Summary: Pastor John shares why we need the Holy Spirit to help us survive and thrive in our current world

The Necessity of the Holy Spirit Baptism

Scripture: Acts 2:1-4


Today is Pentecost Sunday. It’s the day that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the original followers of Jesus, and has been poured out on his believers ever since.

The baptism in or off (interchangeable terms) the Holy Spirit was the restoration of what had been lost in the garden of Eden. In the Gospel of John, Chapter 20:22 the resurrected Jesus breathes on His disciple saying, “receive the Holy Spirit”

Because Jesus had taken away our sin, the Holy Spirit could now reside in those who follow HIM. That is the gift that every true Christian has- the indwelling power of God within them.

What is happening in Acts Chapter 2 is something different. See the indwelling of the Holy Spirit brought with it intimacy with God.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit brings the Power and presence of God.

It’s like if I have a match and light it. The potential for that fire is always within that match, but it needs that outside force for it to fan into flame. That’s what the Holy Spirit does for us when we receive that baptism.

That’s what happened to the disciples.

11 men, in fear for their lives and hiding in an upper room became fearless Apostles that changed world history. All but one died as a martyr of the faith because this baptism set them on fire and they spread that fire all over the middle east, Europe, and Northern Africa.

Today, almost 2000 years later, you and I sit here as their spiritual descendants.

Today, we have that same chance to change our world for Jesus Christ, and the best part is- we don’t have to stir up the gumption to do it. It’s not a matter of planning, new strategies, or being attractive to the world.

It’s about being filled with the Holy Spirit and power.

Zechariah 4:6 Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of Hosts

As a leader of a church in 2024, I have to say we have done everything else to bring people into the church-

Live, exciting rock bands

Light shows

Theater smoke

There are even pastors zip lining into their pulpits. In some megachurch’s it’s more a circus atmosphere than a worshipful one. We have tried to bring people into the kingdom using all of the worldly gimmics, and have woefully failed or at best, created weak and anemic Christians.

Maybe it’s time to go back to Gods plan for us-


Lets read about that this Pentecost Morning-

Act 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. (2) Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. (3) They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated and rested on each one of them. (4) Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them.


This passage is not just a historical account but a living testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. As we unpack its significance, we will explore why the baptism of the Holy Spirit is essential for Christians today. Our exploration will cover three main points: the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, the transformative work of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit’s role in equipping believers for effective ministry.

I. The Empowering Presence of the Holy Spirit

A. The Promise of Power

The event of Pentecost marks the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to His disciples regarding the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Before His ascension, Jesus instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the “gift my Father promised” (Acts 1:4-5).

He elaborated in Acts 1:8, *“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”*

This promise is crucial because it underscores the necessity of divine empowerment for fulfilling the Great Commission.

A few moments ago I talked about some church’s trying to create a spiritual experience through human spectacle.

You might draw a crowd with that, but unless you get them to the cross, unless you get them filled with God’s power, you will give them a false assurance of salvation, and the first life storm they run into, they will fall away.

This is why the need for this divine empowerment is no long an optional accessory to our faith. After the cross, it’s becoming mandatory.

At Pentecost, the disciples experienced the Holy Spirit’s presence in a tangible and powerful way. The sound of a violent wind and the appearance of tongues of fire were physical manifestations of the Spirit’s arrival. This event signified a new era where God’s presence would be continually experienced by His people.

Our world is not getting any easier. It’s filled with complexities, challenges, and spiritual battles that require more than human wisdom and strength. The Holy Spirit provides the supernatural power necessary for believers to stand firm, share the gospel boldly, and live out their faith authentically.

For Christians today, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just a doctrinal point- it is a vital experience. It is through this baptism that believers are empowered to live victoriously and to overcome the challenges they face. The Holy Spirit’s presence brings about a profound transformation, enabling believers to experience God’s power and presence in their daily lives.

The world isn’t getting any friendlier to Christians. In Ephesians 6:12, Paul reminds us, *“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”*

To stand against such forces, believers need the power of the Holy Spirit.

I had a missionary friend in Africa- he is a Pentecostal minister that very much believes in the Power of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. He told us a story about a time in Uganda when the country was in upheaval, and various factions were rising up and killed all non-Africans. My friend said that they heard that one of those factions was heading their way.

At that time, they were living inside of a walled village, and they closed the gates and secured it as best as they could, but honestly they couldn’t expect to hold out against a military style assault.

My friend called the entire town to prayer and fasting and worship. They prayed, preached, and worshipped all day and into the night. Later in the night, as they continued their church services, they heard the sound of military trucks approaching. One of the trucks crashed through the gates, and soldiers came pouring out the backs of them. The men grimly looked through the windows of their church as the soldiers approached. Suddenly the rebel soldiers stopped, and screamed in fear and ran back to their trucks, turned around, and left the village.

One of the soldiers had tripped and fallen as he ran and broke his leg. The people of the village found him and treated him for his wound and asked why they ran away.

The soldier replied, “When we came upon your church, suddenly we saw it surrounded by giant men who were glowing, and we panicked and ran.”

The power and faith of these people drew God near, and HE sent a few angels in a shock and awe campaign.

That’s the kind of power we are missing out on when we don’t use every tool God our Father gives us, and the Baptism is first and foremost the most important source of power we have to increase our faith in these times when the enemy is all around us.

