Summary: The coming of the shepherds who had nothing to give the new born king and the coming of magi bearing expensive gifts for the Christ child, demonstrate that Jesus Christ receives people from all walks of life.




A church put on its annual CHRISTMAS PROGRAM where the children ACT out the Christmas Story. The scene opened with MARY and JOSEPH in a stable admiring the baby JESUS lying in a manger. Then comes the SHEPHERDS walking in with their STAFFS, followed by smaller CHILDREN

dressed up like SHEEP; and they all KNEEL before baby Jesus.

The next to enter were the three WISEMEN dressed in ROBES and wearing CROWNS—one of them was advertising Burger King. Then they began PRESENTING their GIFTS to BABY Jesus—first GOLD and then FRANKINCENSE. And as the last WISEMAN placed his GIFT of MYRRH

before Jesus he, at the bewilderment of Mary and Joseph. suddenly SHOUTED OUT, “8 x 8 equals 64”.

The people in the audience was, at first, BAFFLED and then some started GIGGLING, which clearly UPSET the BOY. He turns to the audience and says, “What are you laughing at? I AM one of the THREE SMART MEN.”

1. We have all heard the story of WISE MEN from the East following the STAR that led to Jesus, the new

born King.

2. However, as we will STUDY today in Matthew, much of what we heard is not VERIFIED in Scripture.

a. It has been assumed that there are THREE wise men since that’s how many GIFTS were given to Jesus, but Scripture merely speaks of a plurality of WISE MEN and no specific number is given.

b. Also, according to the NATIVITY SCENES that are prevalent this time of year, the WISE MEN are

seen WORSHIPPING the baby Jesus in the MANGER right along with the SHEPHERDS.


However, according to Matthew, Mary and Joseph are no longer in the BARN but now living in a

HOUSE by the time the MAGI arrive. Therefore, Jesus is no longer a new-born baby but at least several months old and possibly closer to TWO-YEARS-OLD. Especially in light of the fact that “King Herod wanted boys 2 years and under to be killed in hopes of eliminating the Christ child” – Matthew 2:16.

c. Furthermore, the MAGI are often referred to as KINGS. We sing the song: “We Three Kings.”


There is nothing in Matthew’s account that indicates that they were ROYALTY. But some believe that this is a fulfillment of prophecy from Psalm 72:10- “The kings of Tarshish and of distant shores will bring tribute to Him; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present Him gifts.”

They may have been WEALTHY and of NOBILITY because of the expensive GIFTS they gave.

B. What we know about the MAGI is that they were from the East, which could include Babylon (modern day

Iraq), Persia (modern day Iran) or the Arabian Desert.

1. The word used for “MAGI” refers to a group of people known as scholars, astrologers, and interpreters of dreams. They were also part of a Priestly Order associated with Eastern religions and philosophies.

2. These were men whom have read and studied about the coming of Christ—the King of Jews.


No doubt they knew the ancient teachings of the prophet Balaam, whom some believe was the founder of the Magi, when he spoke about the coming Messiah: “I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter (King) will rise out of Israel…”- Num. 24:17a.

C. As men who studied the STARS the MAGI saw something unusual in the SKY.

1. They believed it to be the STAR that would not only be a SIGN of the coming of the King of Jews, but

would lead them to Him.

2. By FAITH they head out on a long arduous journey, traveling hundreds of miles, to find and WORSHIP

the King of kings.



A. We first find the Magi in Jerusalem going around asking for DIRECTIONS—“Where is the One who

has been born King of the Jews?”- v. 2.

1. Again, over a year has passed and apparently no one in Jerusalem has heard the news about the

BIRTH of the Messiah.


I am sure the MAGI must have found this rather STRANGE. They had been traveling for MONTHS to come WORSHIP the new born KING, but the people in Jerusalem aren’t even AWARE that the Messiah had been BORN and LIVING just 5½ miles down the road. (Bethlehem 5.7 miles)

2. V. 3- “When King Herod heard this he was DISTURBED, and all Jerusalem with him.”

a. The CHRIST has come into the world, and they’re …. “DISTURBED”.

b. You’d think they’d RUSH out to see if they could find Him.


