Summary: What did God do for us? Not only has He given us His Son, not only has He given us salvation in Christ, not only has He allowed us to be accepted - He brought unity to the church in the form of clarifying this is how people are saved!

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 22

The Church Determines that Unity is the Way!

Acts 15:1-22


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last time saw a very encouraging message to the church for 2024:

-- We must be devoted to making disciples & to gathering together for strength

-- It is the difference between being the church and acting like a social club

- Today, I’d like us to prayerfully gain some clarity on a key subject

-- Today being Father’s Day, I can think of no more important topic for us

-- The underlining msg is about the greatest thing our Heavenly Dad did for us

-- It is a picture of clarity for us – that prayerfully will encourage us this morning

- Read Acts 15:1-22 / Pray

- TR: As the church begins to grow, we see a key discussion forming …

Point 1 – The Church debates the “requirements” of Salvation

-- In short, they arrive at two thought provoking questions about salvation:

1. Is a ritual required to be saved? (vv1-3)

• The dissenters to the Gospel were a powerful force in the Judean churches

o They were teachers, leaders, & those well versed in scripture

o Some of the first believers, considered to be the most discerning

• The dissent is: Unless you are circumcised … you cannot be saved!

o EX: Your eternal fate matters on whether or not you are one of us!

o IMP: They were not saying to be saved you had to be circumcised

o What they’re saying: the obedience of circumcision is required

o Essentially: God’s grace PLUS this is what makes you “good enough” to receive Christ’s offering of forgiveness

- Jesus said in John 5:24, “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” See the difference?

• The church in Antioch decided to seek guidance from the Jerusalem church

o Believed that clarification by the Apostles would carry great weight

o Consider: These men walked with Jesus -- they would know!

o For the church, this will be an incredibly impactful illumination

• A great group of people went with Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem

o They were accompanied as a sign of honor / trust

o The church’s desire was to support them in seeking the truth!

2. Do you have to accept the whole Law before you can be saved? (vv4-5)

• See this: They were all welcomed by the church in Jerusalem

o GR: paradechomai; to receive, or to accept/acknowledge

o Indicates a formal acceptance; they were welcomed into fellowship

- Paul’s summary is simple: He proclaimed all the things that God has done

-- GR: anaggelló; to bring back word, announce Think: summarized his trip

-- APP: The saving of men was not something Paul had done, but God given

• Even with the descension of others, their testimony was based on one thing:

o Look at what God has done! (KEY)

o He is the One who deserves the glory & praise

- Would later write: Ephesians 2:8-9, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”

- See this: There is a great collision between faith and ritual in the 1st church

• This may bring lots of deep questions to mind … consider:

o Can we earn the favor of God? Or do we receive favor from God?

o Does man receive glory because he does good things?

o This is what the church is about to decide (still relevant today)

- TR: Let’s talk about this council meeting …

Point 2 – The Jerusalem Council

- Acts unpacks for us one of the greatest meetings to ever take place

-- Apostles, Disciples, Elders, reg people, of all walks of life, would be invited

-- WHY: Paul’s ministry, and it’s results, has been called into question!

-- BIG: Paul is challenged by the “way we’ve always done it this way crowd”

- Need us to see: this translates directly into church business today

-- At no time, was this decided in secret and declared for all to just do it

-- Church business ought to be exactly that – settle it openly, publicly

- Sometimes this is not feasible (some discussions need no public debate)

-- EX: What kind of toilet paper to buy, need more coffee, or “sensitive matters”

-- For the early church, unity is key – and this convo is a great lesson for us all

1. Peter’s Statement: all are saved by the grace of Jesus (vv7-9)

• Peter realizes that God has called the Gentiles to be saved

o RE: Was ~10 years earlier Cornelius was saved (Peter spoke)

o God ordained it in Acts 10, and he was there in obedience

• Peter confesses man’s inability to keep the Law (v10)

o There is no ritual that man can do to be accepted

o The Law is not something we can meet (due to sin)

o Jews repeatedly prove that they cannot keep the Law

• Peter reminds them of their basic belief they hold too

o God invites all to come – rcv. grace – follow Jesus

o How? By accepting what God has done for them! (v11)

2. Paul & Barnabas’ Declaration (v12)

• FACT: God has worked great miracles to verify His message

• He doesn’t list sermons, programs, and analogies to prove God’s grace

• Rather, He has shown us how He works: God changes lives!

3. James’ Confirmation (vv13-21)

• Know this: James (½ brother of Jesus) is supporting their testimony

• Clarifies truth: All men must be able to turn to God for forgiveness

o APP: To do it without the burden of a ritual or the Law

o Says God “visited” the Gentiles GR: episkeptomai; to go see

o He called them out to be His people also; to live fully for Him

• He shows how scripture supports this truth – from the OT!

o Quotes Amos 9:11-12, (Read vv16-18); pay attention to the prophecy

1. God will reaffirm the fallen house of David: someone is coming to restore

2. This act will bring humanity to a place of wanting to seek God; ALL humanity

3. Means: It will include the GENTILES – who are also called “mine” (His)

• His recommendation is simple: Just tell them what they need to do!

o Don’t make it difficult to come to the Lord (rituals do this)

? Churches can be abhorrently vile in this act!

? Fact: If you want to have fellowship, come find fellowship!

? Seasons mission is exactly that … we are all broken!

o Abstain from these (see this: 4 very common sins to humanity)

? Idolatry – false worship

? Fornication – all forms of sexual immorality

? Sins of indulgence – unhealthy acts

? Blood – likely relates to crimes like murdering others

- Now, don’t miss this: look at what God did, He brought unity! (Reread v22)

-- The council agrees and send two men back to report this decision to the church

-- Why? Because two or more provide a strong witness to what was decided


- Let’s get back to the beginning: What did God do for us?

-- Get this: Want to truly celebrate Father’s Day, with our Heavenly Father?

• Not only has He given us His Son

• Not only has He given us salvation in Christ

• Not only has He allowed us to be accepted (we are Gentiles)

• Not only has He brought a great testimony of the work He does … BUT!

- He brought unity to the church in the form of: This is how people are saved!

-- This is what needs to be done in order to bring people into the fold!

-- This is the message the church which needs to be heard and shared with others!

- So … why do we make it so difficult today? Truly, where is our unity?

-- Perhaps we need to start here, right now, and cast out the things of “us”!

-- Maybe we need to settle in our hearts: what people need is Jesus – not ritual!

- Want to ask you:

• Are you living for Jesus?

• Are you seeking to make Jesus known?

• Are you being deliberate in imply sharing Him?

• Are you looking for a church fellowship to be a part of?

• Are you needing to grow in Christ with others of same faith?

- Want to invite you to come, just as you are, and join us to do this

- There is no perfect church, no perfect people, but we HAVE a perfect Christ

-- Acts shows us how we are to call others to Jesus, and how we must obey Him!

- Pray