Summary: There are only 3 types of references to the “Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

There are only 3 types of references to the “Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Timothy 2:11, 1st grace is exclusive to salvation. 2nd is the source of grace. 3rd is being commended to the saints of God. 14 books in the N.T. close with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

It is an oversimplification to refer to “Grace” only as the unmerited favor of God. Since it is a continuous need in the believer’s life of service. It involves the whole sovereign plan of God as well as the believer’s life after salvation.

Verse 1, Paul engaged in discussion with dissenters to the proper way of salvation. Age old controversy of how to be saved. Works of grace. These certain men are still around today, always will be. Sudden in no uncertain terms, Peter told the plain truth of God’s plan of salvation to both Jew and Gentile.

Verses 7-11, Peter’s argument to Christian liberty. Verse 10, Peter’s question, why put something on people who have been liberated, with God’s free grace.

I. Sin is Occasion for God’s Grace.

1. Romans 5:12

2. Man born with sinful nature by relationship to Adam.

3. Voluntarily and consciously sinned violating God’s laws.

4. Genesis 6:8, in midst of corruption, Noah found grace.

5. Romans 5:20, where sin abounds, Grace much more abounds.

6. Salvation is by grace only.

a. Titus 2:11

b. Acts 15:11

c. Ephesians 2:8-9

d. Romans 11:6, salvation not a mixture of works and grace. Works is the evidence of grace.

7. Heart center of affection has to be established, Hebrews 13:9, Jeremiah 17:9

8. God extends mercy toward us by devising a plan of salvation apart from our knowledge of, or participation of man, Romans 3:26.

9. Peter’s Pentecostal sermon was the sovereign grace of God in story form, Acts 2:14-40.

II. Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ Illustrated to Us.

1. 2 Corinthians 8:9, Philippians 2:6-9, by voluntary suffering of Christ for our sin.

2. Acts 15:10 through grace salvation is available for all men.

III. 14 Books in the New Testament Paul Closed with the Writer Commending the Grace to the Lives of the Believers.

1. Believers need grace to:

a. We are told to grow in grace and knowledge, 2 Peter 3:18.

b. Grace sufficient in suffering, 2 Corinthians 12:9

c. Give grace to serve in acceptable way, Hebrews 12:28.

d. Our speech is to always be with grace, Colossians 4:6.