Summary: Joseph's journey from favoured son, to slave, to servant, to prisoner, to prophet, to Prime Minister. Why because God had a plan. God has a plan for your life also.

Genesis 43-45: God in the middle of the mess.

We have been journeying with Joseph through his sale into slavery, imprisonment, interpretation of dreams and then into the role of what we could describe as the Prime-Minister of Egypt appointed because of his wisdom by the Pharoah. His brothers had visited due to the famine that Joseph had prophesied. They were their family's needed food. He had recognised them, they had not recognised him, they paid for food, he put the funds they paid in silver back in their sacks and off they went minus one of the brothers Simeon who had to stay behind imprisoned as a good faith bond of their return with their youngest brother...?

So, in chapter 42, Joseph had taken Simeon as a guarantee that his brothers would return, then had their sacks filled with grain and their silver was returned to their sacks, they were told to bring Benjamin with them when they next returned.

The need for food was a matter of life and death, if they didn’t get food from Egypt they would die, Ch 43:8.

Jacob’s advice was “but take gifts to Egypt” vs 11.

Judah stood surety for Benjamin with his father. This was a massive thing, Note here that it was Judah, who had demanded his widowed daughter-in-law be burnt for being a prostitute when she was found to be pregnant prior to his finding out it was his child, the same Judah who proposed the sale of Joeseph...there was obviously a change in the man, he was now willing to be responsible for his youngest brother and to even be exchanged for him.

When they got to Egypt and met Joeseph’s servant there was a big apology about the previous mess around the money, Simeon was presented back to his brothers. They were all then welcomed into Joseph’s house, they still did not know who Joseph was.

Then Jospeh came home and asked after the father of the group/his father, there was a feast. He went out and wept having seen Benjamin. All ate separately. Israels family, Joseph, the Egyptians. Benjamin had a large portion. Note: that the Egyptians would not eat with them, they were shepherds. Shepherds were seen as people that people of polite society didn’t mix with, deemed unclean due to their proximity to animal byproducts, dead animals and blood. This knowledge is significant as we come to understand who the News of Jesus birth was first told to, the news about the Good Shepherds birth. You see God really loves those on the margins of society and wants them to be in his flock.

CH 44

Joseph instructed his household steward to fill his brothers' sacks with grain and to put his own silver cup in Benjamins bag. In the morning the brothers left with their sacks fill of food, on their donkeys, for their home. We read that as morning dawned, the men were sent on their way with their donkeys. They had not gone far from the city when Joseph sent his steward, with these specific instructions: “Go after those men at once, and when you catch up with them, say to them, ‘Why have you repaid good with evil? Isn’t this the cup my master drinks from and also uses for divination?

There was a bit of push back from the brothers, “why would we do that, we even returned the silver we found in our sacks so why would we do it? If you find the cup the thief, who has it will die, and we will be your slaves.”

The cup is found in Benjamins sack, there’s a wailing and a gnashing of teeth as the outcome of the find was looking exceedingly grim. Judah takes the led, pleads the brother's case, tells Joseph that they are now his slaves. Joseph says no, only the one who took the cup will be his slave. The rest can leave in peace. Judah tells him the story around Benjamin and how they have already lost a brother and how their returning without Benjamin will finish their father off. Judah then asks to be exchanged for Benjamin as he told his dad Jacob aka Israel he would look after the boy.

Ch 45

Now this is things get interesting, as if they haven’t already been already, remember that these brothers were the same people who years earlier had sold Joseph into slavery and at the time they did this they hated him. They had contemplated killing him, but they sold him into slavery.

Joesph was overcome and could not hold back any longer, he cleared the room, apart from the presence of his brothers, he wept loudly and called out to his brothers, paraphrased “It’s me Joe, is Dad still alive?” The response from his brothers was terrified silence. You can read their thoughts. Ya what the same brother we were going to kill then sold, gulp, now a powerful man we are in deep dire dookie.

Joseph again called them to his presence and stated, “Yes, it is me your brother, the one you sold, don’t be distressed and angry with yourselves because for selling me. You see it was for saving lives that God sent me on ahead of you.” Then he added, “There’s been two years of famine and there will be another five years of no cropping, but God has sent me ahead to preserve your lives by a great deliverance.”

“You see it was in God’s plan to send me here to be the father of Pharoah and ruler of Egypt.” Now hurry back to Dad and tell him who I am now. Then come and live here in Goshan, you and all your families, your kids and grandkids.” Note: some of these men, his brothers had grandchildren, they were getting on in age. “Bring your flocks. You will be provided for, if you don’t get here the next five years of famine will destroy you.” “You know it's me, you can tell Dad all that has occurred. Bring him back with you.””

