”, but real responses to a very real God

-- It is what Paul focused on teaching, and what Acts continues to exemplify

- Today, we once again see an example of rebellion to God’s calling

-- What is critical here, is even during the rebellion – His grace is still evident

-- This is our focus – and must always be – as we grow in Him, even in 2024

- Read Acts 19:21-41 / Pray

- Let’s remember where Paul has focused his latest work: Ephesus

-- A major city in Asia from which the Gospel has continued to spread outward

-- Remember the Temple of Artemus: 7 wonders of the world (first photo)

-- Know this: everything manmade will fall to ruin one day! (next photo)

- The year is approx. 55 AD, and the church is expanding outward rapidly

-- It is very probable the 7 churches from Revelation were founded during this time

-- This is a fulfilment of Jesus’ calling in Acts 1:8, “… and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, Judea, and to the utter most parts of the world …”

- TR: Let’s level set our hearts this morning …

Point 1 – God’s ways will always disrupt our plans

- Paul’s strategy for evangelism is truly the focus: he is “compelled” to go

• His purpose really is twofold: To evangelize and to grow (the churches)

• How does he do this? He teaches, he cultivates, he encourages them

-- APP: His focus is purposeful: to give them the truth about God’s ways

- When the Word is going out, the response of humanity is often the opposite

• Clearly, we see a distinct response to God in Ephesus (trouble) (v23)

• Still, God’s message for them is clear: deny your false gods

• Do you see their response? It is greed based and self-focused!

- Take Demetrius for example … he’s only one example; could’ve been anyone

-- He chooses to use his love of things to motivate people to follow his rebellion

-- His argument is simple: These Christians are going to ruin our way of life!

- Proclaims: “Our wealth comes from this business” (v25)

-- And what is that business? Making trinkets to the goddess, Artemis!

-- SEE: The worry is that Artemis might lose its sway in their region (v27)

-- It is a plea to maintain the status quo, to not let “our” importance be minimized

- TRUTH: This is no different than what we experience right now!

-- EX: Vote for me or those other people will take away what you love …

-- Understand this: Greed is NOT a new motivator; still a sinful rebellion to God

- TR: So, did you catch the response to this?

Point 2 – Society’s usual response to God is persecution!

- Demetrius claimed that the Christians (first called followers of The Way) were:

1. Destroying their livelihood and small businesses

2. Destroying one of the most profitable business in the city

3. Destroying the tourist trade from Asia and the world

- Fact: Christianity does teach revolution – but it’s a spiritual one!

-- We are not to be violent, or even become cynics and backstabbers … but …

-- We are to proclaim freedom, to build up, to rise up leaders to teach Jesus!

-- The people of Ephesus had no reason to fear, and they were confused (v29)

- APP: Many straddle this same fence between the world and Christ today

-- We become fearful to say what we know because of the presumed response

-- Afterall, right here – in the Bible – we have tons of examples of it!

- However, God has given us a spirit of wisdom AND a spirit of courage!

-- Two of Paul’s friends, Gaius and Aristarchus, are dragged to the town square

-- Greek: theatron; a theater Greek: sunarpazo; to seize, carry away

-- Why? To answer for this … literally: to be the scapegoats for The Way

- Even Paul wanted to come to their aid – to defend the Truth (v30)

-- But, others kept him back (wisdom), but don’t miss his courage shown here

-- Challenge is: What would you do in this situation? Would you be so bold?

- Let’s make it personal: TJ and Michelle have been dragged to City Hall

-- We have been accused of creating an uprising, of forsaking the ways of Prattville

-- We are charged with diluting the profit-making mechanism of this city

-- Now … who is coming to speak on our behalf and be an aid to our plight?

-- Before you answer: It might mean your very life or freedom is at stake!

- RE: (emph) Have we not been given a spirit of courage?

-- 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” Wise words for days just like today!

- The target was the people who disrupted their way of life – not the message

-- Even the Jews in Ephesus try to present Alexander (fellow Jew) to clarify things

-- Yet, they would have nothing of it – the crowd doesn’t want to know!

-- Their response is (for two hours) to shout “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians”

- It’s a temper tantrum! It’s not a rational discussion – it’s a shouting down

-- Why? Because they want their things – what all men want – to be in charge!

- May wonder: Why is violence or arguing the go-to response of the world?

-- Because the truth will always challenge us to accept & change how we behave!

- TR: It is common response, but now consider what God calls us to do …

Point 3 – God calls us to be faithful

- Note the reaction in Ephesus:

1. They forsake the truth once worldly pressure is applied (v34)

2. The are easily led and aroused by misinformation or by half-truths (v35)

3. Their greed motivates them to try to maintain their life with made-up stories

- EX: They worship Artemis because her “image” fell down from heaven

-- Greek: diopetés; fallen from the sky

- According to mythology, the father of Artemis was Zeus – chief deity, Greek god

-- Understand this: from the beginning they are worshiping a false god

- And what of this “fallen image” (v35)? It was a meteorite that fell from the sky!!

-- A rock, that might’ve had some shape to it, is now being worshiped as “godlike”

-- Get this: When you know the truth, it’s easy to see what is untrue!

- The mayor of Ephesus is eventually able to calm them down with reason (v36)

-- He proclaims honest truth: these men have done nothing to their temple

-- They haven’t stolen, looted, wrecked, spoken ill of – nothing!

-- If they have, the courts are open … raise the issue there (vv38-39)

-- Otherwise (KEY) they need to be mindful that Rome is watching

- Need us to see two pivotal (historical) truths here:

1. Rome is always watching – to displease Rome is a huge problem (v40)

2. Bigger: Do you catch the hand of God at work to deliver them? (v41)

Big Idea – What can we learn from this today?

- When we face persecution, if it is God’s will for us to be rescued He will

-- TRUTH: God always overrules the spirits of men – He is truly in charge

- Does God speak to this mayor’s heart? Absolutely! How?

-- He provides sound judgment, wisdom, and clarity to dismiss the mob/riot

- When all seems lost, when the world presses in beyond all escape, He is there!

-- God’s promise of protection is clear: Isaiah 41:10, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

- CHALLENGE: Will we take an example like this and apply it to our own lives?

-- Will we live with the certainty that these men had? Knowing God is able?

-- Will be bold like this and share what we know with people who need it?

-- Will we come to the support of others who are attempting to share Jesus?

- Our fear: We can “what if” this to death if we are not careful …

- Pray