Summary: A series on I John

Title: The Believer’s Victory Script: I John 5:1-12

Type: Expos./Series Where: GNBC 8-11-24

Intro: Vital signs are “critical indicators of a person’s health and current medical status. Traditionally, clinicians are interested in measuring body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate of breathing, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation of the blood (SpO2). Vital signs are measurements of the body’s basic functions. Vital signs are useful in detecting or monitoring health issues and alerting medical professionals to potential concerns. Measuring vital signs is usually the first step in almost every medical evaluation. Doctors use these measurements to better understand how a person’s body is functioning and to detect possible health concerns. By monitoring a person’s vital signs consistently, such as at every health checkup, a doctor can establish a baseline for that person. Vital signs can then act as early warning flags. For example, a change in a person’s baseline measurements might point to an underlying illness or heart issue that has not yet been diagnosed. Spiritually speaking, in I Jn. 5:1-12 see several spiritual vital signs to help the individual better evaluate their relationship to Christ.

Prop: I Jn. 5:1-12 show us 2 section of proof that give Xstians assurance of spirit. life.

BG: 1. We have come to the final chapter of I John in our series. Challenging/encouraging letter.

2. Chapter 5 emphasizes the believer’s ability to overcome the influence and pull of the world.

Prop: Exam. I Jn 5:1-12, we see 2 sections of proof giving the Xstian assurance of spiritual life.

I. Three Tests that Demonstrate Faith’s Victory for the Believer. Vv. 1-5

A. Test 1: You Must Love the Father and His Children in order to Truly Love Jesus. Vv1-2

1. In other words, we cannot believe in Jesus without loving the Father and His children.

a. V.1 – believes – present perfect tense – The Greek verb indicates an action that took place in the past with continuing results in the present and future, clearly demonstrates that all believing is the consequence and not the cause of the new birth. Our present, continuing activity of believing is the result and the evidence of our new birth by which we have become God’s children. Faith in faith itself or faith in some vague, “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows,” is not saving faith. Saving faith believes in the person of Jesus. Specifically it believes that He is the Christ (5:1), the Son of God (5:5).

b. In looking at this passage, the venerable John Stott, dean of the evangelical Anglicans from the last century, stated: ““What he [John] is at pains to show is the essential unity of his threefold thesis…. The real link between the three tests is seen to be the new birth. Faith, love and obedience are the natural growth which follows a birth from above, …” (Stott, p. 172) And so it is, faith, love, and obedience are the three legs of the stool upon which the Christian firmly rests upon. Each is an evidence of the truthfulness of his/her conversion.

2. The New Birth Requires us being in a loving relationship with the Father and His children.

a. “John mentions being “born of God” in verses 1 & 4. The new birth must be the starting point of any relationship with God. You can go to church all your life, you can be religious and moral, and you can tithe your money to the church. But none of that will get you into heaven. Jesus told Nicodemus, who was a very religious and moral man (John 3:3), “Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” He underscored again (John 3:7), “You must be born again.” You can dress up a corpse in the finest of clothes, but it is still a corpse. What it needs is life.” (Stven Cole, lesson 22)

b. Illust: Carol and I were blessed to have 5 living children. I believe they all love their mother (and most of the time me!). I also believe, to the best of my knowledge that they all love each other. Now, distance and family priorities change possibly how close they are to each other, yet I am confident that they all love each other. I think this is to be the norm for all families. John is using this universal principle of familial relationships in the human relationship to also demonstrate a truth in the spiritual realm for the Christian family: “If you love your Father, you had better love your brother or sister.”

B. Test 2: You Must Obey the Father’s Commands and Overcome the World in Order to Truly Love the Father.

1. In other words, we cannot love the Father w/o obeying His Commands and Overcoming the World. Vv2b-4a

a. Consequently, John is now saying that it is as impossible to love the children of God w/o loving the Father as it is to love God the Father w/o loving His children (4:20-21). Christianity is a family relationship that unites the two loves. Illust: May I just say this? Many individuals in our society have no family. Literally alone. Possibly cut off/alienated from family/members. The Church, the people of God, the children of God, offer you a home! Offer you a family. Offer you friendship.

b. John’s point here is the same, that love for God and love for His children are inextricably bound together. If you love the Father, you will love the child born of Him (5:1). You can’t divorce the first and the second great commandments. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. And, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Lk. 22:37&39). Jesus went on to say that in keeping these two laws, the Christian fulfills the teaching of the law and prophets. Thus, we are still under the condemnation of the Law if we don’t keep one or the other.