We can carry that power into all aspects of our lives. The Holy Spirit stands ready to guide us, protect us, and empower us to live for Jesus in this day.

The Holy Spirit will lead us in every aspect of our lives, from our personal walk with God to our interactions with others. The baptism of the Holy Spirit equips us to face the spiritual battles of our time and to live out our faith with boldness and conviction.

The second most important thing about being baptized in the Holy Spirit is-

II. The Transformative Work of the Holy Spirit

A. Inner Transformation

The baptism of the Holy Spirit brings about an inner transformation that is essential for spiritual growth and maturity.

The Holy Spirit works within us to conform us to the image of Christ.

This transformation is described by Paul in Galatians 5:22-23 as the fruit of the Spirit: *“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”*

These qualities are evidence of the Spirit’s work within us, shaping our character and aligning our lives with God’s will.

That inner transformation is incredibly important to use this morning.

In 2024, the pressures and temptations of the world are immense. The culture around us often promotes values that are contrary to the teachings of Christ. The transformative work of the Holy Spirit is crucial for believers to resist these pressures and to live lives that reflect the love and holiness of God.

This inner transformation enables us to be witnesses of Christ’s transforming power in a world that desperately needs it.

It begins with the

B. Renewal of the Mind

The Holy Spirit also plays a critical role in renewing our minds. In Romans 12:2, Paul urges believers, *“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The renewal of the mind is a continuous process that the Holy Spirit facilitates, helping us to think and act according to God’s principles rather than worldly patterns.

Again, this renewal is essential for living in 2024.

With the bombardment of information coming at us, the Holy Spirit’s guidance helps us discern truth from falsehood and make decisions that honor God. The baptism of the Holy Spirit initiates and sustains this process of renewal, enabling us to grow in wisdom and understanding.

C. Empowering for Holy Living

The transformative work of the Holy Spirit empowers us to live holy lives. In 1 Peter 1:15-16, we are called to holiness: *“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’”* Holiness is not achieved through human effort but through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

In an age where moral relativism is prevalent, the call to holiness is countercultural. The baptism of the Holy Spirit equips us to live according to God’s standards, resisting the moral compromises that are so common today. This empowerment for holy living is essential for maintaining our witness and integrity as followers of Christ.

The third and last thing that shows us why being baptized in the Holy Spirit is so important is to equip us.

III. The Holy Spirit’s Role in Equipping Believers for Effective Ministry

The first one-

### A. Gifts of the Spirit

The baptism of the Holy Spirit equips believers with spiritual gifts that are essential for the church to work properly. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Paul lists various gifts of the Spirit, including wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. These gifts are given for the common good and to build up the body of Christ.

There is no doubt that the Church faces numerous challenges that require the active operation of these spiritual gifts.

Whether it is in addressing social issues, providing pastoral care, or evangelizing to the lost, the gifts of the Spirit are indispensable tools for effective ministry.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit activates these gifts, enabling believers to serve in diverse and powerful ways.

Another way the Holy Spirit empowers us is

### B. Boldness in Witnessing

The Holy Spirit also provides the boldness needed for witnessing. In Acts 4:31, after the believers prayed, “the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” This boldness is a direct result of the Holy Spirit’s empowerment and is crucial for sharing the gospel in a world that often opposes it.

Today, believers are called to be witnesses in a society that is increasingly secular and, at times, hostile to the Christian faith. The baptism of the Holy Spirit imparts the courage and conviction necessary to proclaim the gospel fearlessly and to stand firm in the face of opposition. This boldness is not born of human effort but is a divine enablement that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Not only does it give us power to stand, but gives us the want to stand.

Let’s be honest- sometimes don’t you want to just keep your mouth shut, go with the flow, and get along with those who vehemently oppose biblical and Christian ideals?

This might be a bit hard for some of us to accept, but-

We need to take on a little more of a militaristic mindset in these days.

I’m not talking violence, but allow God through this baptism in the Holy Spirit to make us into soldiers of the cross.

There is a lot of bad things that can be said about the crusades, but many of the men who became knights were simply following what their church told them to do.

Not all, but many of them were honorable men.

Their oath is one that I honestly still try to live up today-

“Be without Fear in the face of your enemies.

Be brave and upright, so that God may love thee

Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death

Safeguard the helpless, and do no wrong”

I encourage you today- take that mindset upon yourself- allow God to use you when it isn’t comfortable, and be willing to stand in the face of humanities greatest enemies.

Finally, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit promotes

### C. Unity in the Body of Christ

The Holy Spirit fosters unity within the body of Christ.

In Ephesians 4:3-4, Paul exhorts believers to *“make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called.”* The Holy Spirit unites believers, enabling them to work together harmoniously for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

You never hear of a couple of demons disagreeing with the devil and leaving the kingdom of darkness to form hell #2.

Yet, in the church, sometime even the slightest problem and people run for the doors.

Everything in this culture today is trying to divide us. In the church- various doctrines are watering down the gospel.

Culture wars

Political strife.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is essential for overcoming these divisions and fostering true unity among believers.

All rise


I want you to leave with one more thing this morning, and perhaps for us it’s the most important.

You may have been filled with the Holy Spirit at some point. But it is not a one and done thing. The bible tells us to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit.

I implore you as your pastor, be a person of prayer, a person of worship, and person who lives for God in all facets of your life, allowing the Holy Spirit’s power to show the world Jesus through you.

Altar Call