Summary: No man is an island. We need each other and we are not designed to be alone in our walk with the Lord.

Life Choice Series

The value of Community

Hebrews 10:23-25

Good Morning everyone, we are glad you have joined with us today and pray the Lord speaks into a specific area of your life today.

There is an old saying by John Dunn “No man is an island” it comes from the 1600’s and means that people need people. what we do affects other people, it is the ripple effect of mankind.

The devil will try to make us believe that we are the “only ones” going through a hard time but truth be told, were all going through something. It is a trick of the mind to deceive you when he (devil) can convince you are all by yourself- especially if you are a born again believer.

He does not want you to know you absolutely are not alone in your fight.

Boundaries are necessary because without boundaries we would all be off track and heading in our own direction instead of the way of the Lord and what He has for each of our lives.

God’s Holy word, man’s road map will help us find the Lord, to stay on track with the Lord, and stay in a right relationship with the Lord. It is all in here!

The most important decision- making a choice that Jesus Christ becomes Lord and savior of your life.

It is an eternal decision with benefits for accepting and consequences if you do not.

No one is almost a Christian and gets in- you either are a believer or you are not!

(2) Your decision of who you have around you as friends



Please turn in your bibles to Hebrews 10:23-25 Read from bible

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

(KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;

but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.”

This morning I would like to talk about vital connections in the communities of our life.

Connections being defined as things that are important to us.

Our families, our church and most important our relationship with God.

We live in a society that does not encourage deep connection. EVERYTHING IS SHALLOW AND CASUAL.

In fact, most of society encourages separation and isolation to freely do, say, act, and think anyway you want.

I want you to understand that there are 2 important connections that you must make in your life.

Most important, your relationship and connection with the Lord.

The second is your church family and your church. By design if these relationships are in right perspective, other relationships in your life will be in place.

We are coming out of a long winter (Say Amen)

Isolation because of weather.

We are forced to slow down because of conditions beyond our control.

Why do most people look forward to spring?

Because it is a fresh start. A time to get out of routine (ruts) and do something different. Spring is a time of new life!

I am going to stretch you a little bit this morning.

Relationship with the Lord is offered to each and every one of us, but it doesn’t come easy for us.

The church designed by God, blessed by Jesus is complicated because there is our idea of church and God’s idea of church.

We struggle to do things God’s way.

Our idea of Church

A place where good people come to hear a message from their pastor.

When all is said and done, we want to feel good and be happy until the next time we come in.

We expect someone (not us) to maintain, teach, support, and encourage us.

We expect a card when we don’t show up and a happy face when we do show up.

God’s idea of church-

Place of Redemption – A place where sinners can come and find that relationship with God that they are searching for.

Place of Discipleship- People from all walks of life at different levels of relationship with God can come and learn the things of God and allow God to change what is needed in their life.

Place of Commitment- A place where the people of God commit to the Lord and each other.

Place of Service- The Lord teaches, equips believers for service. We must realize that everyone of us plays a part in the kingdom of God.

Redemption, Discipleship, commitment, Service.

To most church is a building.

A place you come, but if you are really going to connect with the Lord, the church becomes an extension of our relationship with the Lord.

To most a relationship with the Lord is distant. It is purposefully kept at a distant as to not interrupt lifestyle or cause change.

So how do we have connection with God and Church?

What is expected after the connection?

(Show fingers together)

Connections are made between two connectors. If the two connectors aren’t tight, the connection is not tight.

One connector is the power source and one connector is the conduit connector that carries the power source for a special task.

So let’s start with our relationship with Christ

If the connection is to work;

Jesus is the power source and we are the conduit that He works through.

We are the redeemed and He is the redeemer. He don’t need saving, we do.

The power of God is supplied and is not stored. Meaning that we cannot survive on our own strength or power.

We must work on and maintain our connection or relationship with God.

Jesus desires a relationship

Rev. 3:20- “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”

Jesus makes provision for a relationship

Romans 6:23- “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

1 John 1:8- “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

James 4:7- “Summit yourselves, then, to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded.”

John 3:16-

“For God so love the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Relationship was started by God. His love is for each one of us. The relationship grows stronger as we get plugged into God and we trust and depend on Him.

The biggest challenge of pastors in America today is convincing the church that they must have an active relationship with God and that everyone that professes Christ has to be about winning the lost to Christ.

Other countries around the world do not struggle with that as much as the blessed nation of America.

They get it! They experience the love of God and understand it comes with a cost of sacrifice.

“The experts” tell people that they don’t need God or that a casual relationship with God is acceptable and enough. There is only one expert that I trust my soul this morning, and His name is Jesus Christ. My redeemer and my Savior!