2. John assures us that Keeping these commands are not a difficult thing to do.

a. V.3 – “His commands are not burdensome.” Why is this the case? When new life was imparted to you at salvation, a new power was imparted to you as well in the indwelling of the HS. This new power/resource begins to change our affections and desires so that we have a new power and will to effect the desires that honor our Father. When we do this, we are in fact “overcoming the world”.

b. Illust: Many of you have an elderly parent that you’re caring for in some capacity. This care takes time from your schedule. Takes effort. It sometimes takes expense. However, you gladly seize the opportunity because it physically demonstrate the love you verbally declare for your loved one. It may be taxing and tiring, but it is not burdensome, because you love that individual. Can God’s commands be difficult? Counter culture? Yes. For the one who realizes what his Father has done for Him, it is NEVER burdensome.

C. Test 3: You Must Overcome the World By Believing in Jesus Christ vv 4-5

1. Essentially, John is saying that one cannot overcome the world w/o believing in Jesus Christ v.4b-5

a. This small section begins and ends with belief/faith, but between the two termini is the concern for love and obedience. The real link b/t faith, love, and obedience are all the natural outgrowth of a true conversion. True faith will demonstrate true love and true obedience.

b. Illust: What is John saying? “Faith is the Victory” To him that overcomes the foe, White raiment shall be giv’n; Before the angels he shall know, His name confessed in heav’n;

Then onward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love aflame, We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night, In Jesus’ conqu’ring name.” (Sad you can attend most Evangelical churches today and never hear a Hymn.) Rev. 12:11 – I quoted this last week. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (KJV)

2. As

a. V. 4b-5 – 3x in 3 successive sentences John hammers home this truth by repeating the phrase, “overcome the world” Christian, your faith is the basis of your conquest over this world. Illust: The date was Oct. 25, 1415, the bedraggled English army of 6,000 faced a fresh French army and calvary over 30,000! The army was nearing the point of desertion when Henry V delivered his famous “St. Crispin’s Day Speech” which rallied the army and one of the most iconic victories ever in the Battle of Agincourt!

b. The Greek noun for “victory” (nike) is the same root as the verb for “overcome.” The Christian life is armed combat against the enemy of our souls. John uses two different verb tenses here. “Overcomes” (5:4a, 5a) is present tense, indicating ongoing, repeated victories over worldly powers and influences. But “has overcome” (5:4b) is the aorist tense, which may be taken as overcoming is to be the norm for the Christian.

D. Applic: The very first test given to a newborn in the delivery room is called the Apgar score. The test was designed to quickly evaluate a newborn’s physical condition after delivery and to determine any immediate need for extra care. John is saying in these first few verses that every true child of God has an Apgar score measured in faith, love, and obedience.

II. Three Witnesses that Grant the Believer’s Assurance vv.6-12

A. God Has Given a Trustworthy Threefold Witness to His Son. Vv.6-9

1. These verses have troubled Bible commentators throughout history.

a. In reference to vv. 6-9, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, possibly the best British Bible expository of the first ½ of the 20th cent. stated: “Now there can be no question at all but that these three verses are not only the most difficult verses in this epis¬tle, but I think … that they are the three most difficult verses, in a sense, in the entire Bible!” (Life in God [Crossway], p. 68), So if Lloyd-Jones had some problems w/ this text, cut me a little slack!

b. Illust: Traditionally 3 main interpretations of this passage. Both Calvin and Luther taught that this was a reference to the two sacraments of Protestantism: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. (I find that view encouraging…not in that I think it’s correct, but rather some of the greatest Reformers can occasionally get it really wrong!). The early Church Father, Augustine said that this was a reference to the spear thrust thru the side of the dead Christ at Calvary. Since John wrote both accounts, Augustine seemed to believe that is what the aged apostle was referencing. Third, account which was first given by Tertullian, states that “water” refers to the baptism of Jesus whereby He was declared the Son of God and commissioned for His ministry and empowered for His work, and blood, which pointed to His death and finished work of salvation. (Stott, pp. 179-180)

2. Why was this important at the time of John’s writing?

a. Illust: One of the most influential early church heretics was Cerinthus and his followers who tried to throw the Ephesian Church into confusion. Cerinthus taught that Jesus was a mere man born due to natural wedlock of Joseph and Mary, upon whom Christ descended upon at baptism, but once again separated from before the cross. John was refuting this error, because he knew that Jesus was in fact the Christ, before and during His baptism, and during and after the passion of His cross.

b. V.6 The NASB translates this exactly, whereas the NIV and NEB leave a little to be desired. The definite article “the” is not used at first but then is later in the verse. John is saying Jesus is the One Who came in baptism and the cross, but then, to counter the heretic’s teaching states: The one Who came thru the water (Baptism – because they believed that Christ had come upon the man Jesus, was in fact also the Christ at His death.. the blood.

