Summary: What is GOD's portion in your restoration? Why do you really want to be restored? Restoration is a good thing , a desirable thing, let us approach it with maturity.


Joel 2

Restoration is a common theme today. There are songs and sermons about restoration everywhere. including this one.

Everybody wants to be restored, to be repaid, re-established. We all desire to be restored to what was there before and more.

Sometimes, we pray for restoration so that we can brag in front of our enemies and shove it down their throats.

To declare what GOD has done for us is a good thing but ensure it is for HIS glory not yours. Sometimes, we want people to see that we have GOD in our lives and not that GOD has us in HIS Hands.

You hear people speaking of the great days gone by. “In our time, it was not like this!” “O the good old days!”

We speak this and derive unity and sympathy from those who were there with us in those times, leaving those who were not there to see the good old days wishing they lived and experienced the good old days.

The other day, I was talking with my brother about the protests in our country where everyone is demanding a better quality of life which in my view has never been experienced and they think that the presence of absence of some people will improve their lives.

In the course of discussion, it emerged that my grandfathers complained and wished for a restoration of things to a state before colonization set in. Indeed colonization ended on paper, but things got economically worse. All generations continue singing the same song and now it is the time for the youth to sing the song and indeed they are singing the song. Same forest, different monkeys. Same script, different cast. In our discussion, we asked ourselves, the question, when have things in this country ever been good economically? Prices are always going up and the price of bread has never gone back to 10 cents and it will never go back to that even if you bake it yourself. But our GOD rains free bread on HIS children and to some HE even sends cakes! Anyway I was branded a supporter of a certain man in that discussion. Back to our sermon.

Ecclesiastes 7:10

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.

The New Living Translation puts it this way ”Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise.

Many of us, when we think about restoration, we want to be put back to the state where we were before.

This is not entirely a bad thing depending on the circumstances. Take an example of losing a job unfairly.

Many will pray, fast and sow seed to be taken back to the job. Some are taken back and that is okay.

However, we know that this is not the case always. Many times we pray for restoration and it does not happen. Adam and Eve never went back to the Garden of Eden, despite their repentance and many tears , I am sure. Instead they died and went on to paradise to a different realm.

We move on and we wonder, “ Why did GOD not restore me?”

We comfort ourselves saying that better things are coming and indeed they sometimes do.

We say it was not GOD’s will saying things like HIS will be done and we pray for vengeance. All this is okay and expected.

Beloved, we feel bad when we lose things and when we experience loss and degradation, hence our endless prayers for restoration, and indeed we must pray for restoration.

Now, let us look at things from GOD’s perspective.

What does restoration for you mean to HIM?

The first thing that YAHWEH ADONAI desires is that you be restored to HIM. HE made you. HE loves you. Sin separated you from HIM and HE does not like it one bit. In addition to that, your lifestyle and things in it distract you from pursuing restoration with your MAKER. Sometimes, HE must ensure these things are taken away from you in the hope that you will get back to your senses.

However, when we insist on our own way and on throwing tantrums about having our own way and being restored by hook or crook, we see that GOD may hand us over to our will and then the real drama begins. Beloved, submit to GOD’s will for your life. Ask HIM to close all doors in your life that are not from HIM and to lead you in paths of righteousness. It does get easier with time and as you walk with HIM more and more. HE is a gentle FATHER, never giving us more than we can bear. Ask HIM to sow you HIS ways and accept this. It sure beats falling apart and going back to Egypt.

GOD paid the price for you to be restored to HIM. Few even take notice of this great price and just live as they please and as they will. So, their cries for restoration seem like they are hitting the wall because things seem to be getting worse and worse. This is not because GOD is not hearing you. HE hears, listens and knows and sometimes HIS answer is , “No!”.

Always, HIS plans for you are way grander than what you are asking for. Moreover, HE has your eternal destiny in mind and HE definitely does not want to lose you. You are so precious to HIM.

I am sure Daniel and his friends wished and yearned to go back to Judah but they never did. Daniel, we are sure died and was buried in captivity, never saw his homeland again but was so right with GOD we still marvel to this day at the things that transpired in his time on earth. Even an angel came and told him he would die in peace, not to mention the cosmic drama that was ongoing because he prayed. Would this have been possible were he still in The Kingdom of Judah? No

When the people were journeying from Egypt to the promised land, those who wanted to go back to Egypt were punished severely and indeed of that generation only two made it to the next level. Beloved, going back is not necessarily the best thing. It may be over hyped. Look ahead. Look above. Look to JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Scripture tells us to seek first the Kingdom of GOD and all these things will be added unto us. Let us do this.

