Summary: One genuine encounter with God is what this generation needs, that will once again resurrect God’s end time plans and prepare for His second coming?

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. Exodus 3:1-2

Moses’s Burning Bush encounter with God did not only resurrect ( or ignite) the calling of Moses, but it also resurrected the promise given by God to Abraham 400 years ago. Our one encounter with God not only resurrects our calling or God's will in our lives, but it also resurrects God's great plan for our land, which had been dormant for many years, and fits us into God's plans. Our encounter with God will have an impact not only on ourselves, but also on our surroundings, city, and nation. One genuine encounter with God is what this generation needs, that will once again resurrect God’s end time plans and prepare for His second coming?

But are you the one who desperate for such an encounter with God? Are you prepared for an encounter that will transform both you and your land? Evan Roberts from the Welsh revival had such an encounter with God. It sparked the Welsh revival of 1904, during which millions of people were added to the Kingdom of God. Are you longing for such an encounter with God, despite knowing the fact that it might take years of preparation in the wilderness? Are you waiting for such an encounter, even if it happens to 1 person in a 100 million people? Are you willing to wait for such an encounter even if it takes your entire lifetime praying for it?

There was a man of God who prayed for revival his entire life; he did not see it in his lifetime, but because of his prayers, the next generation had a revival. Do you prepare a path for the next generation to have an encounter with God? One genuine encounter with God is what this generation needs to resurrect God's end-time plans, but are you the person who is willing to pay the price (years of preparation in the wilderness) for such an encounter? Wilderness is not easy; you may have to empty yourself completely, unlearn everything, go through God’s rigorous correction and so on. Wilderness will break you, but will not wound you.

Moses might have spent many days or years near the mountain of God, but we talk only about the day of the Burning Bush encounter. Wilderness caused Moses to forget his calling, but made him find his calling. Some things, such as satisfaction, joy, rest and peace, can be found abundantly in the wilderness. Many people find the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley (Jesus) in the wilderness. Jesus becomes more real and living in the wilderness. It's tough to survive in the wilderness without Jesus becoming real. We become so dependant on Jesus in the wilderness. If you want a genuine encounter with God, be prepared to face God's wilderness before it. If you are already in God's wilderness, ask and plead God to give you your own burning bush encounter.