Title: “God is the Ultimate Game Changer: Five Even Thoughs in Scripture”

The Comeback… was a National Football League (NFL) game held on January 3, 1993, as part of the 1992–93 NFL playoffs. The Buffalo Bills overcame a 35–3 deficit to defeat the visiting Houston Oilers 41–38 in overtime and set the then-record for largest comeback in NFL history] the Bills' 32-point comeback remains the largest comeback in postseason history and the second largest overall. It was also the first time an NFL team with a lead of at least 30 points lost the game.


BUF Kenny Davis 1 yard run (Christie kick) 35–10

BUF Don Beebe 38 yard pass from Reich (Christie kick) 35–17

BUF Andre Reed 26 yard pass from Reich (Christie kick) 35–24 BUF Reed 18 yard pass from Reich (Christie kick) 35–31 Something happened to become a game changer.

Text: Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Introduction: Have you ever faced a moment in life when everything seemed to be falling apart, and yet, amidst the chaos, you found a sliver of hope, a glimpse of divine assurance that made you say, "Even though, it is well with my soul"? That phrase, "even though," holds immense power in the Bible, marking moments of profound faith and trust in God's sovereignty.

Illustration: Imagine a stormy night at sea. The waves are crashing against the boat, the wind is howling, and the darkness is so thick you can barely see your hand in front of your face. In the midst of this chaos stands a lighthouse, its beam cutting through the storm, guiding sailors safely to shore. The lighthouse stands firm, unshaken by the storm, a beacon of hope and safety.

The "even though’s" in the Bible are like that lighthouse. They shine brightly in the darkest moments, guiding us back to God's unchanging truth and love.

"Even though we walk through valleys of uncertainty and shadows of doubt, God's power to bless us remains unshaken. It is in our moments of deepest need that His abundant grace and boundless love pour forth, transforming our trials into triumphs and our sorrows into songs of joy."

I. Here are 5 “Even Though” Moments:

1. Even though Abraham and Sarah were far beyond childbearing age, God gave them a child to fulfill His promise. (Genesis 18, 21)

One of the promises of God to Abraham was that all the nations would be blessed through him. How could all the nations be blessed through him if he had no children? But God promised—so even though this seems impossible to us, it is not to God.

Scripture tells us that Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. How remarkable it is that God rules over our difficult circumstances and makes His way.

Trusting God is so tough when we are in a waiting season. When you are tempted to give up while you wait, look at the examples in scripture of God’s faithfulness to deliver, even when the circumstance seems to point otherwise.

Three Lessons We Learn When We Wait on God:

* Developing Patience and Perseverance

* Trusting in God's Timing and Wisdom- Waiting on God helps us to trust in His perfect timing and wisdom, even when we do not understand His plans. The story of Joseph.

* Strengthening Our Relationship with God-Waiting on God deepens our relationship with Him as we learn to depend on His strength and guidance.

2. Even though building an ark seemed odd, it saved Noah’s family and God’s faithfulness was revealed. (Genesis 6:11-14; 7:22, 6-7)

God told Noah to build an ark because a flood was coming to destroy the people and the earth. Noah obeyed him. All the people around him must have thought Noah was crazy for building an ark big enough for animals of every kind to take shelter in, for many years! The length of the ark 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits” (Genesis 6:15). Est. 17.5 inches for cubit.) Ark was about 438 feet stem to stern,aft)

Don’t you think after a while of building and waiting Noah would have questioned if he had heard God correctly? Doubts and disbelief must have crept into Noah’s mind to try and get him to stop obeying God.

But by God’s grace, Noah endured and in the end God was right about the flood He was bringing, and He saved Noah and his family just like He promised.

3. Even though all of Job’s possessions and health were taken, he stayed faithful to God.

Job was faithful to God and served Him. Even so, he suffered tremendously. Job knew though that his suffering was not worth comparing to the blessing of following God. What an example this is, to serve and stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ no matter the circumstance or suffering.

Our earthly life is going to fly by quicker than we can imagine, and what is eternal will last. This present suffering is going to be a blink of an eye when compared to the glory of being with Jesus Christ in heaven forevermore.