The promised MESSIAH, the One whom the PROPHETS had spoken about, has COME. Yet the people aren’t EXCITED. They aren’t JOYFUL. They are “DISTURBED” about the NEWS.

3. Not much has CHANGED in 2,000 years, has it?

a. There are people today so DISTURBED by the coming of Christ, that they can’t even use the



This year for the first time in 3 decades (30 years), the third-grade boys and girls at Chisholm Elementary School in Edmond, Oklahoma will NO LONGER be ALLOWED to take part in a LIVE

NATIVITY during the school’s so-named annual “Holiday Show”. (Photo: Last year’s program.)

An ATHEIST group known as the Freedom From Religion Foundation, threatened a LAW SUIT against the SCHOOL, even though the PROGRAM is put on by PARENTS—not the school,


When asked by a reporter of KWTV- News 9 about the “War on Christmas” that has come to their SCHOOL, a PARENT who also took part in the LIVE NATIVITY when she was in the THIRD-GRADE years ago, said, “This is not a WAR on Christmas . . . this is a WAR on Christ.”


Also, this year, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) are demanding the town of Brownstown, IN to remove a NATIVITY SCENE which, in one form or another, has been DISPLAYED on the Jackson County Courthouse yard every Christmas for over 50 years.

They are representing a woman who complained, in a court document, that she frequently drives past the Jackson County Courthouse and is “forced to come into direct and unwelcome

contact with the Nativity scene there.”


The mere sight of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus—all from a distance—causes this woman “irreparable harm,” she claims. However, thus far, the town officials are not bowing down to the PRESSURE of the ACLU and REFUSE to remove the NATIVITY.

b. This WAR on Christ is becoming more and more PREVALENT in our ever-increasing GODLESS society.

4. Referring to the coming Messiah Isaiah writes, “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised,

and we esteemed Him not”- Isaiah 53:3.

a. Jesus, who came and gave His LIFE for the WORLD so that mankind can be SAVED, is still DESPISED and REJECTED by many who are “DISTURBED” by His COMING.

b. But why? Why are they so adamantly against Jesus?


Think about it: If the Son of God really did enter this earth 2000 years ago and DIED for our

SINS, people will have to make some CHANGES. They can’t KEEP DOING the things they DO.

The way they LIVE their LIVES have ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES. So, it’s easier to say He doesn’t EXIST than to be the PERSON God wants them to be.

B. King Herod knew exactly of whom the MAGI was speaking, for “he calls in the chief priests and teachers

of the law and asks them where the Christ was to be born”- v. 4

1. It’s obvious that Herod doesn’t spend time reading God’s Word.

a. In fact, he doesn’t care about PLEASING God in his LIFE—he cares only for POWER.

b. History reveals that Herod the Great was so POWER HUNGRY, that he had three of his SONS MURDERED for fear that they were PLOTTING to take over his THRONE.

2. The Chief Priests and Scribes turn to the prophet Micah that reveals that “the Messiah, the King of

the Jews, the One who will rule over Israel, is to be born in Bethlehem.” – Micah 5:2

a. Undoubtedly, this upset Herod even more.


In Herod’s mind, if the PROPHECY is true, then this CHILD will grow up and take over his

KINGDOM. He can’t STAND for that to HAPPEN.

b. “Herod tells the Magi that once they find the CHILD, be sure to let him know so that he, too,

can go WORSHIP Him”- v. 8.

c. Herod’s PLAN was not to WORSHIP Jesus, but to KILL Him- v. 16 (READ and COMMENT)


A. Once Herod told them the Christ child was to be BORN in Bethlehem, the MAGI immediately went on

their WAY joyfully following the STAR to where the CHILD was.

1. They are finally COMING to the LAST LEG of their JOURNEY.


b. No doubt they are WEARY and EXHAUSTED, but their long arduous JOURNEY and everything they’ve been through is worth this MOMENT in time to finally see the CHILD who is the King of the Jews.

