Summary: When your prayers go unanswered, you are expected to feel discouraged and want to give up. However, it is essential to remember that God hears every one of your cries. Therefore, trust that your prayers are being heard and answered in God's own time and in a way that benefits you.


(Psalms 40:1-3) [1] "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry." [2] "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." [3] "And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD."

(Psalms 34:15) "The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry."

(Psalms 34:17-18) [17] "The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles." [18] "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."

(Psalms 18:6-10) [6] "In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears." [7] "Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth." [8] "There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it." [9] "He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet." [10] "And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind."


Beloved, the book of Psalm chapter forty is a poignant reflection on the experience of being trapped in a terrible pit. This psalm resonates with many of us, vividly portraying David's plight- trapped in a pit, enveloped by darkness, and utterly helpless.

David's use of this pit experience to express his anguish, followed by his unwavering faith in God to come and deliver him, is a testament to the human struggle and the power of faith. In our own lives, we may find ourselves in similar pits, feeling trapped and helpless. But just as David found solace in his faith, we too can find comfort and strength in ours.

The word of God teaches us that David spent much of his life hiding out in caves to avoid being captured by his enemies, and his life was in constant danger. He speaks of the search for his life becoming so intense that he was forced to fake insanity to survive.

David's faith shines through in this Psalms as he recounts how he cried out to God for help and how God, in His unfailing love, heard his cry and lifted him out of the pit. This powerful testament to God's faithfulness and willingness to rescue David from even the direst circumstances is a beacon of hope for us all.

Just as God delivered David from the pit, He has also delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, and He continues to deliver His people from various trials and tribulations throughout history.

David speaks of how he waited patiently for the Lord, and God heard his cry and lifted him out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire. Notice how the psalmist is careful to thank God for his deliverance and praises Him for his faithfulness.

Notice how he encourages others to trust God and know He is always there to help us as he helped him. Patience is a virtue that is often tested in times of waiting, but it is through patience that we can demonstrate our trust in God's timing and our faith in His promises.

Beloved, David reassures us through these Psalms that we can always turn to God in our darkest moments for help and guidance, regardless of the magnitude of our challenges.

Dear friends, it's not uncommon to feel like our prayers are not heard when faced with challenging situations, and it can be frustrating and discouraging when we don't see the answers to our supplications.

Beloved, it is crucial to remember that God is always listening and hears every cry. Even if we don't receive the answers we hoped for, we can trust that God is working behind the scenes to bring about His perfect plan, a plan that is designed for our ultimate good and His glory, even if we can't fully comprehend it in our current circumstances.

Dear friends, you don't need to worry about how loud or soft your voice is, as He is always listening and cares deeply about you and your struggles. This serves as a comforting reminder that no matter how challenging our situations may be, we should never lose faith in God. His presence is a constant source of comfort and security, assuring us that we are never alone in our struggles.

Beloved, sometimes it can feel like the world is against you and nothing is going your way. Still, in these trying moments, you can rest in knowing that God is continually at work behind the scenes, orchestrating events in your life to fulfill His divine purposes.

Believing in God's unfailing love and faithfulness is of the utmost importance. It is through faith that we can always count on Him to be with us, guiding us through the storms of life, and giving us the strength to persevere.

In conclusion, it's important to remember that even when it's hard to see the bigger picture, we can always trust that God is in control and that everything will work according to His plan. Therefore, holding on to your faith and not losing hope is essential, knowing that God has your best interests at heart. His 'best interests' refer to His deep love and care for you, His desire for your spiritual growth and well-being, and His commitment to work all things, good and bad, out for your good. (Romans 8:28)


Beloved, did you know that animals such as bears and crocodiles can distinguish a particular cry from their young ones? This distinctive cry, a piercing call that echoes through the wilderness, signals the mother that her offspring is distressed and needs her attention.

Beloved, witnessing the strong bond between mothers and their offspring, a bond forged in the crucible of nature, is genuinely awe-inspiring. Their ability to recognize their young through a specific cry is just one example of the wonders of the natural world.

We will soon be celebrating Mother's Day, and everyone knows that a mother's nurturing touch is genuinely remarkable. A mother's loving, caressing touch is a powerful force that can heal wounds, calm fears, and make everything right in the world.

A child can be in a hospital and not respond to aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, or even her dad, but when her mother walks into the room and says, "Mothers here," the child will sit up in bed with a smile on her face to know that her mother came to see about her. I remember a time when I was in the hospital, feeling scared and alone. But the moment my mother walked in, her presence alone was enough to calm my fears and make me feel safe.

A mother's tender touch reminds us that in a world that can often feel chaotic and uncertain, a mother's touch is a reflection of God's touch and a reminder of the boundless love he has for his children.

Beloved children who play together can be wholly absorbed in their games, unaware of the world around them. Their mother may be sitting nearby, enjoying a book or watching the passersby, but everything changes when one of her children cries out in distress. The mother's instincts kick in, and without thinking, she rushes to her child's side, ready to do whatever it takes to protect them.

