Summary: We are fighting a real battle, confronting a real enemy, but our victory is assured through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Warriors of Faith

Study Text: 1 Timothy 6:12


- The Christian life is that of a spiritual battle that goes on without ending. Ephesians 6: 10 - 12.

- God’s part, we cannot do, our part, He will not do, therefore, if we are faithful, God will look after us and ensure our success.

- We must fight a good fight of faith, holding on to eternal life, to which we are called.

- We must fight a good fight of faith in order to possess our possession in the Lord our God.

- Beloved saints of God, we are not cowards or weakling but we are courageous soldiers of the kingdom of God .

1. The Reality of our Battle:

- Christians are fighters and warriors in righteousness. Christian faith is a battle against evil and wicked forces.

- Beloved saints, we are in a spiritual battle. Battle against darkness. Battle against unrighteousness.

- War against the Devil and Satanic hosts. Battle against demonic forces in the heavenly realm.

- We must fight against sin. We must fight against false doctrine, apathy and apostasy.

- - A warrior is a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. A warrior is familiar with the battlefield and with the front line.

- A warrior is willing to stand toe to toe with the enemy to defend and to defeat. A warrior does not back down and will not quit.

- Spiritual warfare is a real thing. We stand for the real God and stand against a very real enemy. And Scripture reveals to us who that enemy is in Ephesians 6:12.

- The enemy is attacking this world on multiple fronts and if we are not careful, we can become overwhelmed with all that is going on.

- The enemy is attacking families, the enemy is attacking identity. The enemy is attacking morality, unity, and freedom. The enemy is attacking purpose, he is attacking souls, and he is attacking what it means to even be a man.

- We know these attacks, we have felt these attacks, we have seen the damaging effects of these attacks in our communities and cultures.

- What the enemy would Love for us to do is take a position of passivity and be satisfied in indifference.

- What the enemy would Love for us to do is simply overlook all that is going on. But Instead of overlooking the attacks of the enemy, God has called us to overcome through Jesus Christ.

- What we need to realize is that in Christ, the battle has already been won! In Christ, the enemy has already been overcome. The darkness is no match for the light of Jesus Christ!

- God is for us, who can be against us? This is gospel truth. But the key in living victoriously over the attacks of the enemy is living as David lived - the warrior for Christ finds his strength in the Lord!

- God has called us to overcome and not to overlook the attacks of the enemy and we will need His strength as we aim to fulfill that call He has placed on our lives.

- He has called us to be warriors in our homes, warriors in our communities. Warriors in the workplace, in the marketplace, and in the public place. God has called us to the front line, not the side line. He desires for us to engage and to be the light to this world He has called us to be.

- The enemy will do all he can to try to make you back down. The enemy will try all he can to cause you to overlook and be indifferent. Yet, so long as we find our strength in the Lord, God will give us the ability and the strength we need to take on enemy and overcome.

2. The Reasons for our Battle:

- In Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, we can see the enemy we are contending with.

- There are many Christians who feel that words like fight, struggle, strife, labour have no place in the daily experience of Christian life.

- Many believers think that Christianity centers only on life flowing like a stream without hindrances or resistance. This is not true.

- Some Christians go out of context by thinking that to fight a good fight of faith only relates to healing, prosperity and material things.

- The fight of faith is a fight against:

1. Our eternal enemy (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

- Satan transforms himself into angel of light.

2. False teachers also deceive the Church with false teaching. (1 Timothy 4:1-2)

3. The fashions of this world. (John 17:14-16, 1 John 4:4-6, 5:18-20, James 4:4)

4. Against the tendency of following the thinking line of this world. (1 John 2:15-17)

3. The Resources for our Battle:

- Christian battle begins the very moment you are born again.

- Remember the Bible declares that from the time of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of God has suffered violence and violence takes it by force. Matthew 11: 11-12

- Remember, Saints of God that Our battle is not against blood and flesh but against the unseen forces.

- Only spiritual weapons provided for us by God are suitable and capable for winning in the battle continually.

- God has made several resources available for us to ensure our victory in spiritual battles. These weapons are not carnal weapons but they are mighty through God for the battle before us. They include:

1. The whole armour of God: Ephesians 6: 10-18.

- The whole armour of God consist of:

a. The Belt of Truth

b. The Shoe of the Gospel

c. The Helmet of Salvation

d. The Breastplate of Righteousness

e. The Shield of Faith

f. The Sword of the Spirit

g. The Power of Prayer

2. The Name of Jesus. Mark 16: 17-18.

3. The Blood of the Lamb. Revelation 12:11

4. The Power of the Holy Spirit. Luke 10:19-20, Acts 1:8