2. V. 11a- “On coming to the house, the Magi saw the child with His mother Mary, and they bowed

down and worshipped Him.”

a. Last week we saw lowly, outcast, smelly SHEPHERDS invited by God to come and WORSHIP

His Son, the new born Christ Child.

b. Now we see men of nobility—dignified, respected, wealthy SCHOLARS, guided by the STAR

sent by God to come WORSHIP His Son. (The Shepherds were JEWS and the Magi were GENTILES.)

3. Remember what the ANGEL said to the Shepherds?

a. “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL the PEOPLE”- Luke 2:10.

b. The coming of the Magi from the east to worship God’s Son, shows that the GOSPEL is for all.


Jesus is God’s CHRISTMAS GIFT to the WORLD. How SAD it is that many still REJECT

God’s GIFT.

Not these “SMART MEN”. They knew upon entering that HOUSE that they were in the same ROOM with GREATNESS, and immediately BOWED DOWN and WORSHIPED the Son of God. Regardless of what King and Sovereign they served in the east, Jesus was now their King.

B. The next thing they do is present the CHILD with precious GIFTS- v. 11b


I’m not sure that the WISE MEN understood the full meaning of the coming of Christ into the WORLD when they presented their TREASURES to Jesus, but it’s almost as if they were INSPIRED by God to present GIFTS that had a special SIGNIFICANCE to God’s Son—the King of kings and

Savior of the World.

1. First gift was “GOLD.”

a. Of course, this is the most precious of METALS.

b. The MAGI began their long JOURNEY to find and worship the “King of the Jews.”


So, the first GIFT speaks of Jesus as ROYALTY—the King of kings.

2. Second gift was “FRANKINCENSE.”

a. Frankincense was an expensive RESIN extracted from the bark of an Arabian tree, and was

imported to Israel.

b. It was used specifically in WORSHIP to God, burned as INCENSE putting out a sweet

FRAGRANCE that filled the entire TEMPLE.


This GIFT speaks of Jesus’ WORTHINESS of being WORSHIPPED as God.

3. The third gift was “MYRRH.”

a. Myrrh is also derived from a tree, and it produces a FRAGRANT OIL used in SACRED


b. “Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus used MYRRH to anoint Jesus’ body after His death on

the cross and before burying Him in the tomb”- John 19:38ff.


This GIFT speaks of Jesus’ DEATH on the CROSS for our sins.

C. Again, I’m not sure what the WISE MEN understood in GIVING these GIFTS.

1. Symbolically they have a SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE to us as Christians. They signify Jesus as…

a. Our KING

b. Our LORD


2. These GIFTS not only had a RELIGIOUS undertone, but a PRACTICAL use.

a. Matthew 2:13- “When they (MAGI) had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, ‘Get up,’ he said, ‘take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until

I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.’”


What do you think Joseph and Mary used for MONEY on their TRIP? How did they survive in a FOREIGN land where they lived as STRANGERS—with no family and no immediate source of INCOME? How did they pay for FOOD and LODGING?

b. Yes, these EXPENSIVE GIFTS that were GIVEN to HONOR the New Born King, became their LIVELIHOOD until they got SETTLED.

3. God knew exactly what this FAMILY needed, and used WISE MEN from the EAST to give them not only EXPENSIVE GIFTS, but to GIVE of themselves in homage to the King of kings.


A. The story of the SHEPHERDS and the MAGI are stories of HOPE.

1. It gives every TRUTH-SEEKER from every CULTURE or BACKGROUND a reason to keep SEEKING for the One who brings LIFE and LIGHT to a DARK and COLD WORLD.

2. What matters to God is not one’s BACKGROUND, but one’s HEART.


MAGI from the east, smelly SHEPHERDS in a field, WORKERS in an abortion clinic, HIV-infected ATHLETES, controversial RAPPERS, political DEMONSTRATORS, PRISONERS, STREET PEOPLE—all may look like unlikely candidates for the GOSPEL to you and me.

People come from every ENVIRONMENT, every RACE, every SITUATION, every POLITICAL PARTY, every PART of the WORLD searching for TRUTH, searching for HOPE, searching for FORGIVENESS—and we know that it can only be FOUND through Jesus Christ our Lord.