Summary: How helpless is man though he holds position, power, wealth and fame! Not knowing what is lying ahead, all he has are a loan from his creator God- leaving everything here on this side of the eternity when he departs this world.

Live today! Never miss today’s blessings. God is a God of present tense. He calls Himself “ I am that I am”. Many of us dream of a better future when we can enjoy the life comfortably without the struggles we have now. It is only a human hope, with no sound base (Proverbs 19:21) . None of us know how short our life is. We love to live as if we are going to live for another 1000 years or more. Make the best of today, so we will have no regret tomorrow!

The way we fight and rage war against our own blood, relatives and friends prove that our mind and heart is totally set on this earth. When it comes to our self, we seldom value the relationships, we fight with our parents, siblings, our marriage partners, children, friends, neighbours or even with strangers. We grab things with our craftiness. What do we gain, a pile of dust? We often build our castles on some one’s tears. God warns that it will not go good with us. God says, the wealth of unrighteousness (it could be a piece of land, or a fraction of inheritance or a title or a small benefit) will not stay with us, not even our children will inherit them (Proverbs 13:11). It will go to someone and someone else will enjoy it.

Live today, a full life in the fear of God, a life under the shadow of God Almighty (Psalms 112:1-2). Be a blessing to everyone we meet. Let others remember you as an encourager. Carry a smile wherever we go. Bring a smile on the face of God, our creator! You and your generations will be blessed.

Mathew 7:12 "Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets". Forgive and forget all the bad things others have done to us. Choose not to keep a record of good things you have done for others, even in your memory. Always remember the good things others have done for us. Never forget the evil and bad things you have done to others. This will keep us in genuine humility before God and men. We will never be deceived. Thank God for your family and circumstances. Believe me- you got the best family, don’t let the devil break it. Learn to be content with what you have, because more or little do not make a difference when we die. Hebrew 13: 5 says, "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Live today happily with what you have, God would enlarge your boundaries when you really need it.

Each day of our life is a count down. We all have to leave this world one day. We don’t know our last day here. It can be anytime! Life on earth is uncertain and temporary, though we plan many things, there is no guarantee that the same will be fulfilled. None in the world can say confidently that he will be there tomorrow! James 4:15 says, “Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that'”. Age or health condition is no excuse! Death can come to anyone at any time. There is a life after death. Life after death is more important than life on earth because life after death is eternal (unlimited time- infinite!). Will you go to Heaven when you die?

Heaven and Hell are reality, my Friend! God in heaven and the hell fire of eternal judgement are a great reality though some may think they are man-made mythology. Each one of us has to stand before God’s throne and no friends or relatives will be able to speak a word for us there. You and I have to give an account of our earthly life there individually. The Bibles warns us in Ecclesiastes 12:14, "For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil". Even Paul, the Apostle says in 2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil". Please do not be deceived!

Those who love God will live with Him. Those who hate Him will not be in heaven but another place is there that is hell where there is no mercy, no kindness, no love, only suffering, pain and yelling forever because God is not there. What is the proof that we love God? Bible says, those who love Him obey His commandments (John 14:15, 23). His commandments are for our good. It was His compassion towards you- took Him all the way to the Cross. Those who do not want to obey Him is rejecting His government over their life.

If you die today, where will you go? Your body (dead) will turn back to the mud and where will your spirit (who was alive, who made body to do everything you were doing) go? Do you want to know the events after your death? Only Bible explains that. You can’t influence those events after you die. God has given a free will to man to choose what he likes. No other creation is given the freedom of will except human because he only has the spirit. All other living things have body and soul but man has Body, Soul and Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23) because he is created in the image of God, the Trinity.

Never listen to what the religions tell you about God, they are man invented stories to suit their own comfort and convenience. Seek God for yourself with all your heart, He will meet with you (Jeremiah 29:13) on your way of life. You need Lord Jesus Christ on your side. He died for your sins. He died on your behalf to set you free from the wrath of God against your sins. He paid that price with His own life on the Cross of Calvary. You need to understand the principles of salvation explained in the Bible. It is very important because your Eternity hinges on it. You need a very personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You need to make Him your Lord. He stands between you and the Justice of God.

He is the Way, Truth and the Life. None can go to the Father (God) but by Him (John 14:6). There is no other way! You need to have an assurance that your sins are forgiven! This was hidden to me for many years. Today I am one of the happiest men living on the face of the earth. Not because I have no problems, but my confidence and joy are in Him who is the creator and the designer of the universe. He plans and takes care of my life. Be a truth seeker! Seek for yourself what is good and inevitable for your life!

Bible is the only book that helps you to see God as your father. You can come to that divine relationship through Lord Jesus Christ. You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free (John 8:32). Cry out to God for a deliverance. Ask Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you. Isaiah 55:6-7 says, "Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near". You can have the help and fellowship of true Christians (born again) to prepare yourself for the Eternity. Find a good Pastor and a Church in your place. They will guide you to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and to have your salvation through Him.

Pastor Renji George

Mount Church, Cardiff, Wales, UK.

YouTube- @preachingthetruth3414