Summary: The power of the gospel, is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ, which can transform lives and bring hope to those who believe. It is a message of love, forgiveness, and redemption that has the power to change hearts.


Written by Senior Pastor Ndayiragije Misigaro Joel. August 1, 2024

Romans 10:13–15 (ESV) “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

14 How then will they call on him, whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him, whom they have never heard?[a] And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!


Here is a unique perspective on God's plan for saving souls, presented in reverse order. From the very end, it becomes clear that spreading the gospel is crucial for individuals to hear, believe, and ultimately find salvation by calling upon the name of the Lord. The significance of spreading the good news to others cannot be overstated, as it provides them with the chance to encounter salvation through their faith in Jesus Christ.

Anyone who invokes the name of the Lord will undoubtedly find salvation. Paul asks, "How will they call on Him, whom they have not believed?" And how can they have faith in someone they've never even heard of? Part Three highlights the crucial role of the preacher who must be sent, emphasizing their importance and involvement. Ending note: I am curious about the feet of those who spread the good news. How do they look? Their feet are beautiful.

The power of the gospel, by definition, is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ, which can transform lives and bring hope to those who believe. It is a message of love, forgiveness, and redemption that has the power to change hearts and bring about lasting change in individuals and communities.

Here, I will provide three examples of how three different individuals were saved during the early times of the New Testament.


The verse example that could be used to illustrate the salvation of Lydia is Acts 16:14, which states that "The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul." This shows that it was ultimately God who worked in Lydia's heart to bring about her salvation. Additionally, Lydia's immediate response to being baptized and showing hospitality to Paul and his companions further demonstrates her genuine faith and transformation.

Lydia was a woman into business, and she was a leader of the women's group of prayer as they worshipped God but never knew of the gospel of Christ. The Bible says that she was a seller of purple in the city of Thyatira.

It's important to note that Lydia's wealth was evident, as very few people had the means to wear purple during that era. Remember the story of the rich man who wore purple in Luke 16?

Paul preached the message of the gospel, and he had no other issues in kind with regards to people there; he confessed, "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified!" (1 Corinthians 2:2)

The power of the gospel is in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:1–5). Paul preached the gospel to Lydia and to other ladies at the prayer meeting. Lydia believed, and she was saved. She heard only one short sermon at the prayer meeting.

The same gospel is to be preached to the rich, educated people who must be born again through the same powerful gospel message that saves the drunk and fornicators by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

The power of the gospel opens the sinner's heart, bringing a new rebirth.


The second convert mentioned is the fortune teller, who faithfully followed the same preacher for several days. She had listened to numerous sermons, but it was not until the preacher addressed her personal need for salvation that she finally found redemption. She had a profound realization and embraced Jesus as her savior, which brought about a significant change in her life. The gospel's power deeply touched her heart. As she continued to trail behind Paul and Silas, she listened intently to their message. Eventually, she mustered up the courage to openly confess and share with others that they were devoted servants of the Almighty God. However, she never showed any signs of repentance or salvation, which highlights a common issue in our church today. Many people hear the gospel and even acknowledge the powerful service and presence of the Holy Spirit, yet they remain unsaved despite attending church regularly.

Paul commanded the devil to come out of her, and she was immediately set free from the spirit of divination. This powerful demonstration of the gospel's transformative power led to her conversion and baptism, showing that true repentance and salvation are possible for all who truly believe. Acts 16:18-19 "She kept this up for many days. Finally, Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, 'In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her!' At that moment, the spirit left her."

The power of the gospel is to have the power to command and rebuke evil spirits in people's lives that use them and prevent them from accepting Jesus Christ. The gospel has the power to command and bring about deliverance from spiritual bondage, setting people free to fully embrace the salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

We see the transformative power of the gospel in breaking chains and bringing about true repentance and redemption.


Whenever Paul went, we could see salvation taking place in people's lives or somebody getting in jail. The story of the jailer in Acts 16 is a powerful example of how the gospel can bring about transformation even in unexpected places. Despite being imprisoned, the jailer and his household experienced salvation through Paul and Silas, demonstrating the universal reach and impact of God's message of redemption.

But look, the bible says, because of the fortune teller bosses being annoyed at seeing the lady being delivered, and as she went back, telling them that she was no longer ready to do their daily business, Paul and Silas were jailed, put in the inner cell, and their legs chained.

Paul and Silas took the time to worship and praise God while other prisoners heard them.

Faith comes from hearing the word of God, and their unwavering faith amid adversity ultimately led to a miraculous intervention that not only freed them from their physical chains but also impacted the lives of those around them. This serves as a powerful reminder that God's message of redemption is not limited by circumstances or boundaries but can reach and transform hearts in unexpected ways.

There was a great earthquake that made the prison shake and the gate open, but none of the prisoners escaped, and the jailer, upon seeing that, went so far as to want to kill himself out of fear, but Paul shouted to him to stop as all were still in the prison cell.

No one can handcuff or chain those who are saved and believers in Christ, for their freedom lies not in physical restraints but in the transformative power of the gospel of faith and redemption. The jailer, witnessing this display of unwavering faith, was moved to ask Paul and Silas what he must do to be saved.

Acts 16:30–31 records Paul and Silas telling the jailer to believe in the Lord Jesus, and he would be saved, along with his household. This powerful testimony led to the jailer and his family being baptized that very night. The jailer's immediate response to Paul and Silas' message highlights the urgency and simplicity of salvation through faith in Jesus.


The gospel possesses incredible power, capable of deeply impacting lives through sincere faith in Jesus. These three things are important lessons to take away from the power of the gospel:

1. The gospel possesses a remarkable power to unlock the heart of a sinner, resulting in a profound and life-altering rebirth.

2. The gospel has an incredible power to command and bring about freedom from spiritual bondage.

3. The powerful and clear message of salvation through faith in Jesus.

The conversion of the jailer and his household beautifully showcases the profound impact of the gospel, highlighting the importance of placing one's faith in Christ for true freedom and salvation. The power of the gospel requires faith and belief to open the heart of the businesswoman and worshipper, enabling them to find salvation through accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

The final point emphasizes the significance of having a genuine heart and discovering salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The response from these three individuals to the message of salvation was prompt and wholehearted, underscoring the profound impact of faith in Jesus. Highlighting the profound influence of the gospel, which extends salvation to all who embrace faith in Christ, regardless of their past or present circumstances.