Summary: Series on I John

Title: “3 Principles for Perseverance” Script: I Jn. 2:18-27

Type: Expository Where: GNBC 6-30-24

Intro: For a variety of reasons, Andrew Jackson is in my top 5 favorite US Presidents. The story is told that Andrew Jackson’s boyhood friends just couldn’t understand how he became a famous general and then the President. They knew of other men who had greater talent but who never succeeded. One of Jackson’s friends said, “Why, Jim Brown, who lived right down the pike from Jackson, wasn’t only smarter but he could throw Andy 3x out of 4 in a wrestling match. But look where Andy is now.” Another friend responded, “How did there happen to be a 4th time? Didn’t they usually say three times and out?” “Sure, they were supposed to, but not Andy. He would never admit he was beat—he would never stay ‘throwed.’ Jim Brown would get tired, and on the fourth try Andy would throw him and be the winner.” Picking up on that idea, someone has said, “The thing that counts is not how many times you are ‘throwed,’ but whether you are willing to stay ‘throwed.’” As Christians we will face setbacks, but we must take courage and go forward in faith. Then, through the Holy Spirit’s power we can be the eventual victor over sin and the world. The battle is the Lord’s, so there is no excuse for us to stay “throwed”.

Prop: In I Jn. 2:18-27 we’ll examine 3 Principles for the Persevering Christian.

BG: 1. I Jn. neither begins nor ends like an Epistle. Doesn’t begin with an indication of the writer or the people to whom he is writing; neither does the letter end with any personal greetings.

2. In form and content, this letter is a message of encouragement to a group of Christians who were perplexed and bewildered by recent events in their midst.


Prop: Follow w/me in I Jn. 2:18-27 as we examine 3 Principles for the Persevering Christian.

I. 1st Principle: Honor the Hour. Vv.18-19, 22-23

A. The 1st Principle for Perseverance is to make sure to Honor the Hour.

1. What do I mean by saying the Christian needs to honor the hour?

a. Illust: The year I was a senior in college was the bicentennial of the US Constitution being written (1787). I was shocked to receive an invitation to a private luncheon with former President Ford, who was a leading Constitutional scholar. The luncheon was held in a private section of a very nice restaurant. Besides the President and two SS personnel, there were two professors and one grad student and myself. I have saved the invitation. It was a large notice on card stock. It announced the purpose, location, dress code, and time of the meeting. “Begins promptly at 11 am.” When one inserts “promptly”, it is stating the meeting is important. Pay attention to the time. Honor the hour! Everything I did that morning was focused on being to that meeting by 10:45 am!

b. V.18 – 2x John states: “It is the last hour”. What does he mean by this? Some people think, “Wait, if 1900 yrs ago was the “last hour”, then is God asleep at the wheel or did John get it wrong? No and No! I believe this is a statement of Eschatology and not Chronology. This has to do with God’s redemptive plan for the ages. Think of this phrase as you would “last days”, meaning the approaching terminus plan.

2. Notice how Affectionately John Addresses his audience.

a. John refers to his readers here as his “children” – paidia – The believers were special to the elderly apostle. He loved them and was warning them against the dangers of false teachers that were end-time antiChrists. Any good parent warns children against potential dangers and grandparents make it a calling!

b. John is warning his audience against both the end time AntiChrist (Rev. 13:1-10) but also against the many antiChrists who have been present in every era of Church history as false teachers or overt opponents to the Gospel of Grace. Friend, the spirit of AntiChrist is active in everyone who promotes false doctrine and preaches against the Saving Grace of God in Jesus Christ alone!

c. Although Satan is very powerful he is not omnipotent. Although he is very cunning, he is not omniscient. He knows there is a coming culmination of the plan of God. I believe that in light of this, he has an AntiChrist figure in the wings of every era. Certainly the Church has believed this throughout history. However, God alone knows the who, when, and where. But even now the spirit of AntiChrist is in the world. Beware!

B. What Must We Do to “Honor the Hour”?

1. Recognize the Dangers of the Hour.

a. Illust – There was great pressure on the Church. Did any of you see the video of the Mankato, MN, Rapidan Dam failure. Flood waters and debris overtook the dam. Couldn’t keep up with the flow. Cut wide swath. Nearby house overtaken crashed into river and taken away. At time of John’s writing there were dangerous pressures from without – lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, boastful pride of life. That same external pressure today.

b. Vv. 22-23 – John also has in mind the internal pressure of antiChrists within the Church. False preachers who have become the devil’s diabolical demons in an attempt to derail the Christian’s faith. What was so sad is that many of these were former friends and family. People previously presumed to be brothers and sisters in Christ until they left and the truth became known. Whoever denies Whom Christ is, is in fact a liar and in league with antichrist.