When God Takes Everything from Us:

* Acknowledge the Pain and Seek God’s Presence- The first step is to honestly acknowledge the pain and seek God’s presence. It is natural to feel grief, confusion, and even anger when we face significant loss. * Trust in God’s Sovereignty and Goodness- In times of great loss, it is crucial to trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness, even when we do not understand His ways. * Find Hope in God’s Promises- When we feel like everything has been taken from us, finding hope in God’s promises can provide the strength to persevere.

4. Even though David was small and unlikely, he slayed the giant. (1 Samuel 17:49-50)

David was put up against a giant Philistine. Why would God call small David with no sword in his hand? Surely, he would be crushed in a moment! Surely David must have felt weak, inadequate, and powerless, but Scripture tells us that David killed this giant with only a sling and a stone. David may have been weak, but God sure was strong within him. TALK ABOUT A GAME CHANGER!

God’s strength resides in us when we feel weak against our sin. Jesus Christ became a man to experience all that we do as humans – therefore His strength is sufficient to strengthen us because he knows our battle.

5. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”(Psalm 23:4)

When we walk through trials and pain, we don’t need to fear. God is with us! He is our shepherd and He is the Lord. His sovereignty guards us. We are no longer bound to fear and chained to despair in the darkness; but we have Jesus who is our light and salvation, and He will strengthen us through whatever we are waking through no matter how great the pain is.

What is the commonality in all these things? The power of God. And, God works through our obedience: our obedience to trust him within the most impossible circumstances, the obedience to rely on him even in the toughest of times, and the obedience to worship him even when the most evil and unexplainable things happen to us. In all these things, we can trust in him.

II. Lessons We Learn from the "Even Though's" in the Bible

The phrase "even though" in the Bible carries a powerful connotation of affirmation, acceptance, and trust in God's will, even amidst challenging circumstances. It is often used to express faith, submission to God's sovereignty, and hope in His promises. Here are some key lessons we learn from the "even though's" in the Bible:

1. Acceptance of God's Sovereignty: One of the primary lessons we learn from the "even though's" in the Bible is the importance of accepting God's sovereignty in our lives. This acceptance is crucial, especially when faced with difficult or perplexing situations.

Job's Response to Suffering: In the book of Job, after losing his children, wealth, and health, Job maintains his faith in God. Job 13:15 states, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him" . Job's use of "yet" (akin to "even so") demonstrates his acceptance of God's sovereignty, despite his suffering.

Lesson: We should trust in God's plan and purpose for our lives, even when we don't understand our circumstances.

2. Hope and Assurance in God's Promises: "Even though" also signifies hope and assurance in God's promises, reminding us that His word is steadfast and true.

Jesus' Assurance of His Return: In Revelation 22:20, Jesus says, "He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (NIV). This "even though" expresses the church's longing for Christ's return and the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises.

Lesson: We should live in hope and anticipation of God's promises, knowing that His word is faithful and true.

3. Submission to God's Will: The phrase also teaches us the importance of submitting to God's will, even when it involves personal sacrifice or suffering.

Jesus in Gethsemane: In Matthew 26:39, during His prayer in Gethsemane, Jesus says, "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”. Jesus' "nevertheless" is equivalent to "even so," expressing His submission to the Father's will despite the impending suffering.

Lesson: We should follow Jesus' example of submission to God's will, even when it is difficult.

4. Recognition of God's Justice: "Even though" can also affirm the righteousness and justice of God's actions and decisions.

The Praise of God's Judgment: In Revelation 16:7, the angel declares, "Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments” This acknowledges the justice and righteousness of God's judgments.

Lesson: We should recognize and trust in God's justice, knowing that His ways are always right and true.

Corum Deo: "Even though life presents us with trials and tribulations, it's in those 'even though' moments that God's power and grace shine the brightest. It’s not about the absence of challenges, but the presence of faith that transforms our struggles into testimonies of His unwavering love and strength." – Chuck Swindoll

God is the Ultimate Game Changer, He will turn your lemons into lemonade.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Even though we walk through the darkest valleys and face the fiercest storms, we find comfort in knowing that You are always with us. Your presence is our refuge and strength, a constant help in times of trouble. Lord, remind us daily of Your unwavering love and faithfulness.

Grant us the courage to trust You fully, even when the path ahead is unclear. Fill our hearts with peace that surpasses all understanding, and let Your light guide our steps. May we feel Your comforting presence in every moment, knowing that we are never alone.

Thank You, Lord, for being our protector, our healer, and our constant companion. In Your holy name, we pray.
