Title: “Learning How to Develop a Grateful Heart” Script: I Thes. 5:16-18
Type: expository Where: GNBC 4-28-24
Intro: Read: “Several Ways to Make Yourself Miserable” – E. Elliot. I find that those who are most miserable are also the most ungrateful. With this in mind, as Christians, we need to develop grateful hearts. I concur along with Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wogumuth, that the importance of gratitude cannot be overstated. I’ve come to believe that few things are more becoming of the child of God that a grateful spirit, and by the same token, there is probably nothing that makes a person more unattractive than the absence of a grateful spirit!
Prop Int: “With this in mind, how can I learn to develop a grateful heart?”
Prop: “Exam I Thes. 5:16-18, we learn 3 practical steps to take to dev. a grateful heart.”
BG: 1. Apostle Paul was the author of the Thessalonian letters.
2. I Thess. is an interesting letter, extremely hopeful and uplifting. In fact, is unique in that every chapter encourages the reader in the hope of the second coming of Christ.
3. Each verse examine is an imperative, an understood command “You”!
Prop: Look to I Thes. 5:16-18 we’ll notice 3 practical measures to take to dev. a grateful heart.
I. 1st: Make Rejoicing a Priority in Your Life – v.16
A. Are you and I making Rejoicing a Priority in our Lives?
1. Rejoicing at God’s Provision is a key to becoming a more grateful person.
a. Illus – rejoice – chairo – to rejoice, related to the root word for grace which is charis. Carried the idea from the Heb. for a young sheep or lamb that was skipping. (you’ve seen this – lamb is elated just to be alive, carefree and happy.) Sometimes our puppy, Reuben, will just explode and take off running in circles. Happy to be alive. Joyful.
b. Paul was encouraging the Thessalonian believers to realize the joy of Christ in their lives. It is sad that this must be reminded, and yet if anything, I think we need to be reminded all the more of our joy in Christ today. Again, quoting DeMoss, I have learned that in every situation that comes my way I can choose to respond with one of two attitudes: I can whine, or I can worship. And, you and I cannot worship without giving thanks. Period. It is not possible. When, as believers in Christ, we choose to worship and not whine in the midst of a difficult or trying circumstance, we spiritually speaking, release a fragrance or radiance that blesses the Lord and others. Illust: My daughter’s mother- in-law, Pat, went through a terminal battle with cancer. Was very severe, ovarian, etc., cancer. Was there fear? Yes. Did it hurt and make her sick? Yes. Did she lose her hair? Yes. Weight? Yes. Hard on family? Yes. Did she carry about a grateful, life-giving spirit? Yes. Ministered, like Chrissy Wynn did years ago, to scores of individuals in the oncology unit. Why? Chose to worship! Plenty of reasons to whine, but chose worship!
2. This injunction demonstrated Paul’s absolute confidence in the invincible cause of Christ.
a. Illust – I find it encouraging that circumstances did not dictate Paul’s level or response of joy – I find this interesting in light of the tribulations he expresses has experienced in 1:6; 2:14; 3:3, and years later, when wrote from a Roman prison cell to the Philippian church, could write in a similar vein: “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say Rejoice.” (Phil. 3:1; 4:4)
b. Christians are prone to be very depressive – world is evil, see shortcomings and sell-outs in politics, see growth of false faiths, witness some persecution, yet need to be reminded of the fact that it was our Lord Jesus Himself who said: Mt. 16:18 – “I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not overcome it.” We win! Remember watching a Packers/Cowboys FB game several years ago. (I haven’t watched too many in last 5-6 yrs. I decided to forgo when I was being lectured about lack of opportunity in America by people who were making making 40x a year more than I am.) Anyway, I was watching this Cowboys and Packers game. I have no skin in the game. Looked to be a blowout with Dallas winning…but then with the greatest series of kicking displayed …ever…the Pack won as time ran out on the clock! The sea of green clad fans were rejoicing whereas silver and blue fans were dejected. One won. One lost. Way it is going to be spiritually as well. In Christ…win. Not in Christ…lose. Die.
B. The Joy in Your Life is a Part of Your Witness for Christ.
1. The Christians is to a be a joyful individual.
a. Paul is essentially telling the Thessalonians that the joy which they have found in Jesus Christ is proof of their divine election. Back in I Thes. 1:6 – “You became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit.”. When careless, ignorant, and immoral persons are turned from their carnal pursuits and connections, to believe in and obey the Lord Jesus, to live soberly, righteously, and godly, the matter speaks for itself. The believers under the Old Testament waited for the coming of the Messiah, and believers now wait for his second coming. He is coming again!
b. You see, at the heart of the Gospel is not only God’s saving man from sin, but also his enabling him to live victoriously in a world of sin. The believe can rejoice in the midst of persecutions, sorrow, and even death. It is to give us who were without hope, without peace, without assurance, an eternal dimension of joy in holiness. (John 10:10 – Abundant living!)