2. Live like it is 5 Minutes till Midnight.

a. Charles Perrault’s “Cinderella” has been a favorite of children for over 300 yrs. Cinderella goes to the ball and is the most beautiful woman there. Prince is smitten with her and dances with her. And how she enjoys herself, but she can never quite take her eye off the clock. And at 5 minutes to Midnight she knows that she needs to prepare for her escape. As the clock strikes 12 pm she makes her escape and runs for it.

b. Its accurate to assume that John thought that eschatologically the final decade of the 1st century was 5 minutes to midnight on God’s clock of destiny. Possibly hw was expecting the Great Paousia of the saints. If so, what can be applied to us 1900yrs later? Might I say this, that Christians in each and every era need to live like its 5 minutes to midnight! As the course of history runs it’s course, we are on the knife’s edge of the final consummation. Need to trust Christ today!

C. Applic: To honor something means to give it the sober attention it deserves. Illust: Sometimes I watch Youtube videos that include the King’s Guards at Buckingham Palace in London. Magnificent uniforms (Are all active duty soldiers.) Some on foot, others on horse. Helmets, bearskin hats, rifles, swords, etc. Symbol and Pomp of another era. Tourists can be utter idiots. Disrespectful. Goofy. Disobey directions. But once in a while, see an old man immaculately dressed, medals on blazer, beret of his regiment. Stands at attention and salutes his younger compatriot. He epitomizes honor and respect. In order to persevere John says the Christian must honor the hour.

II. 2nd Principle: Trust the Testimony vv. 24-25

A. The 2nd Principle for Perseverance is to Trust the Testimony.

1. What do I mean when I say the Christian Needs to Trust the Testimony?

a. V. 24 – 2 key thoughts in this verse: “What you have heard from the beginning…”

And “abide in you…” 1st phrase repeated 2x and 2nd 3x! So what was John speaking of when he declared “What you have heard from the beginning…” I think it is a reference to his Gospel. This group of churches had received his Gospel account or the account of other Gospel writers. They had received the inspired and inerrant, authoritative apostolic testimony about Jesus as “the Word became flesh” (Jn. 1:14), but now they are in danger of abandoning this truth to Gnostic heretics who deny Christ’s physical body.

b. Does this danger apply to us today? Yes! We don’t have to look far to see that in many segments of the Church, Christianity has shifted sharply from Apostolic teaching on salvation, sin, soul, sanctification, soteriology, spiritual gifts, sovereignty, sufficiency of the Scripture for something more palatable for our culture that ends up creating an effeminate Jesus Whose primary concern is healing the environment, promoting all type of reconciliation (Except with God!), and spiritual ecumenicism, or an emphasis on you living your “best life”.

2. Trusting the Testimony Requires Abiding in Christ.

a. V. 24 Abide – meneto - one of John’s favorite words in the Bible. John issues here the 1st of 2 imperatives in this section. Means to remain, to stay, to continue, to endure. Essentially John is telling his audience that in the face of these new and dangerous teachings and doctrinal errors stay put in the tried and true old message of the Gospel.

b. Go back to v. 19 – This is the opposite of abiding. (Read). Now this verse should not be used of a person or family who simply changes churches for various reasons. Rather, it is meant for someone who walks away from Biblical Christianity. Please notice what John clearly says here. John doesn’t say that these people walked away because the Gospel is flawed or God failed, but simply put “they were not of us”. In other words they haven’t forsaken faith in Christ and fellowship with His Church, rather they never truly had it to begin with. Illust: Years ago a family came up to me after service. “We have decided we are going to leave GNBC.” May I ask where going to go? Catholic Church. May I ask you a few questions? Do you believe in the infallibility of the Pope? Salvation is by grace and works? Perpetual virginity of Mary? Mary is co-redemptress with Christ? Purgatory? Penance for sins? Praying to Saints? Praying to Mary? Communion elements become actual Blood and Body of Christ? Protestants are “anathema”? (No, we don’t believe any of that. Doctrine matters. In fact, Doctrine can damn!) Then I remembered that neither had ever wanted to be baptized and neither ever wanted to publicly join the church. And God brought this verse to my heart. (v.19) They were never really a part of us.

B. As a Christian you must Presume Upon the Promise v. 25

1. Presume upon the Promise Because of the One Who Declared it.

a. Back in John 6:68 we see one of the greatest moments in Peter’s life. Many of the larger band of disciples have now abandoned Jesus because of the hard statements He made. Jesus asks the 12 if they are going to leave as well. Peter’s response: ““Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.” Never forget that truth Christian!

b. Jn. 14:6 – Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, but through the Son.” I didn’t make that statement. REW and Zach didn’t say it. The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Perfect, 2nd Person of the Trinity did.

2. Presume upon the Promise Because of its value: eternal life!

a. If God says to me, “If you embrace my Son, I will give you life eternal—God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son; whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” if God promises that, if He stands behind His promise, if He’s a God of integrity, if His Word means anything, and if I believe in Jesus Christ, and somebody says, “Do I know whether I’m going to go to heaven?” I say: “Of course I’m going to go to heaven. God can’t lie. He doesn’t revoke His promises. He’s promised me eternal life in Christ. I believe in Christ. I’m resting my case in Christ. I come with no merit—nothing in my hand I bring except the righteousness of Christ. It’s my only basis for relating to God. God has promised me eternal life. Then I can presume upon that promise!

b. Why do I believe in the perseverance of the believer? Because I believe in the Doctrine of Justification and I believe in the Doctrine of the Adoption of the Believer. Illust” The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime. The doctrine of justification concerns God’s gracious judicial verdict in advance of the day of judgment, pronouncing guilty sinners, who trust Jesus Christ, forgiven, acquitted of all charges and declared morally upright in God’s sight. The Court of Heaven is not going to say: “Your Honor, we know you declared Chris justified in December of 1983, but recently he’s been a bad boy. Let’s bring him back up on those same charges. Impossible!

C. Applic: To persevere Christian, you need to Honor the Hour and Trust the Testimony.

III. 3rd Principle: Abide in the Anointing vv. 20-21, 26-27

A. The 3rd Principle for Perseverance is to Abide in the Anointing.

1. What Does John Mean when he instructs us to Abide in God’s Anointing?

a. John’s opponents had come with a message of error and sowed doctrinal seeds of doubt in an attempt to upset the faith of the elect. They wanted to undermine the apostles and make the believers insecure in the truth. V.20 Root word for “anointing” is chrisma, which is the same root for Christos. The anointing is from the Anointed! Like an oil (Ps. 14:7).

b. However, rather than appeal to another experience or a new doctrine, John points his readers back to the fact that they have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. i.e. “they have been anointed by the Holy One” – Dear one, when God awakened your spiritually dead soul in response to His Word, and you repented of your sin and placed your faith and trust in Christ, the Holy Spirit indwelled you at that very moment! He is your Helper (Jn. 14:5,26,) He is the Spirit of Truth (Jn. 14:17), He teaches us in truth and reminds us of Christ’s Word (Jn. 15:26). Christian, if you have received the WOG and have the Spirit of God indwelling you, then you already have access to all special spiritual knowledge and needs. So in the face of new claims to spiritual power and knowledge, John tells his readers to “endure” in the Spirit of God.

2. John Challenges his readers to remain in the Truth. V. 21

a. Previously the author had contrasted two groups of people: those who remained true to the apostolic testimony about who Jesus is, and false believers who had withdrawn from fellowship and abandoned apostolic testimony about Jesus. Now John draws the distinction, implicit throughout this passage but stated here explicitly for the first time, between truth and falsehood. There is truth and there is falsehood.

b. V. 27 – What is John saying here? Should all preaching and teaching cease? NO! John is saying that the indwelling Holy Spirit is given to every believer the moment of salvation. Part of the HS’s ministry is to teach the believer. What he’s saying here is that the believer had no need of the pretentious high illumination that the Gnostics were attempting to impress and lead astray with. Illust- Whether heretics then or today, attempt to impress with a deeper teaching or more spiritual experience, you can say with our Savior, “Get thee behind me Satan!” Illust: Charles Spurgeon once said, "I do not understand those men who have such a high opinion of what the Holy Spirit says to them, and such a low opinion of what he says to anyone else."

B. Abide So You Won’t Have To Shrink Back at His Coming.

1. Live right and believe right. Practice and belief are like two banks of a river, without either there ceases to be a river. Belief without holy conduct is dead orthodoxy; ethics w/o faith and trust in God’s revelation is a humanistic and ever changing pattern for life.

2. Illust: Now my mother could handle her own very well, especially in raising my brother and me. You might say mother was a big proponent of the “Equal Rights Movement”, if my brother or I lipped her off she moved and could dust us equally with her right or her left! One summer’s day, however, she was at her wits. We’d gotten into trouble w/neighbors, we’d gotten into trouble with a couple other boys on our street, and then to make matters worse, we got in a fight at home. My mother got up and walked to where the phone was mounted in the kitchen, and said five little words: “ I am calling your father.” (NO!) The conversation was quiet. When she got off the phone she gave me and my brother this somewhat demonic smile and said: “Your father will deal with you boys when he gets home.” (Now I wasn’t a Christian but I was praying that Jesus would come back before 4:45 pm! I can still remember when came thru door I did the really brave and manly thing, and jumped behind my brother! I shrunk back at my father’s appearing.

3. The emphasis here is on those words, "But as His anointing teaches you." What the Spirit has taught you, not that he has taught the other fellow. Illust: Remember, after the resurrection, Jesus said to Peter, "Feed my sheep," (John 21:15-17). Peter turned and looked at John and said, "Lord, what do you want this man to do?" (John 21:21). Do you remember what Jesus said? "That is none of your business. You follow me. What I teach this man to do is for him to know. What I have said for you to do, that is for you to do," (John 21:22). This is what John is saying here -- what it (the anointing) has taught you. Remain at work in obedience doing what God has called you to do for as long as God has called you to do it and if you do you and I will have no fear (shrink back) at His Second Coming.

C. Applic: Friend, John gives us in this passage 3 Principles for Perseverance… Honor the Hour, Trust the Testimony, Abide in the Anointing. How are you doing?