Summary: A young man had a dream in which he visited heaven. In heaven, this young man was taken to an auditorium. In that auditorium, he witnessed God seated on a throne with a scribe standing next to him. Nearly 2000 people were in this auditorium and each of them had a prayer request.

A young man had a dream in which he visited heaven. In heaven, this young man was taken to an auditorium. In that auditorium, he witnessed God seated on a throne with a scribe standing next to him. Nearly 2000 people were in this auditorium and each of them had a prayer request. Each person approaches the throne of God in a well-defined order and tells the scribe about their prayer request; the scribe then shares the request with the God who is seated on the throne.

God responds to each prayer request with a single line answer, which the scribe then relays to the individual. It took 1 millisecond for God to answer. The answer to the request was a nature of God. i.e. God is _______. For example – God is Healer, God is protector, God is your helper, God is your revelation, God is your treasure.

A person came with broken relationships. God responds to the person as- God is your comfort.

This nature of God comes with the authority to solve to the problem.

This one-line nature of God itself is an entire remedy to this problem. When the person hears this answer from God, His heart was joyful and happy.

When God tells the answer i.e. a nature of God, immediately God begins this process of fulfilling the answer to the prayer request. In this process of fulfillment of the answer, God works on our life by unveiling and rubbing this nature in our life. This process can be slow / fast depending on the unveiling/opening of this nature. We receive two benefits from this process, including the fulfilment of our prayer request and the development of God’s nature in our lives. When this God’s nature is developed, we might be safeguarded from future problems.

When you a have prayer request – If God is mentioning to you about His nature. Do meditate and dwell on this revealed nature of God. Ask God to reveal about this nature. Only in this revelation of this nature, we come closer to fulfilment of our request.

One line from God can change our life and situation.

One line or one word from God about his nature / character of God will be more than enough to solve our problems.

2000 people’s prayer requests were all answered in 5 minutes. A new batch of 2000 people would enter the auditorium every five minutes. The prayer requests were answered by God himself. Don’t encourage others to bring someone else’s prayer request, God warned the scribe. Everyone bring your prayer request to God directly. The auditorium is always open, God is constantly seated on this throne. Come to your Father and share your prayer request.

God doesn’t make you wait to listen to your problem. He is always attentive and listening. All are welcome. When a person shares his request, the spirit inside him will directly bring out the request and God looks at that person and conveys the answer to the scribe. God himself can communicate the answer, but his holiness has the potential to kill a person. God is exceedingly glad to hear your request. God keeps track of your name and request.

For many years, God was seated in this auditorium. Many people have come with prayer requests numerous times.

Though His voice was heard by the scribe, every time a word came from God, there is a freshness in the atmosphere. Every time when God speaks, there are sudden outbursts of joy.

2000 requests were parallelly addressed in 5 minutes. Everyone received an answer and left with great joy and did not look back. God provided a comprehensive answer.

Today, do come to the same God who is seated on the throne to answer to your requests, and he is always ready to answer you.