My dear friends, at that moment, nothing else matters to the mother but the safety and well-being of her child. The mother will risk her own life to defend her child from harm and will not hesitate to confront anyone or anything that threatens her child's safety. It is amazing how a mother's love for her child transforms her from a calm and relaxed observer to a fierce protector.

Beloved, Psalm chapter forty speaks of David waiting patiently for God's response to his situation and noticing how God inclined his ear to hear his cry. The word "inclined" suggests that God was not distant but relatively close to David in his time of need. This is a powerful reminder that just as a mother is always near to her child, ready to listen and respond, our divine creator is also one who is always present, attentive to our needs, and prepared to offer comfort and protection.

My dear friends, throughout David's life, he faced numerous challenges but always turned to God for help and guidance. David learned early in life that his faith in God was his source of strength and comfort in trials and tribulations.

When we cry out to God, we open ourselves up and reveal our innermost fears, desires, and hopes to Him. This act of vulnerability can be an incredibly personal and emotional experience as we pour out our hearts to our beloved Creator. Through this act of faith, we can experience a sense of liberation and transformation as we release our burdens and surrender ourselves to God's will. It is a beautiful and sacred experience that can deepen our relationship with God and bring us closer to Him.

My dear friends, whether facing a difficult situation or simply seeking a closer relationship with God, crying out to Him with a genuine cry from our being can be a powerful way to connect with Him. It can help us to release pent-up emotions and find comfort and solace in God's presence.

Beloved, we can better understand ourselves and our place in the world by expressing our deepest thoughts and feelings to God. This can help us find direction and clarity in our lives and lead us to make positive changes that align with God's plan.

If you are facing a difficult situation, such as trouble in your marriage caused by a home-breaking spirit or maybe even a word from your doctor that you have only so many months left to live, consider crying out to Him with a genuine and heartfelt cry from the depths of your being. Remember, it's not about the words you use but the sincerity and authenticity of your heart that truly matters.

In closing, the word tells us that God hears the faint cries from our hearts, so let's call out together, Holy Ghost, three times and believe God that he will come to our rescue and deliver us from our fears and from all that has set abashments against us. A-Men


Beloved, we find in Psalm chapter forty that the pit experience taught David that God is faithful, trustworthy, and a guiding light in the darkest times. He discovered that the LORD could establish us in a better and more secure place, set our feet on solid ground, and lead us toward a brighter future.

David's experience of being saved by God from his dire situation encourages us to wait patiently for the LORD, who always comes to our aid when we call upon Him. This Psalm teaches us that even when we feel trapped and helpless, we can trust God to guide us out of our difficulties and into a better place.

David's words remind us that God is powerful, compassionate, and always ready to help us when we seek Him. This Psalm is a testament to the power of faith, patience, and trust in God, even in the most challenging times of our lives.

David sincerely believed in the power of faith. He had recently gone through an intense time and felt lost and helpless. Then, he turned to prayer, seeking refuge and deliverance from his struggles. He spent several days praying fervently, pouring his heart to God, and seeking guidance and strength to overcome his difficulties.

David's unwavering faith was rewarded, and he received a clear answer to his prayer. He felt a renewed sense of hope and purpose, and his struggles began to fade away. This experience only strengthened his belief in the power of prayer and his faith in God, whom he loved to call his high tower of defense.

David felt grateful for this experience and knew that his faith had been the key to his deliverance. He prayed and trusted God's guidance, knowing he would never be alone in his struggles. This experience taught him the importance of faith, hope, and perseverance, and he was grateful for the gift of grace bestowed upon him.

My dear beloved friend, I understand that life can be full of difficulties and challenges. There are times when we may feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of trouble, just as David did. However, we can take comfort in knowing that the Lord knows those who belong to Him and can deliver His children, including you and me.

When it comes to deliverance, we can trust in the unwavering reliability of God's intervention. He may choose to alter our circumstances or the people around us to resolve our problems, a type of intervention that often brings immediate relief. This reassures us that we are not alone in our struggles, and that God is always working for our good.

The second way God may choose to deliver us is by initiating a profound transformation within us. This type of intervention, though it may be more challenging and time-consuming, holds the promise of a deeper, more lasting change. It allows us to grow and mature as individuals, aligning our lives more closely with God's will, and inspiring us to continue our journey of faith.

God's ways of rescuing us from difficult situations may manifest differently. Nevertheless, we can find comfort and assurance that He is perpetually present with us, and we are never alone to face our troubles.

In closing, let me say that maintaining our unwavering faith in God is essential, for He will undoubtedly guide us through any obstacle, no matter how impossible it may seem. Therefore, we should hold on to the hope that He will deliver us in His way, at His time, and in His manner, for His ways are beyond human understanding, and His love for us is boundless.