2. What keeps you from rejoicing? What robs you of your joy Christian?
a. Illust- I am sorry, but some of the worst advertisements for Christianity are Christians! I know I’ve shared w/you before: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was a member of the U.S. Supreme Court for 30 years. His mind, wit and work earned him the unofficial title of "the greatest justice since John Marshall." At one point in his life, Justice Holmes explained his choice of a career by saying: "I might have entered the ministry if certain clergymen I knew had not looked and acted so much like undertakers." Today In The Word, June, 1988, p. 13 (It’s ok to SMILE!)
b. The Apostle told us to rejoice ALWAYS, not Occasionally! Do you want to stand out in this world today? Rejoice and give thanks! Everybody wants to be offended. Everyone is depressed and lacking joy and purpose. Let’s start a rejoicing revolution! Let’s make sure we model it. You see, a grateful man or woman will be a breath of fresh air in a world contaminated by bitterness, resentment, and discontentment. God never blesses bitterness, resentment, nor discontentment. The person who demonstrates a gratitude that is a byproduct of the redeeming grace of God in Christ will showcase the Gospel to a lost world.
C. Applic: Are you struggling with lack of joy? Are you a Christian? Used to sing “Count Your Blessings”. When waking up in the morning and when going to bed at night, make it your purpose for a month to thank God for 10 items in your life! If you are struggling with depression, bitterness, anger, resentment, possibly a health issue, whatever…I guarantee you will begin to feel better in a month. Do you want freedom in Christ? Begin to cultivate a grateful spirit.
II. 2nd: Allow Prayer to Permeate Your Life – v.17
A. If Men are to Rejoice at All times, they must also “Pray without ceasing”.
1. A Faith that enables a man to Rejoice in the midst of Prolonged sufferings can only be sustained through constant fellowship with God.
a. w/o ceasing- uninterruptedly, w/o omission, - To Paul, prayer was a way of life, not merely some pious exercise, it was the very source of life-blood to his soul and he moment by moment experienced communion with Christ.
b. Twice the Apostle used this adverb (ch. 1 Thessalonians 1:3, 1 Thessalonians 2:13), referring to his own constant grateful remembrance of his readers before God. Numberless other objects must have occupied his mind during the busy hours of each day; and the Thessalonians could not be distinctly present to his mind in every act of prayer; still he felt that they were never out of remembrance, and thankfulness on their account mingled with and color all his thoughts and feelings. Praying for people improves your attitude towards as well as remembrance of individuals from your past.
2. The Christian must realize that Christ is to be the center of our prayer life.
a. Illust- What type of a learner are you? You would think be a pastor/theologian, that I would learn best by reading about something. No way, ask my dear wife! It frustrates Carol to no end that I hardly ever read directions. Several years ago I installed a new dish washer. She asked me something about it. “I don’t know.” “Well, what did the directions say?” (I had a little sheepish look – I used them to mop up the water!!!) I am glad that Christ patterns many principles in His life for my life! Read the direction manual read the love letter, read the Bible!
b. I feel sorry that so many Christians who feel beat up and defeated in their prayer life. Many think that prayer is to be only and solely their effort and if they don’t pray a specific period of time they are a failure. Our is not a works related righteousness, rather we are saved by God’s grace in Christ. Christian, you can pray without ceasing because of the work of Christ in your life! –Heb. 7:25 – “Hence He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” You see, Christ teaches us to pray without ceasing because for the Christian His Holy Spirit indwells us, and His life is our life, because in His priesthood is the power of endless, eternal life, and therefore praying without ceasing is in fact our life joy.
B. Prayer is to be a Passion in the Life of the Believer.
1. Is Prayer an Integral part of your life? It isn’t for a lot of people.
a. Illus. – CS Lewis once said: “Most people regard God as a fighter pilot does his parachute; it is there for emergencies, though he hopes he never has to use it.” (Problem of Pain, p.85) If that is the case in your and my life, we must honestly evaluate our condition and state that prayer really isn’t that great a part of my life. If prayer isn’t an integral part of your life you are still relying on self to sustain you, and man was never given that dominion in his life.
b. Are you a person who manifests joy? Are you are person who gives thanks to the Lord? I find it interesting that between the never ceasing joy of v.16 and the never ceasing praise of v.18 is a life of never ceasing prayer in v.17! The union between the vine and the branch is the union of prayer!
