Summary: When we put our trust in the Lord, we can be rest assured that He will give us strength and divine protection and divine help in difficult situations.

The Lord is my Strength and my Shield:

Study Text: Psalms 28: 6 - 8


- David was facing challenging times, and he brought his troubles before God.

- But, as he usually did, David ended with a note of trust and commitment to God.

- David was a warrior. And he understood the importance of both strength and defensive protection.

- God gave David the strength to endure and be victorious over those who opposed him. And God was also his shield, protecting him from those who opposed him.

- David put his trust in the Lord. With all that he was, David trusted God. And his trust was rewarded. God helped him through all of the challenges he faced.

- Our world is in turmoil. Disease, conflict, and unrest abound. The enemies we face are generally not attacking us with swords and spears, although the attacks may cause physical, emotional, or economic damage. And we may feel helpless in the face of the onslaught.

- But David’s words are true for each of us. For those who trust in the Lord, he will provide the strength to overcome. And he will protect us from the evil one and his followers.

- That is not a guarantee that you will not suffer in this world. But if we trust in him, we can be rest assured that whatever happens, he will protect us and give us the strength to endure. And that, in the end, he will bring us to himself.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Confession

2. The Condition

3. The Conclusion

1. The Confession

- Our world is filled with challenges, trials, and temptations. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of our faith. But let us remember the words of Paul in Ephesians 6:10.

- This scripture encourages us as Christians, to stay strong, and to do so by relying on God's strength.

- Our confession in difficult situations will show whether we are relying on God's strength or on our strength.

- Through our confession and consequent actions, we will see three things very clearly: Our understanding of God's strength, Our embracing of God's strength, and Our demonstration of God's strength.

1. Understanding God's Strength:

- The first step to relying on God's strength is understanding what it means. Isaiah 40:29

- Practically, this means acknowledging that our strength alone is insufficient. We must recognize our weaknesses and limitations and turn to God, who provides strength beyond our understanding.

- God provides strength to the weak, emphasizing His compassionate nature and the importance of relying on Him in times of weakness. Recognizing our limitations helps us understand our need for God's strength.

- By comprehending God's strength, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the sacrifice made by Christ.

2. Embracing God's Strength:

- Once we understand God's strength, we must embrace it.

- To embrace God's strength, we must surrender our pride and self-sufficiency. We don’t pray because we don’t see a need unless we are in trouble. Christians must pray for His strength in times of weakness and trusting that He will provide.

- Embracing God's strength requires active faith, shown through prayer and trust in God's provision during challenging times.

- When we understand and accept the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, it opens the door to fully embrace God's strength.

- When we embrace this, we are not just acknowledging God's physical strength, but also his spiritual strength - the strength to forgive, to redeem, and to offer unending grace.

- By embracing this, we accept our weakness and the need for God's strength in our lives. It is a testament to our faith and the acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for our sins.

3. Demonstrating God's Strength:

- Finally, we must demonstrate God's strength. As believers, we are called to be a light to the world, reflecting God's power through our lives.

- Philippians 4:13 reminds us, "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

- To put this into practice, we must rely on God's strength in our actions, decisions, and interactions with others.

- We display God's strength by showing love, grace, patience, and forgiveness, just as He does with us.

- This scripture inspires hope by reminding us that with Christ's strength, we can overcome any challenge or difficulty.

2. The Condition:

- God is everything to of His people. All the blessings of God to man are based on the condition of His righteousness.

- In the same way, God will only give strength, divine protection and divine help to those who trusted Him to live for Him and walk in His righteousness.

- God is the shield and buckler of those who trust in Him. He is their protective cover, and armour-plates. He sees the deadly blows and poisoned arrows and fatal bullets that their demonic enemies aim at them and protects them.

- God shields His people from the spears flung at them by the devil in form of diverse dangers.

- God shields His people from the power of the enemy. He protects them from hellish forces. He delivers them from the power of darkness. Colossians 1:13

- In this God, we can find refuge from the storm of life. We should come to him in times of troubles and problems and dangers, trusting in Him for deliverance and protection.

- The people of God should trust in his protective and delivering power 2 Samuel 22:3.

- They should not fear and be anxious when they get into unpleasant or dangerous situation - Psalm 27:3, Isaiah 1:10.

- Many people in their unbelief look around for other beings and things that they can rely upon as shield and refuge. They make God only one of the shields and refuges in which they trust, rendering themselves unqualified for God's protection and caring.

3. The Conclusion:

- The Presence of the Lord is the source of power and strength (Psalms 96:6; Isaiah 40:31)

- Every time we are in need of strength, the place to go is the Presence of the Lord. The kids of strength we can receive in the presence of God include:

1. Spiritual Strength (Ephesians 6:10-11; Proverbs 24:10)

2. Physical Strength (Deuteronomy 34:7)

3. Emotional or Psychological Strength (Isaiah 53:1-7).

- In the presence of God we receive strength for our emotions

4. Mental Strength (Romans 12:1-2)

- This has to do with the power of the will, the power of choice and decision making.

5. Character Strength (Ephesians 3:14-18).

- This is strength in the inner man to do what is right in the sight of the Lord.

- The strength that comes from the presence of God can be access through the following ways:

1. In His Sanctuary (Psalms 84:7)

2. In intimate fellowship with God (Isaiah 40:31)

3. In the meditation of the Word (John 1:1, Psalms 1:1-3)