Summary: When the Lord is our strength, we know it is solid. Learn today to trust in His strength to be like a rock. Allow that rock to be the strength of your heart. Allow the Lord to be your Solid Strength today. He always shows up and never disappoints.

Solid Strength

“My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

My own heart and its strength fail. We run into the end of ourselves. Part of that is because we are human. We are but dust.

So, how is it that the Lord can put us in situations that are devastatingly difficult and yet we can thrive? It is all about solid strength.

My strength may fail, but His never does.

My strength is limited; His is limitless.

There are a lot of different words for strength in Hebrew.

We use the word strength in English, but there are different words in the original language.

For example, in Psalm 73:26, the word is “tsoor” for strength.

Allowing the Lord to speak to you in pictures can be a powerful tool. For example, the picture of a rock, literally a jagged rock or cliff, is the word “tsoor” according to Strong’s.i How is that God can allow me to walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil? Because He is with me. He is a rock between me and the fears that assail me.

My heart can stay soft and pliable because He is between me and hardship.

He is my tsoor. He is the rock (tsoor) and my salvation.

“The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock (tsoor); and let the God of my salvation be exalted.” Psalm 18:46

How is it that the meek inherit the earth? Matthew 5:5

Meekness isn’t weakness but power under control.

We can’t expect to walk in the power of God and be strong in and of ourselves. We have to allow our hearts to be soft and tender toward His voice by allowing the Lord to be our strength. Our tsoor. Our rock that stands between us and whatever may assail us.

He is the God of my salvation. He is the one who was and is and is to come. He looks down and picks me up out of the miry clay (Psalm 40:2) He sets me upon a rock, upon a tsoor (Psalm 27:5).

We can be soft in our hearts because God is our tsoor. He is our strength. We don’t have to have a tough exterior when we allow Him to be our shield like a jagged rock. He takes the hits for us. He has hidden us in the shadow of His wings. What can man do to me when God upholds me by His righteous right hand?

Learn to walk in the strength of the Lord today. It is a solid strength and it will never let you down.

Don’t attempt to live it out in your own strength. It will cause you to be overly sensitive on the outside and hard of heart on the inside. With God as your tsoor (strength), you can have a heart that is tender toward him and the leading of His voice, which will allow you to respond with no delay.

This softness of heart allows Him to mold your heart like the potter would mold clay. We trust Him.

And we allow Him to be the tsoor or rock that stands between us and the enemy that confronts us.

That enemy could be fear or fret. It could be a real or perceived threat. We don’t have to bow up our backs to take the blow. Jesus took the blow for us on the cross. In all these things we are more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

He is our rock.

Our strength.

To God be the glory.

Amen and amen.

i Strong’s H6697 is reference point for tsoor.