3. John includes the testimony of the Spirit as the Third member of this witness.

a. “John’s point here is that God has borne witness to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit of truth bore witness to Jesus at His baptism, when He identified with sinners, although He Himself did not need to be cleansed. He testified of Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, through His miracles, His teaching, and His obedient life. He bore witness to Jesus as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, initially through John the Baptist’s witness (John 1:29), but supremely at the cross. He confirmed that witness through the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead (Rom. 1:4). The Spirit bore further witness when, in fulfillment of Jesus’ promise, He descended on the church at the Day of Pentecost. He further affirmed the witness to Jesus through the miracles that the apostles performed. We have that witness in the New Testament.” (i.e. Cole)

b. Illust: In a court of law, an attorney can show jurors a witness is not credible by showing: 1) inconsistent statements, 2) pattern of untruthfulness, 3) defects in perception, 4) prior convictions that show dishonesty or untruthfulness, and 5) bias. Conversely, an attorney can attempt to demonstrate a credible witness with an individual who comes across as competent and worthy of belief. Their testimony is assumed to be more than likely true due to their experience, knowledge, training, and sense of honesty. John is doing just that by producing 3 excellent witnesses: life and ministry of Jesus, death and res. of Jesus, the witness of the HS! Just as in John’s day, you can trust in Christ today!

B. Believing God’s witness to His Son Gives the Believer a Sure Foundation of Faith. (5:10-13).

1. Believing God’s testimony Gives us a Inner Witness, Whereas disbelieving, calls God a liar.

a. V.10 - If we believe in Jesus as the Son of God, we have the testimony in ourselves, which we call the inner witness of the Spirit. He experientially confirms the truth regarding Jesus Christ. The objective testimony is that of the New Testament, to the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. This foundation shows that Christianity is not merely psychological. But, when you believe that testimony, it will change your life, because God has changed your heart. You have become a new creature in Him (II Cor. 5:17). You were dead in your sins, but now you are alive to God in Christ. (Eph. 2:1).

b. Ilust: Since he retired from Coralville PD, one of our elder, Barry, has helped in the office by interviewing and attempting to meet the needs of those who come to our church for help. After talking with each individual and talking to each individual about Christ, depending on our budget, Barry will often give the individual a gift card for groceries at HyVee or Aldi. Now what if after demonstrating compassion, listening to individual, Barry gave an individual a gift card and person got angry, jumped up and said: “Prove to me that this card is valid!” Barry would have good reason to escort person out and take back the card. “What if they angrily tore it up? Would not receive the blessing already paid for. So it is spiritually, a critic angrily says, “Prove to me that Jesus is the Son of God and I’ll believe,” he is doing far worse than tearing up a gift card. He is calling the only true God a liar. He is trampling on the gift of God’s Son, who would forgive all his sins if he would receive Him

2. Believing God’s Witness of His Son Gives us Eternal Life.

a. John sums up God’s testimony with these final important verses. 1. First, eternal life is God’s gift, not something we gain through our good works or efforts. It does not require some special secret knowledge, as the heretics taught. Like any gift, you must know about it (in this case, God has testified about it) and you must receive it. If you have to earn it, it’s not a gift. 2. Second, God’s gift is eternal life. Nothing could be a greater gift! Because of our sins, we were spiritually dead, alienated from the life of God. God gives us as our present possession, not only unending life, but also His very life. Third, Jesus Christ is everything.

b. Illust: Vv.12-13 are very important to me personally. My grandmother, Anne Lane died in March of 1991. In April of 1991 my grandfather went to visit my folks. I went over to their house to visit my grandfather. We went into my old bedroom and began to talk. “Chris, I would do anything to know that I could see your grandmother again.” Well, Grandma was a Christian, and if you would like to see her again, you need to become a Christian too.” “But Chris, no one can know if they are really saved.” “Yes you can.” “What?” I then asked my grandfather to read I John 5:12-13. “Well, I’ll be! I guess you can!” As an 84 yrs old man, my grandfather prayed to receive Christ! He had complete assurance.

C. Applic: