Summary: On the outside, Jericho had a strong and fortified wall. But spiritually, the wall of Jericho had so many cracks. Rahab was the first crack in the wall of Jericho.

So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall of Jericho fell down flat. Joshua 6:20

On the outside, Jericho had a strong and fortified wall. But spiritually, the wall of Jericho had so many cracks.

Rahab was the first crack in the wall of Jericho. From this crack, the soldiers can spiritually perceive the state of the people of Jericho, as well as see many other cracks in the wall of Jericho. The people of Jericho trembled and were living in fear because of the people of Israel, and especially because of the God of Israel. They have heard many stories about how God of Israel destroyed mighty kings and kingdoms that surrounded them. A great fear fell upon the people of Jericho. The fear of the inhabitants of Jericho that God of Israel will destroy them is far greater than the faith of Israelites (that God would destroy Jericho).

Rahab was one of these examples. Spiritually, the wall of Jericho had so many cracks in it, the largest of which was Rahab, that it required only praise to break it down. Spiritually, the wall was fragile and easy to break because God had already broken down the majority of it. Long before the two spies arrived in Jericho, God had begun spiritually demolishing the city's wall, as reflected in the fear of the people. The wall of Jericho was already breaking, and the praise of the Israelites completely broke it down. It's as if God had already made a hole for the ship to sink, and water entered the ship, causing the Israelites to witness the sinking of the ship.

Many times, we find ourselves in situations where there is a fortified and strong Jericho wall before us. Physically, it’s impossible to break it. But if God has promised to break the wall, He has already started breaking the wall spiritually. The wall has so many cracks. Just that with our physical eyes, we do not see the cracks in the wall. Ask God to show you the spiritual state of God's promise so that your faith may increase. It was only praise that brought down the walls of Jericho. No heavy artillery was needed from Israelite’s side. We don’t need heavy weapons to break down the wall because Jesus already has an enormous angel artillery.

Once we see the spiritual state of the situation, we can see how much God has already done to break the wall and how little we still need to do to dismantle the wall. God has already done 99 percent of the work, and the remaining 1% is what we need to do to break the wall. God has and will always do so much, while we do relatively little. Ask God to show you the spiritual state of the situation, don’t let physical situation deceive you.