Experts said;

1899 that everything that can be invented has been invented already.

1927- “Who in the world would want to watch talking movies.”

1895 “heavier than air flying machines are impossible.”

Told Henry Ford that the car is a novelty, but the horse is here to stay.

Experts that don’t know God cannot connect with God. They cannot discuss relationship with a God that they do not know. (they look like idiots)

They fail to understand the heart of God.

They fail to understand the life of Christ.

To them this book (Bible) is just words, but to those that know Christ it is life! It is a relationship that you would not trade for anything of this world.

Experts say that “it cannot be done”- you cannot know God.

Same experts that said that a train traveling at a frightening speed of 15 miles per hour would cause blood to come out of people’s noses and we would suffocate them going into tunnels.

With God – “All things are possible”

Now let’s take a minute and look at the church

The churches in America instead of being a healing place and a place of ministry have become a Smorgasboard of information.

There is nothing wrong with large churches and there is nowhere is scripture that says small churches are ineffective or doing something wrong.

We are comparing ourselves to each other instead of making sure that we are doing what God has called us to do.

Nowhere does Jesus tell his disciples to go off in a corner and study his word and come to the temple once in a while to hear a sermon and be energized.

He told his disciples to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Your world may be the man at the grocery store, or your neighbor, but each and every one of us has been instructed to go.

If nothing is happening in church, we need to take a look to make sure we are wanting God to do something amazing and we are coming into His presence anticipating His anointing to speak to us.

Connecting with God and church we must understand the authority that Jesus has given His church. The church is not a building (that is a dwelling place) the church is each one of us.


"Jesus was never interested in having fans. When he defines what kind of relationship he wants, "Enthusiastic Admirer" isn’t an option.

Kyle Idleman “Not a fan” pg. 25

My concern is that many of our churches in America have gone from being sanctuaries to becoming stadiums. And every week all the fans come to the stadium where they cheer for Jesus but have no interest in truly following him. The biggest threat to the church today is fans who call themselves Christians but aren’t actually interested in following Christ. They want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires anything from them.

I am winding down, hang in there- we talk about community, but to have community it takes you being involved.

You being involved with an active relationship with the Lord.

You being involved in a relationship with the Lord, you will be involved and loving your church family.

You love God, you love your church family, you have a Godly love for those in your community that are lost and need Jesus.

If our relationship with God is not right, all the rest will be affected.

You cannot love God and not want to be involved with the people that God loves.

As we close, think about this- We are designed to have an intimate relationship with our creator. The Lord has instituted the church to help us grow in that relationship and provide a place for those that are searching for that relationship to find it. As we grow, we are to have a hunger to show others the love of God and build the kingdom of God. It takes each one of us doing our part.

Show me a church where there is love, and I will show you a church that is a power in the community. In Chicago a few years ago a little boy attended a Sunday school I know of. When his parents moved to another part of the city the little fellow still attended the same Sunday school, although it meant a long, tiresome walk each way. A friend asked him why he went so far, and told him that there were plenty of others just as good nearer his home. "They may be as good for others, but not for me," was his reply. "Why not?" she asked. "Because they love a fellow over there," he replied. If only we could make the world believe that we loved them there would be fewer empty churches, and a smaller proportion of our population who never darken a church door. Let love replace duty in our church relations, and the world will soon be evangelized.

If we would be the church you want us to be we would make an impact in this community. We would see you do some amazing things that would change not only our lives but the lives of those that are around us.


Ecclesia, or church, is not a mob, nor a disorderly gathering rushing together without end or purpose, but a regular assembly of persons called out by grace, and gathered together by the Holy Spirit. Those persons make up the assembly of the living God.

“If we make a full surrender, God will give us something better than we have ever known before. We will get a new vision of Jesus Christ, and will thank God not only in this life but in the life to come.” DL moody

Last thought and we will close in prayer- is it time to make a change in your environment?

Your biggest enemy beside the devil speaking in your ear and your own wrongful thinking is the environment you put yourself into- whatever the Lord has brought you out off, stay away from if it is going to cause you to stumble- unless you want to be influenced back. If you constantly live in an atmosphere of doubt and unbelief, that doubt filled environment will rub off on you. Decide and confess to the Lord that you need to be with people of like minded faith and be in an environment that will draw you closer to the Lord not farther away.

Prayer- Lord I want to stay in an environment that will keep my faith alive and strong. Help me recognize those relationships and places. Give me the wisdom and grace to put down every weight and every sin that would hurt my walk with you. I ask this in the name of Jesus!
