Summary: Paul's continued journey gives us two things to focus on: We must be sure that our own hearts are right and that we’ve chosen Christ, and we must be sure that we have told everyone that we know about Him! This is our calling as the Church, and where we must focus today.

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 26

Paul’s Ministry in Berea and Athens

Acts 17:10-34


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last week we saw the driver of Paul’s ministry, which should drive us as well

-- Fact is: society is no different today than it was in the 50AD … they need Jesus

-- The challenge is will we be the ones who are faithful to share Him today

- Today, let’s continue to follow Paul’s journey through Berea and Athens

-- Want us to focus on the truth being shared here – it is not biting/argumentative

-- However, it is truth … this is the lesson we have to see for ourselves – why?

-- Because we are called to share the truth -- to be witnesses for Jesus

- Read Acts 17:10-34 / Pray

Point 1 – Paul teaches on false worship, or idolatry

- Start with the obvious: Paul continues into Berea and Athens

-- In Berea, he was able to preach – but once again, trouble rose up against him

-- It is those from Thessalonica who opposed him who come to stir trouble

- See this for what it is: He was able to share, and the truth was confirmed!

-- How? (BIG) They (people) used the scriptures to verify what Paul was saying!

-- Scripture will always testify to scripture … we must understand that

-- CH: The Bible is either the complete and truthful Word of God, or it isn’t

- Due to the uprising, Paul was sent to Athens by fellow believers

-- APP: This was an attempt to protect him, and to get him out of town quickly

- SEE: He was a faithful man, not idle in his work but willing to share always

-- In Athens, one particular thing captured his attention: idolatry (v16)

-- The Greek wording refers to this city being “filled with idols”

-- This sight caused him much grief Greek: paroxuneto; stirred; irritated

- Being who he is, moves him to speak in such a way to challenge others

• Why? Because the salvation of mankind meant everything to Him

• But more than that – God sacrificed His Son for all of them!

• This one thing motivates Paul in Athens (everywhere)

- TRUTH: Confronting idolatry is never an easy task (“we like our stuff”)

-- RE: Idolatry is sinful – it is placing something above your worship of God

-- Exodus 20:3-5, “You must not have any other god but me. “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.”

- Understand this … as Paul speaks the crowd is always a mixed bag

• Even at church on Sunday, we have a mixed crowd

• We come from different walks of life, with diff experiences & preferences

• Face it: Witnessing is a bit of a balancing act … but truth is still truth!

• OBV: The truth should always be your platform to speak from!

- Let’s take a look at the audiences Paul encounters in Athens: (vv17-18)

1. The religionists (Jews)

• Regular attender of synagogue, believed in God, familiar with scriptures

• They are the logical ones to seek out first (they have common reference)

2. The God-fearing men and women

• Non-Jews (Gentiles) but those who worship God in some form

• Not just people looking for change in society, but honest seekers of truth

• Know: They were looking for change that was not rooted in hypocrisy

3. The average person in the community

• These gave little thought to things like religion, God, or eternity

• They just tried to get along – deal with life as it came at them

• Really have no plan for the future … just accept it as it comes

• Who? Your average person with a job, at the market, with bills to pay

4. The Epicureans (the pleasure seekers)

• They believed the world happened by chance; accident

• If there are “gods” – they are distant and unreachable by us

• There is nothing after death so we might as well live it up now

• In essence: Believe we are left to our own devices here on Earth

5. The Stoics (the rationalists)

• They are self-controlled and very disciplined (think: New Age)

• They have two basic beliefs:

o Pantheism: God exists in everything and in everyone (as a spirit)

o Fatalism: Whatever happened in life is because it was supposed to

o EX: Things just are the way are, and we cannot change them

6. The philosophical questioners

• Some questioned and attacked Paul for his teaching, called him a “babbler”

• They had a real problem with the resurrection (it undoes their ideology)

• Paul was proclaiming that Jesus is God … which is 100% new info

- Paul is brought before the town philosophers to the Areopagus

-- Some may have heard this also referred to as “Mars Hill” in Athens

-- Think of a town center, where great opinions would be presented

- The people in the town had searched out life, and found what they wanted

-- They lived comfortably where they enjoyed, and it created their identity

-- But (don’t miss) each of them was missing the foundation of life: God!