There was then a family reunion, hugs and talk among the brothers.

Joseph told Pharoah what was happening and how he had planned for his brothers to join him. Pharoah and all the officials of Egypt present were pleased.

Then the bothers were given plenty and told to go home to their father and bring their families back to Egypt, but not to worry about their possessions as they would have plenty in Egypt. Jacob was shocked and stunned to hear of the events that were unfolding. Then Jacob, aka Israel, aka their old Dad decided to go over to Egypt.

So, there’s the fly over of of chapters 43 to 45. Where to with this? Well, we find ourselves in an age where there are many things that are adversities, struggles and Joseph was living a life where he went through many himself. I’m going to tackle this from a New Testament perspective soon. Many see this passage as being about forgiveness and while it is in part, Joseph sees something other than forgiveness he sees God’s understanding of need, the need of his family and the need of the Egyptian nation. The need that would be met because of his struggles.

Interestingly enough, I attended a Rotary event here in Tawa on Tuesday night, I’m doing a slight segway here into the Olympics and keeping things a bit topical. Rotary had a guest speaker of renowned and this sort of relates to my theme. The speaker who was it you ask, well Ian Fergusson the New Zealand Kayaker having paddled K1, K2 and K4 boats at five Summer Olympic games between 1976 and 1992. He was the first New Zealander to compete in five Olympic Games and his four gold medals and one silver was the New Zealand record for an individual haul at the Games until beaten by fellow canoeist Lisa Carrington, who he coached, in 2021. (Ian Ferguson (canoeist) - Wikipedia) Ian is an interesting person, but one of the things he commented about at the Rotary event and this is not a direct quote but a summery, was that adversity or more to the point, overcoming adversity as he had in his sporting career develops mental strength that helps in times of trial and that often in sporting events it is that, along with physical capacity that is a winning combination.

The thing with Joseph, yip back to Joseph the spoiled son of Israel was that he had been a bit of a big head in his younger days, until it all came crashing down around him. According to my dictionary spoiled means; (of a person, especially a child) harmed in character by being treated too leniently or indulgently: "he acts like a spoiled brat." And Joseph did and it all came unstuck but as he tells his brothers at their reunion; abbreviated: ‘that God had sent him ahead to preserve them, not just that but to be over Pharaohs household, to be ruler of Egypt.’

So, a couple of links to The New Testament. You have heard it said, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. What, the accident and tumour that left me with a 50% functional arm, the ute crash, the genetic disease that restricts my diet, my Mum and Dad having died. The thing is yes, and I’m only talking about a few of my own personal things. You have your own. All things, in the mix of the negative there were also positives, all work together for good for them that love God, why is it we tend towards negative thinking? When I say we tend to here, I mean me.

The truth is that getting through adversity or adversities is good for us, I know that hearing that may not make circumstances that you are going through any better.

The Apostle James came to believe Jesus was the Christ after Jesus resurrection. James who calls himself a servant of The Lord Jesus Christ, who was his brother, one of two of Jesus brothers who contributed to the New Testament, the other being Jude. James says this in his letter to believers: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4) and he also says this; “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12) I recommend James.

The truth is that the Christian life is not always going to be easy, Joseph is an example of a suffering servant, Jesus is the ultimate Suffering Servant, But Jesus said this about his mission here on Earth in response to evil, and who his sheep should listen to and his being the gate through which his sheep should enter; He said this, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy [sheep]; I have come that they [my sheep] may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).

Remember this the evil one would distract you from the truth and the truth is that life in general is not easy. Being a Christian and holding fast to scripture and adhering to sound doctrine will not always be easy, the scripture tells us even in the early church there were those who would not listen to sound doctrine, it’s happening today (ref 2 Tim 4,3), be careful to stick to sound doctrine. Jesus tells us the gateway to life in narrow, and the road to destruction is wide. Jesus tells us there are few who find that small gate and the narrow road that leads to life. (Ref, Matthew: 7:13-14).

So, to land this message, Joseph had been through the wringer, he had a hard road through his life, the favoured son, a slave, wrongly accused, imprisoned, a prophet, God used him and the circumstances he was going through to save many. Your own life journey may have bumps and potholes, but God will use your journey as a witness of his Holiness and goodness as he did with Joeseph, however you may not see the outcomes this side of Heaven.

We know our Lords story, the Good Shepherd gave his life for us, for many, for all who will receive him, indeed even for those who won’t. He prayed his Father would forgive those who tortured him, and crucified him, because they didn’t know what they were doing.

This life is here and now but it is also part of an eternal journey, we might from time to time suffer, we often don’t understand why, because we don’t see the full picture, but God does, he has plans for all of us to give us hope and a future.