Further, all of us are to engage in the ministry of reconciliation, ensuring that our lost brothers and sisters are reconciled to our FATHER.

To GOD, you being restored to HIM is of very great importance, so very great importance. You bringing in HIS lost children is also very important to HIM and required of you. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

Beloved, next time you think or hear about restoration, make sure there is nothing between you and The FATHER. There should be no distance between you and GOD. Like Enoch who walked with The LORD. All these other things automatically will be added unto you.

We read of Joseph, a great man indeed. He grew up in a privileged and respectable setting. As things unfolded, he found himself in a slave caravan, a servant and finally in prison. I am sure he desperately longed for the comfortable life he had with his beloved father Jacob. He longed to go back to his home. Imagine the turmoil, the pain, the anguish. Imagine, how he must have prayed for restoration to a life he had known which to him and us a very good life was. But nothing compared to the glory that came.

Imagine if Joseph attempted to escape from his captors! They may have tracked him down and killed him. They might have gone back to his family to demand recompense after all they paid for him and put his entire family that had a divine call in unnecessary danger of annihilation and indeed they were very few but GOD permitted no one to harm them despite their drama. (Beloved, learn to look at the bigger picture, it beats ruminating on the evils done to you.)

He may have wandered in the vast desert or truly been devoured by a wild animal. Beloved, even in the midst of your enemies, The LORD will set your table. Do not panic and do something foolish. Unless, specifically instructed by GOD, do not take matters into your own hands. Vengeance is The LORDS, not yours.

Beloved, in all things trust in The LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Do not depend on your strategies and schemes.) In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path.

Did GOD answer Joseph according to his prayer and his idea of restoration? No. GOD did not. Instead, Joseph never went back to his home except to bury his father. Perhaps then he saw his robe of many colors, who knows?

The life Joseph lived as a youth was over and never to be experienced again. He kept his faith and GOD raised him not only physically but also spiritually to be a father and picture of faith. So, the raising of Joseph to Prime Minister is not technically a restoration but unlocking of his destiny and purpose. The best thing is that we are sure that Joseph made it back to HIS FATHER, HIS CREATOR. See how he demanded his bones to be carried back to his homeland. What faith!

Beloved, stop crying and looking back at how things were. They are no longer like that and are unlikely to go back to being the way they are. Like Joseph remain tight with GOD, even in the great darkness. Let HIM unravel and fulfill HIS purposes for you.

We see all sorts of treatments and remedies that promise to rewind the hands of time. From serums, powders, juicing, workouts, oxygen tents etc . Let us not lose sight of the fact that we are in transit, things are changing in this world. We look forward to fulfilling our purposes and going back to our FATHER indeed nothing is stopping us from walking with HIM right now.

Beloved, be right with GOD. This is the greatest restoration you will ever get or have in this life or the next. This is only achievable in and through JESUS CHRIST.

The relationship restoration may never happen. Our loved ones transit to the next world. The company has closed down and the owner died, you may never work there again. Your possessions were taken from you etc… Indeed many are the afflictions of the righteous but The LORD delivers him from them all.

In the case of Joseph, we see later on Jacob coming to where Joseph was and living with Joseph in a new space under different circumstances of course better than the desert which they left. Imagine the joy. Joel 2:14 tells us who knows; The LORD may relent and leave behind a blessing.

It is my prayer that The LORD will bless you. Seek HIM first. Make HIM and His business a priority. Prioritize that which concerns HIM.

Beloved, GOD will restore you. Let HIM do it in HIS way and in HIS own time. Do not give up, compromise or throw away your faith. As Bob Fitts puts it in a song and as scripture says: “HE will come and save you”. Hold on. HE will come and save you not as you wish but greater than you can imagine or think or plan.

When you hear about restoration, think about this.

Beloved, John 3:16 tells us that GOD so loved us that HE gave us HIS only SON that should we believe in HIM, we shall have eternal life. Believe in JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA, now and be saved and start enjoying your eternal life now.

Beloved, the scripture informs us, "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15.

Ensure that your name is in the Book of Life in these last days.

Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen