Being Vigilant and Watchful
7 Blessings in Revelations Series
June 16th, 2024, CCCAG
Scripture: Rev 16:15
When I was in the Army Reserves, we had a major evaluation to pass that determined how combat ready we were, and it directly correlated to where we sat on the deployment ranking. The highest were deployed first, and the lowest the last.
You might think, from a pragmatic view of never wanting to go away from your family, you’d want to be on the bottom of the scale. The problem with that is if you are not deployable, your unit is the first on the chopping block when they decide to reorganize and disband units. Also, those at the bottom of that list got the least amount of funding, so less money for training which is what we all want to do.
So the pressure was on, and a month before that exam we had a 3 day trip to Ft McCoy to make sure that our equipment worked, and our unit was ready for this 10 day examination. This was in the early 90’s, so our unit was still tasked for Europe or Korea, so we trained in the woods. This of course was before the GWOT, so the tactics might not sound familiar to those who fought in that war.
As part of that, we had to set out OP’s- observation posts. We would have to set up what was essentially a hunting blind for security to make sure no one was sneaking into the main area. These were manned 24/7 because other Army units were tasked to try to penetrate our security as part of the test.
If you had a middle of the night shift, and you and the person you were with were caught napping- you’d wake up to another soldier running a permanent red marker across your throat to symbolize that you failed in your duty to keep watch, and you are now dead and the enemy successful penetrated your unit and took it out.
Not only did that mean a failure for your unit, but this ink stayed on your neck for over a week before it wore off- telling everyone who saw you that you failed in the most basic duties of a soldier- to stand watch.
It was meant to shame those who couldn’t even do that basic thing.
This example directly correlates to the scripture we will be studying this morning in our series the 7 Blessings In Revelations.
In the timeline found in Revelation, we are now in the last 3 ½ years and everyone who is left alive on earth are experiencing the Bowl judgments. The antichrist- the man possessed by satan himself is ruling the entire planet, and is actively searching out anyone who fails to worship him.
Anyone still left alive and following Jesus would have had to watch those who refuse to follow Jesus experience-
Painful sores to those who worshipped the antichrist
The oceans turning to blood, and all of the marine life dying
All of the fresh water on earth then turning to blood
The sun doubling its output of heat scorching the earth
Complete darkness
The drying of the Euphrates river so China and the nations of the east could move their armies to the Valley of Megiddo for the final battle.
Yet In the midst of this hell on earth, Jesus has a blessing for those who are still alive and following HIM.
This blessing is not just for these people, but for all of us who are following Jesus in a time where its becoming harder and harder to follow HIM.
Let’s read that blessing
Rev 16:15 “Look, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who is alert and remains clothed so that he may not go around naked and people see his shame.”
For those living during the time of the Great Tribulation, this encouragement from Jesus will be life giving for them.
Just like for those people living in the Tribulation, this scripture contains a few basic reminders to help us in our relationship with HIM that will be vital to maintain to make it in the Kingdom of God.
The First one we touched on in the opening and pointing out how it was necessary for those on guard to be awake. That’s our first reminder for us this morning-
I. Be Alert
This idea of being alert isn’t just to be hyperaware of everything happening around you, but to understand the time that you are living in, and the tactics the enemy is using to have your focus on the wrong things.
During the times of King David, when he was being hunted by Saul, there was essentially a civil war in Israel, with hundreds of people coming to David’s side in this fight.
In 1 Chron 12, there is a list of those who joined David’s side, and there are a particular group of men I’d want to point you to-
1Ch 12:32 From the Issacharites, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do: 200 chiefs with all their relatives under their command.
What is being highlighted here is that among these men coming to support David, the Issacharites were known to be men that were like the later prophet Daniel. They were learned, educated men whose learning was intertwined with their knowledge and relationship with God.
Daniel was definitely a prophet, and heard supernaturally from God. However, he was also a highly educated man, who could combine these two attributes and give wise council to those who needed it.
These were the men of Issachar.
This training is as much spiritual as it is intellectual. In fact, I’d say more spiritual than educational and intellectual.
If your spirit is in the right place with God, then the education and intellect can be informed by God HIMSELF.
And you will understand the time you are live in, and know what has to be done.
This is important-
We are in a very unique time and place where so much of the biblical prophecy is coming true. We are all going to have to adjust our lives to meet that challenge.
In particular, we as biblically based, Spirit filled Christians need to be alert, educated, and aware in the following areas
A. Politics
We are in a never ending cycle of political elections right now, and now everyone is trying to use the courts to makeup charges to go after their political opponents.
As Christians, we need to stand for one particular principle in all of this-
Joe Biden will not and cannot save you
Robert Kennedy will not and cannot save you
Donald Trump will not and cannot save you.
I’m not telling you how to vote- that’s between you and God- hold each person up to the biblical standard, and vote for the one who matches it the most closely.
First and foremost, remember- you are a citizen of heaven first. Your allegiance is to Jesus. Period, end of thought.
Jesus is the only one who will save you, wants to save you, and bring you into an everlasting kingdom.
Every earthly politician can and will fail you.
Every human being is flawed and broken by sin, just like you are, and they will fail you.
But Jesus will never, ever fail you. Put your trust in HIM, and while I encourage you to be educated and aware during this election season, don’t get so focused on it that it effects your peace and your relationships.
