Summary: Society is no different today than it was in the 50AD … they too need Jesus! The challenge for us to see today is will we be the ones who are faithful to share Him also? The early Church left us a great roadmap of obedience to follow, if only we will be so bold right now.

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 25

Paul’s Ministry in Thessalonica

Acts 17:1-9


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last week we examined a very specific encouragement to the Church:

-- When God moves, when God responds, when God delivers – the praise is His!

-- The worship of what He has done is why we get to celebrate and rejoice!

- Don’t lose sight: What He has done is our focus, and must be our driver!

-- We don’t get to claim His victory as our own – but we do get to share in it!

- This week, we are going to begin looking at several cities Paul visits

-- This morning we will focus on Thessalonica, and Paul’s ministering in it

- Read Acts 17:1-9 / Pray

Point 1 – Thessalonica’s reaction to the Gospel

- The first city Paul ministers in is Thessalonica; the capital of Macedonia

-- It is a free city – governed by its own laws and has a locally run government

-- Huge outpost for trade as it has a natural harbor and was on the Roman road

- The Church in this city contained Jews and Greeks & was founded by Paul

-- They did not support Paul; he actually worked a secular job while there

-- 1 Thessalonians 2:9, “Don’t you remember, dear brothers and sisters, how hard we worked among you? Night and day we toiled to earn a living so that we would not be a burden to any of you as we preached God’s Good News to you.”

-- He was, however, supported by the church in Philippi (ref: Phil 4:16)

-- Naturally the church suffered lots of persecution -- but were well organized

- As Paul traveled, he preached the Gospel as a great example to believers

-- Item to consider: this is the same message we need to proclaim today!

-- CH: If Who the message is about doesn’t change, why would we change it?

-- APP: It is what set the ancient world upside down, and could still do it today!

- Let’s talk about what Paul did in Thessalonica:

- Despite great opposition and persecution, Paul preached weekly (vv1-2)

• Clearly, Paul wanted to be sure the message was widely heard

• First he spoke with those who would be familiar with God (in synagogue)

• Then, he would preach to those who did not know God (Greeks)

- We can learn from this: have a plan, and stick to it (consistency)

• APP: We cannot willy-nilly go about sharing and hope it lands

• There is something to be said for unswerving, relentless sharing of faith

-- 1 Peter 3:15, “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.”

- The message Paul preaches is critical: (vv2-3)

• Don’t miss: The primary foundation is on the scriptures (ref: prophecies)

• This is what gives him/us authority, purpose, and direction to share

• APP: Without it, a minister (or believer) is relying on themselves (ego)

- Paul preached a very simple message (3 points):

1. Jesus suffered and died

2. Jesus rose from the dead

3. Jesus is the Messiah - the one promised to us

- The results of this testimony would be that many believed (v4)

• Greek: peithó; to persuade, to have confidence

• We see that some even joined with Paul and Silas in following Jesus

• Even devout Greeks and influential women believed this testimony

o Note: Macedonian women were more independent than many in the Roman Empire (for example: Lydia who ran a business in Philippi)

• KEY: The focus of Paul’s ministry was very simple to hear & grasp

• He would later pen this statement we can see at work: Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.”

- The people who believed were those who:

• Had become sick and tired of the idolatry and immorality of society

• They sensed a righteous Spirit at work, sensed presence of the One true God

• They saw in the Jews and the scriptures that hope was available!

• Deeper: They were drawn to what God had done for them

-- Promise of Old Testament basis heavy in the faith: Deuteronomy 4:29, “But from there you will search again for the Lord your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.”

- TR: We must understand, society will always have a reaction to God’s truth

-- Sometimes it will be good – most times unpopular – but a reaction will come

-- For you and me … we’ve got to decide who it is that we are working for!

-- APP: Consider: whose applause are you seeking today?

Point 2 – LESSON: The world will always react to Jesus!

- Let’s unpack Thessalonica’s reaction to the message (v5)

-- Couple of different people groups make up who Paul & Silas encounter

1. Religionists

o They are moved by envy against Paul and the Gospel

o Greek: zelosantes; jealous, envious

- Why? Simple: Because the attention was not on them anymore!

• They were jealous of the success that Paul and Silas were experiencing

• CH: When you are jealous of another church’s success … it’s like this

• Focus on what you do – do what you are called to do – and do it well!

2. Average people

o The “average” response is to ignore Christ, to pass it off as nonsense

o However they can easily become annoyed & swayed to opposition

o That is shown in the crowd of people so easily moved to start a riot

- And what was it that they resisted against? The message! (vv6-7)

• The charge was that the Message was revolutionary: too drastic of a change

• While this is true; they missed the intention/focus of the message

• It is a message of change – from sin to righteous behavior – because of Jesus

• Why? Truth will always convict those who hear the message of sin

- IMP: What the message claimed is that “Jesus is King”

• They looked at this from a worldly view; EX: “He was an Earthly ruler”

• They missed the call to see Him as Lord of all things (re: creation)

• This is where the division always occurs, in the mind, at THIS level

- KEY: people want to be in charge of themselves, natural flesh driven desire

-- We saw it in the Garden, we see it in our society today, “my way is right”

-- Telling them that something else is to be “King” is jarring to their ideology

- Get it? So, if we focus on the whole picture, the truth gets painted:

-- Beginning with the heart and mind … Jesus comes to be ruler of everything

-- He comes to change the person, to renew them, to draw people to Himself

- Their view (ours also) was stuck on Him coming to be their Earthly ruler

-- Let’s face it: being opposed to government control is NOT a new thing …

-- This rebellion is rooted in our hearts and what we see at play in Thessalonica

-- It really is a life change because of the change that is required by us!

-- Matthew 16:24-26, “Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. (Jesus asks a probing question) And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”

- Now, why does understanding this matter in 2024? It is no different today …

-- Understand this and it’ll change your approach … people fear change!

-- Now that might sound odd … but consider why they feel this way (vv8-9)


- APP: They feared the loss of their material possessions & positions (STUFF)

• Things they’ve acquired have become their “god”

• What they have is where they find joy, hope, and a promise of a future!

- If we can understand this and learn from it – we can see people’s real need!

-- People reject Christ because they see their own sin, see their need for a Savior

-- We must see their need of a Savior also … and not another “program”

- Want to change your focus on making disciples? Learn this:

-- HUGE: People reject Christ out of fear of what it will cost to follow Him!

- This is what drives Paul’s ministry, and should drive Seasons Church as well

-- Society is no different today than it was in the 50AD … they too need Jesus

-- The challenge is will we be the ones who are faithful to share Him

- The prophet Joshua asked a great question:

-- He said to society: “choose today whom you will serve” …

- Pray