Summary: Is Psalm 23 Your favorite Psalm? It’s a favorite among many. It’s used often at funerals. And it helps people find comfort and healing in the midst of troubled times.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Is Psalm 23 Your favorite Psalm?

It’s a favorite among many.

It’s used often at funerals.

And it helps people find comfort and healing

in the midst of troubled times.

But I remember in my younger days

seeking comfort and healing wasn’t a common issue for me

at least, not in the way it is presented in Psalm 23.

Psalms of joy and thanks resonated better with my soul.

But the psalm has grown on me more recently

especially in the hymn The King of Love My Shepherd Is.

I have sung this song in a men’s ensemble at a university

but it felt more like an assignment

rather than a spiritually nourishing moment.

Usually, you can tell when someone has taken a song to their heart.

Their passion overflows into your own heart.

I’d imagine you’ve probably heard me play The King of Love My Shepherd Is

by Taylor Tripodi (Trip-oh- dee)

during the offering.

I don’t plan to do this today

but we will sing this hymn together

at the end of the service.

When I first heard her play this song

I’ve noticed she has made this hymn her own.

Not only has she taken this song to heart

she also modified some of the notes and words to her own style.

Though the hymn has 6 verses,

she has selected 4 of them.

And she added a short bridge before the final verse.

… In a higher key change, she says,

Oh, that He would look my way

Oh, that He would love me.

Taylor recognizes that her sin makes her unworthy--

unworthy to be under God’s care.

But God

in his love

chooses to love her

and care for her

and provide for her

and protect her.

God chooses to care for her

by his grace alone.

Taylor Tripodi (Trip-oh- dee) says on her website,

Music has a way of bringing to light the fears and darkness in our hearts.

It moves us to a place of openness to receive the truth we need to hear

ultimately leading us to the love we were created for.

She also says,

No matter where you’ve been

or what you’ve done

There is always hope

because of His love.

Who is this God

that takes care of broken people?

People who do not do much for adding value to him.

… I mean.

For a number of times

God compares us to sheep

--Sheep of all creatures.

Would you want a football team that says

we are the sheep

so watch out!

Sheep are often characterized as stupid--

animals who often just do their own thing

and many times only find themselves

getting into trouble.

When Christians do their own thing apart from God

what does that do with our relationship with him?

… What does that do with our relationship with others

who are watching what us Christians do?

Does it create faith?

Or does it create disbelief in their hearts?


God chooses to care for us

he chooses to love us.

… When you read Psalm 23

do you notice who is doing most of the work?

… It’s God.

… No one in this Psalm

is working their way to be like God.

You have a psalm

about someone who is found so helpless

someone so dependent on God

that they can’t see getting through this world without him.

I don’t know about you

but more and more

I’m learning that people are making decisions that affect me

decisions that I don’t have any control over.

… Some of these decisions help me

and some of them work against me.

Some of these decisions help my neighbor’s wellbeing

some of them work against my neighbor’s well-being.

… But what I do know

is that the Lord is in control,

and that no matter what other people decide

God will care for me along the way.

King David from the Bible

he had all kinds of things was dealing with

throughout his life.

He was known as a “man after God’s own heart.”

Many people know him for his great faith.

They know him from the time when he was just a little shepherd boy

who was determined to take on the giant Goliath

when the Philistines were planning to attack the Israelites.

David said to this Philistine giant,

“You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin,

but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts,

the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand,

and I will strike you down and cut off your head.” – 1 Samuel 17:45-46 (ESV)

David, who was king

was determined.

And as you probably already know

David did as he said

and won his victory against the Philistines.

… The Lord was with David.

But David’s life wasn’t all good and well afterward.


when you work with people

you’ll have problems.

And for David

a time had come where he had trouble with one of his own sons

--his son, Absalom.

Absalom was not happy with the justice of his father was giving.

You could say David at the time was ignoring declaring justice.

I suppose you could say

it was because his heart was in the way.

For the person who he was supposed to punish

was one of his own sons.

When David didn’t do anything about the troubling strife his son Amnon had done to his half-sister Tamar, Absalom was upset.

So Absalom had organized his soldiers to solve the matter

to have Amnon executed at a party.

And he was successful.

But that wasn’t enough.

Over time,

Absalom had organized for the Israeli government

to rebel against David.

… And so David fled for his life.

But David still trusted in the Lord.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

for you are with me. - Psalms 23:4

David and Absalom

along with their men

went to war with each other.

Absalom asked for 12,000 men to fight

and David gathered an army

to fight back.

In the end,

David won the fight

… but Absalom wasn’t captured alive

as David desired.

Now David had lost

two sons.

Though David is known as a “man after God’s own heart”

he had his moments where he wished he would have made better decisions.

But many decisions in life are difficult.

… I can’t imagine having to make a decision

as both father of a family

and king of the land.

When you have someone in David’s position,

when you have a king,

you want a person of integrity

you want someone who is of their word

and when troubles rises

justice is served.

Issues become resolved

and the people in the land can live in peace

and have enough resources to live well.

And with a Lord

you want someone who will go to battle with you.

You want someone who is willing to risk their life

just as much as you are willing to risk yours.

And the Apostle John tells us

that Jesus is that Lord.

Jesus said (in John 10),

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Though on one Good Friday,

Jesus was executed under the authority of governing leaders and religious leaders

… he rose from the grave three days later

by his own authority.

He followed through

not to just show off his power is greater

but to also show his integrity

that justice has been served

in a way that is greater

than what anyone could have ever imagined.

Jesus went beyond of trying to make things even with his enemies.

He took the blame and the punishment of others

and he put it upon himself

by dying on the cross

and then overcame this punishment

by rising from the dead.

And Jesus promises that we also

shall rise from the grave

because we believe in him.

It’s not because we deserve it.

It’s not because we have the strength to do so ourselves.

But it’s because of God’s grace and mercy and love towards us.

It’s his own power.

It’s his own gift.

“The King of Love my Shepherd is,

Whose goodness faileth never;

I nothing lack if I am His

And He is mine forever.”

Jesus may not give us what we want

but he will give us what we need.

And we can rest in him

with what he has given us.

He is the one who makes us well.

He is the one who leads us to what is good time and time again

even though time and time again we go in our own way

that is not pleasing to him

even though we go in ways that hinder our relationship with him.

… He is still with us.

And he is with us even when we feel like we are surrounded by evil.

God will have the final judgment over the lives of all people.

But all the people Jesus calls his own

will be with him forever.

He will prepare the great banquet

for all his people.

And all those who choose to reject Jesus

and they will have to suffer

by not being a part of this meal.

No matter what happens

we shall live

in God’s kingdom forever

where our sinfulness will be no more.

Our lacking will be no more.

And we get to live

under this good and gracious God

with abundant victorious power


In Jesus’ name,


May the peace of God

that surpasses all understanding

keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
