Summary: Based on John 3:16 - Evangelistic sermon that focused on the foundational components of salvation.


FBCF – 6/30/24

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Saw this in Doug & Diane Barker’s yard this week (pic). It’s such a true statement. So many have given so much so that so many of us may enjoy the amazing freedom of living in the USA! American is a great nation that has been greatly blessed by our great God. But as Pres. Ronald Reagan said in 1984, “If we ever forget that we are a nation under God, we are a nation gone under.” And it sure seems that we are going under in many ways today.

A Prayer for America – David Jeremiah

“Almighty God, in all history, there has only been one nation like America – founded by pilgrims seeking freedom to worship, established on a vast continent between two oceans, dedicated to the proposition that we are created equal & endowed by our Creator w/ certain unalienable rights: One nation under God.

You have delivered us in war, prospered us in peace, & raised up generations willing to offer the last full measure of their devotion for the preservation of liberty at home & abroad.

We have been a light for the world. From our shores has gone the greatest missionary force in history.

But now, Lord, America has fallen into darkness, disobedience, & indifference. We have sinned, & we, Your People, Lord, humble ourselves & pray & seek your face, & turn from our wicked ways. Please forgive & heal our land.

Give us leaders who understand the times & know what we should do. May the torch of liberty burn brightly, inflamed by the goodness of Your people.

God bless America. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

As we celebrate our nation’s freedom this next week, we must remember that there are many people in this country who live as free citizens of the United States of America but are still held captive by the chains of sin & death. They are free, but not truly free. And that very well could be YOU today! And today, I want to tell you how you can be TRULY free!


Why is this verse so well-known?

- B/c it’s full of hope – “the hope diamond of the Bible” (Max Lucado)

- B/c it’s the whole message of the Gospel – the amazing Good News of salvation – rolled up into a simple single spectacular verse – 25 words that God has used to change the lives of multitudes of people all over the world.

- B/c it’s God’s plan that this verse be proclaimed by preachers & missionaries & parents & grandparents & children & students & businessmen & teachers & athletes & coaches & doctors & nurses & musicians & farmers & housewives & government leaders & workers & the list goes on & on to include ANYONE ANYWHERE in the world who is a Christ-follower – and it HAS been & continues to be proclaimed!

So let me dissect this verse for you w/ 5 simple points:

SALVATION IS ALL ABOUT GOD… – “For God…” – Salvation has always been God’s plan.

- It was His plan before the beginning of time

- Adam & Eve’s in the Garden of Eden did not catch Him off-guard. The plan for their forgiveness & salvation & our forgiveness & salvation was already in place.

- He is the one who calls you to Himself.

- He is the one who saves you & sets you free from sin & death.

- He is the one who keeps you saved while you are still alive on this earth.

- He is the one who has prepared a place for you in heaven where you’ll spend eternity w/ Him after you die.

- He is the one who will call you home to be w/ Him one day – that is, IF you have truly accepted Jesus as your Savior & Lord.

…GOD’S LOVE – “…so loved the world…” – With all the sin in the world – all the evil that we see on display all around us – all the misery & pain that is caused by so many living for themselves under the power of Satan – we might expect an anger-filled, anger-fueled God ready to punish & destroy the entire human race & forget about us all. In fact, that’s actually what we deserve as sinners. But salvation is all about His love for us – His unconditional, unending, underserved, unfathomable love for every last person on the face of the earth – the down & out & the up & in – the mansion-dweller & the homeless person – the thug dealing drugs in the inner city & the respectable suburban family – the newborn baby in the delivery room & the senior adult in their final days – the religious, but lost person in this very room & the irreligious atheist protesting on a college campus somewhere. He loves YOU – whoever & wherever you are – b/c He IS love!

…GOD’S SACRIFICE – “…that He gave His only-begotten Son…” – Jesus said it this way: John 15:13 – “Greater love has no one than this…” Paul said it this way: Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates…” Peter said it this way: Acts 2:23-24 – “This man, who was put into your power by the predetermined plan & foreknowledge of God, you nailed up & murdered…But God would not allow the bitter pains of death to touch him. He raised him to life again—& indeed there was nothing by which death could hold such a man.” (Phillips) Hebrews 9:26 – “[Jesus] came once for all, at the end of the age, to put away the power of sin forever by dying for us.” (TLB)

…GOD’S OFFER – “…that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish…” – I love the specifics of the word “whosoever” – specifically that includes YOU! It included about 40 people last week in the DR – Reese & his translator.

I love the specifics of the word “whosoever”. And I love the simplicity of the word “believes” or “believeth” in the KJV.

- “whosoever works” – Nope!

- “whosoever tries really hard” – Nope!

- “whosoever deserves it & has earned it” – Nope!

- “whosoever lives a good & moral life” – Nope!

Simply put: You believe – period! You trust that God is who He says He is, that He will do what He says He will do. You believe that He loves you, you believe He has a plan in place for your salvation, you believe in Jesus, & you are saved.

…GOD’S GIFT – “…but have everlasting life.” – And when that happens, you are given the greatest gift that any human being could possibly receive – the gift of everlasting life. You don’t buy a gift – you receive a gift. You can’t buy this gift – but it’s been bought FOR you, & all you have to do is receive it. Ephesians 3:17 – “Christ will live in you as you open the door & invite Him in.” (MSG)

Why don’t you do that right now?