- Why is this makeup of people so important?

• Much like the book of Numbers: mentioned b/c God values them

• This gives us understanding in sharing the Gospel … speak to ALL!

• APP: People are available to witness too everywhere -- if you look

• Take a look at the makeup of people … it is Prattville, Alabama!

- TR: Now … let’s unpack Paul’s approach, and his message to Athens, Greece

Point 2 – The truth of who God is must be central in our message

- Mars Hill would be the same place where Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle taught

-- It would be a huge amphitheater – all focused on a center platform (picture)

-- THINK: This would’ve been the center of philosophy for the modern world

- Lessons for us: Pay close attention to the way Paul breaks down the message

-- REM: This is an intellectual crowd … so he uses their language to implore them

-- With each point (6 of them) I’m hopeful to give you something to take with you

1. Begins by saying that God is sought by man (v23)

• He calls them religious Greek: deisidaimonesteros; very fearful of gods

• Meaning: Man acts this way because we are curious about God

• We are fearful of Him, but want to know Him, we are hungry and restless

• Lesson: In short, man has a desire to know who God is; who created them

2. He confirms that God is not hidden, that God can be known! (v24)

• It is the idle to “the unknown God” that really has caught his attention

• Greek: Agnóstos Theos; literally means an “unknown God”

• City is devoted to worshiping anything; but don’t want to offend

• So, the town has set up an empty idle just in case they forgot one

• Truly, this is where Paul capitalizes and speaks to them

• Lesson: When you testify, use what you know and what people know!

3. He uses a simple truth: God is the Creator, Lord of Heaven & Earth

• He is not created, but rather is responsible for all things we see and know

• He is also self-sufficient, the giver of life, breath, of all things we need!

• Nehemiah 9:6, “You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve them all, and the angels of heaven worship you.”

• Lesson: If there is only one God, then all the other gods must be fictional

4. God is sovereign, He has a purpose, He guides men & nations

• Paul’s lesson is that God is not some far off, distant, unknown entity

• Rather: If we want to know who God is, we only have to look for Him!

• Paul confesses that we all have a time and boundaries to live within

• But what is needed is for man to trust in God’s wisdom over our own

• His truth is simple: God, in His wisdom, can take care of all your needs

• Isaiah 55:6, “Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.”

• Lesson: We must come to trust that God really does love us!

5. Paul explains that God calls mankind to repent (v30)

• Man is called to repent for two reasons:

• Because of our sin (idolatry) and because our days of ignorance are over

• Our worship of idols and things we created/value must end

• Before … God overlooked our ignorance – but now we hear the truth

• Greek: hupereidon; to overlook; to take no notice of; to disregard

• Don’t miss: God was not condoning sin, but overlooked our ignorance

• BUT!! This was all in preparation of His Son showing us who God is!

• Lesson: The truth has been given to us, in Jesus, and now we must respond!

6. God has appointed a day of judgment (v31)

• Greek: histémi hémera; to set in place a specific day

• This judgment will be for the righteousness that we live by (Law or Grace)

• Paul confirms that the judge is Jesus Christ, and it’s been ordained by God

o John 5:22-24, “In addition, the Father judges no one. Instead, he has given the Son absolute authority to judge, so that everyone will honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Anyone who does not honor the Son is certainly not honoring the Father who sent him. “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.”

• BIG: The certainty that judgment exists is proven by the resurrection

• Lesson: The truth is simple -- people need to know Jesus now!

- The response of the people is no different than what we experience right now

-- For some, there as repentance and a turn towards Christ’s forgiveness/love

-- For others, there will be a mocking (Greek: chleuazó; to jest, mock, jeer)

-- For Paul – he has done what God sent him there to do, and he leaves (Ch 18)


- For you and me – we still have work to do, right now, today:

• 1st: We must be sure that our own hearts are right, that we’ve chosen Christ

• 2nd: We must be sure that we have told everyone that we know about Him!

-- APP: This is where we must be focused, where we must see God at work (Acts)

-- He has called us to be His messengers, to go and tell the truth – right now

- Pray