Let’s touch on that point-
Don’t ruin relationships over this junk. Don’t let your emotions make a permanent decision about those you like and love over something this temporary.
Many get away too emotional over these things. Someone I know put a posting up on social media that said, “If you are actually going to vote for this particular candidate, take me off your friends list and never speak to me again!”
Ask yourself- If you believe in Jesus, follow HIM and His word, and trust in HIM for your salvation-
in 1 billion years we will be alive in God’s kingdom. Will it matter who won the election?
If you have that opinion- you are like a dumb fish that swallowed the bait of satan- hook, line and sinker.
People who understand their times, who are being alert know that this is exactly what the forces of evil behind those in power want- unthinking people reacting emotionally instead of logically and most importantly Spiritually.
As a Christian, we ask God through the Holy Spirit what HIS opinion is, and follow that.
Really, that is what it means to be alert.
It’s not just being in tune with our five senses.
It’s about being in tune with the ultimate reality-and that is the presence of God in your heart, your mind, and your spirit.
That will make you a person who knows the times you are living in, and know what should be done.
The second thing that Jesus wants us to do to receive this blessing is-
II. Remained Clothed
This phrase in our 21st Century way of thinking is very weird, so a little bit of context.
The idea of nakedness in the bible came from the original sin. This idea spoken of at the end of the bible actually comes from the beginning of the bible.
Genesis 2. God creates Adam, and then creates Eve. He brings them together, and the bible says this-
Gen 2:25 Both the man and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame.
Jump forward now into Genesis 3. Lucifer deceives Adam and Eve and becomes satan. Adam and Eve chose to follow satan’s word instead of God’s command and in doing so commit the first human sin, and the bible says this-
Gen 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
There is a conversation that happens, and God pronounces judgement on everyone involved, and then the bible says this-
Gen 3:21 The LORD God made clothing from skins for the man and his wife, and he clothed them.
A lot to unpack here.
Humanity is made in the image of God.
What is the image of God?
The bible specifically says that God is Spirit.
That means we were created as a spiritual being.
We’ve talked a lot about that in previous messages so I’m not going to go too much into that again.
You just need to remember this morning- We were created as spiritual being, using this fleshly body to interact with our physical environment.
Since we were created to be spiritual beings, clothing did not matter because everything in creation was good. There was no evil in the original creation. Adam and Eve used both physical senses and spiritual senses to interact with their world. This means they saw things spiritually, and according to the bible, when a person’s spiritual eyes are opened and they look at heavenly beings like angels or those who have died in Christ- they see them clothed in white robes of righteousness. These robes of righteousness representing the Holy Spirit that covered them.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they severed the link between them and the Holy Spirit.
That righteous robe disappeared along with their spiritual ability to see in that realm. Now they had only physical eyes, and were blinded to the spiritual, and that is what made them ashamed. God’s Spirit which previously had covered them, was now gone.
Let me show you this in another book of the bible.
Turn to Zechariah, but before we read I have to give you hint here that is key to understanding this passage
There is a being called the Angel of the LORD. When that phrase is used in the OT, and that LORD is capitalized, that is Jesus before His coming to earth in the New Testament.
Zec 3:1-5 Then he showed me the high priest Joshua (he was the leader of Israel at that time) standing before the angel of the LORD, with Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. (2) The LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! May the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Isn’t this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?” (3) Now Joshua was dressed with filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. (4) So the angel of the LORD spoke to those standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes!” Then he said to him, “See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with festive robes.” (5) Then I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.” So a clean turban was placed on his head, and they clothed him in garments while the angel of the LORD was standing nearby.
Do you see who the Angel of the LORD is now? This is a beautiful portrayal of what Jesus does for us at salvation. He strips away those filthy rags of sin we have tried to cover ourselves with.
These filthy rags are Adam and Eve’s attempt to sew together fig leaves. It was humanities attempt to cover sin.
That’s why this story in Zechariah is so beautiful-
(emphasis) Jesus commands us to be clothed as we were in the garden- with the Holy Spirit coming upon us and living in us.
To try to live otherwise, is to be naked in the spirit, and that is what the his verse in Revelation is warning us against.
That’s why the bible tells us-
Rom 13:14 clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ,
The final condition of this blessing is to
III. Do not be ashamed of whom you have believed.
As we looked at earlier, at the point of time that this blessing is referring to, people are living through hell on earth.
No water
Deadly heat
Total darkness
Demonic beings being set loose.
The biggest battle in history about to commence. A battle that will be so horrible that blood will be 4-5 feet deep in the valley where this is fought.
Anytime I think it’s getting bad now, I look at what is to come and pray “Maranatha Jesus”
Maranatha means “come quickly. It’s an interesting phrase because it appears in multiple languages- Latin, Greek, and Aramaic.
It speaks of a heart that is longing to see Jesus.
It’s a heart that cries out Romans 1:16
Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.
I want everyone to at least have a chance at hearing the true Gospel.
Turning from sin and rebellion. Trusting in Jesus for your salvation, and living for HIM no matter the cost.
That is what is going to draw people back into the church. Not compromising, not trying to look like the world
But living for Jesus no matter the cost to us in these last days.
If you want the blessing of God in the last days- this is the heart attitude you will need.
One that cries Maranatha Jesus- come quickly LORD.
Altar call