Beloved, Psalm chapter forty is an inspiring psalm recounting David's harrowing escape from a difficult situation. In this context, the word "pit" is not a mere hole in the ground but a carefully crafted trap akin to those used to ensnare ferocious beasts like tigers and lions. These were not just pits but intricately designed to capture the animals without harm. The sheer danger of these creatures, capable of leaping ten feet in the air, underscores the gravity of David's predicament.

Beloved, these pits were not just physical barriers but also psychological traps. The animal's cries for help would reverberate off the pit walls, a cruel echo of its desperation. The people who dug these pits were skilled and cruelly cunning. They designed the pits so the animal could not climb out and added several inches of quicksand at the bottom, a final, merciless obstacle to escape.

The quicksand was intentionally created by mixing sand with water and pouring the resulting mixture into a pit. It was a devious trap designed to ensnare unsuspecting animals. Unfortunately, should an animal fall into the pit, it may struggle to escape, but the quicksand would only cause it to sink deeper and deeper into the pit.

It's important to remember that the "Pit" is not a physical place but a metaphor for any challenging situation. It could be an intricate work project, a personal struggle, or a difficult relationship. Whatever the challenge, the key is approaching it with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a determination to succeed.

Beloved, it's a sad reality that many people around us are trapped in the pits of despair, suffering from mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. These conditions can be so severe that they leave individuals powerless and struggling. As a result, many of them turn to medication to help manage their symptoms and maintain a sense of control over their lives. However, it's important to remember that medication has risks and challenges that can further complicate the situation.

Many individuals find themselves trapped in the pit of addiction. Addiction is a complex disease that can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background. Those who struggle with addiction may feel as though they are in a pit of despair, unable to escape the negative consequences of their behavior.

Beloved, the effects of addiction can be devastating, not only for the individual but also for their loved ones. It can cause strained relationships and financial problems and even lead to serious health complications. However, it is essential to remember that there is always hope for recovery.

David's life instantly changed when he was trapped in a bottomless, dark pit. The pit's walls were steep and slippery, making it impossible for him to climb out. With no one around to help him, David cried out to God for help, asking for a miracle, and suddenly, David felt a strong hand lifting him from the pit. He was amazed to see that he was no longer falling but was instead lifted into the light.

As he emerged from the darkness, David felt a sense of relief wash over him. He looked around and saw that he was now standing on firm ground. With a newfound hope and gratitude, he thanked God for saving him from the pit, forever changed by this experience.

This message is an excellent reminder that we are never alone and that help is always available. Regardless of the challenges we face in life, we can be assured that God is always with us, ready to guide and uplift us. Therefore, let us find solace in this study and learn to believe in God's unswerving love and support.

Life is full of challenges that can be tricky and painful, but they also have the potential to help us grow and become better individuals. When confronted with a challenge, it can push us beyond our limits and compel us to change for the better. This refinement process is not easy, and it often involves a great deal of pain and struggle.

In closing, if we embrace the process, like a soldier graduating from boot camp, we can emerge from the experience with greater strength, resilience, and wisdom, especially if we learn from them and allow them to shape us into our eternal destiny as sons and daughters of the most-high God.


Beloved, this inspirational message speaks volumes about God's heart, who always watches over his creation with love and compassion. It also speaks volumes about David's life story; in this setting, he is going through a difficult time, which he describes as being stuck in a bottomless, dark pit with no way out. But, in a miraculous turn of events, God reached down and lifted David out of the pit and placed his feet on a rock. This rock symbolized a firm and sure foundation that David could rely on.

The message throughout Psalms chapter forty serves as a comforting reminder that God is always with us, even in the darkest moments of our lives. He never abandons us and is always ready to lift us and place our feet on a firm foundation. All we need to do is trust and have faith in his love. May this message bring hope, comfort, and strength today and always, reassuring us of God's constant presence and care.

Throughout this message we have discovered that David is quick to express his gratitude to God for the many blessings and mercies he has received, especially for coming to his rescue to lift him out of his terrible situation and placing a new song in his mouth, and just as a new song can lift our spirits and bring joy to our hearts, so too can a renewed sense of purpose and direction bring hope and vitality to our lives.

David's response when God delivered him, resonates with the profound impact of worship on our lives and the people around us. When we raise our voices in adoration, we create a ripple effect that can touch the hearts and minds of others.

Through his vocalized praise, the Psalmist David inspires us to deepen our relationship with God and experience the transformative power of praise. We should never underestimate the power of lifting our voices in adoration, as it has the potential to transform lives and draw others closer to God.

In closing, let me say that pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and persevering through challenges can help us develop resilience, determination, and confidence in both God and his ability to work through us to reach others. Delay is not denial and through the pit experience, we learn that failure is not the end but an opportunity to learn and grow equipping us to become better problem-solvers, more adaptable, and better equipped to handle whatever life throws our way.

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse, Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International