2. Prayer Promotes Gratefulness when we learn of our Heavenly Father’s Provision.
a. Do you remember in Mt. 6, how our Lord taught us to pray? Whom were we to address? “Our Father…” Then in Mt. 7, still in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus again instructs listeners in prayer: (READ 7:9-11) Jesus makes the comparison between God the Father and earthly father. One of the purposes of a father is to provide for wife and children. Jesus tells us in this passage that God LOVES to provide for His children!
b. Illust- Every parent has probably had the experience where your child wanted something, he might have worked hard, might have stated in an early attempt at reverse psychology why he really didn’t need it. You might have even held the item in question, visibly before them. Only for them to become frustrated. Yet, when they turned away, simply addressed the child and said: “Simply ask.” Look of confusion: “What?” “Ask.” SMILE! Sometimes the parent simply wants to be asked. IN other words, God wants to be to us as a Father if only we will be to Him as children and ask.
C. Applic: Asking our Heavenly Father to meet our needs causes us to take focus off of self and respond in gratefulness to Him.
III. 3rd: Practice Thanksgiving as a Permanent Part of Your Life – v. 18
A. Finally, the Apostle Calls us to be a Thankful People.
1. How does this call to thanksgiving relate to the previous two directives?
a. Thanksgiving is in a sense a combination of the two directives already given- for how is true thanksgiving more perfectly illustrated than through joyful prayer?
b. Although I am glad that as a nation we practice Thanksgiving once a year, I am discouraged by the fact that by practicing it the once we don’t celebrate it every day of the year. In that sense it is much like Christmas in celebrating it the one day of the year we neglect to give thanks the other 364 days.
2. What is the true test of our lives in Christ?
a. In his own pride and arrogance the pagan chooses not to worship God or give Him the glory for his life. In this case the “pagan” need not be some tribal member in darkest Africa, but he can be a professor at the university, or a professional consumed with living for self. Yet, a man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the words: “darkness” on the walls of his cell. But rather, God wills our good, and our good is to love Him, and to love him we must know Him.” (Problem, Lewis, p. 47)
b. Rather, when we come to know the forgiveness of sin in Christ, we are commanded to be thankful in all things. Why all? Because we can only then mesh the theological truth with the practical experience that God is in fact sovereign, and that absolutely nothing in this world takes place by chance or happenstance. (RC Sproul – If one molecule is out of place in the universe, God is not God.) Quite the opposite, God uses the all events in the life of the Christian for his/her good. Rom. 8:28 – “For we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposes.”
B. Develop Thankfulness in your life as a daily reminder of our dependency upon Christ.
1. Being thankful is an essential aspect of God’s will for your life.
a. Do you want to know God’s will for your life? –v.18 – being thankful! Illust: There is power in gratitude. Peter Cummings became chairman of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 1998. Began writing personal thank you notes to anyone who gave a gift of $500 or more to the orchestra. Hated the idea of a patron receiving a form letter thank you! One letter went ot a Ms. Mary Webber Parker of the Hudson Dept. store family. Had moved from Detroit decades before. For whatever reason, had decided to send a 1x gift o $50k to the symphony. Received a grateful note as well as a offer to visit Ms. Parker next time Cummings was in Hartford, CT. Kind way to say “thank you”. Months passed and another letter came in the mail from Ms. Parker. Stating that she would like to give not $50k, but $500k per annum for five years! Not out of duty or coercion, but rather, she did it because Cummings was THANKFUL!
b. You see, gratitude is a natural outworking of wonder, and wonder is cognizant of God Himself. Self-aggrandizement breeds a sense of entitlement. (Zacharias, Can Man…, p.88). Being thankful and grateful squeezes entitlement and bitterness from our lives. It replaces negative, depressing thoughts with the realization that our loving heavenly Father has showered us with my good things and even the bad things in life are benefits intended to make us more dependent upon and like Christ. (Entitlement is the attitude that is undermining joy in America today. Instead of saying “I deserve…”. Tell yourself the truth…you and I don’t deserve ANYTHING! Will help be more grateful.
2. Thanksgiving is an evidence of how our faith changes our lives.
a. Illust- We used to believe it was impossible to break the sound barrier in flight, a man by the name of Chuck Yeager shattered that belief. We used to believe it was a physical impossibility to run a 4 minute mile. Roger Bannister shattered that belief. We used to believe it was impossible to fly non-stop across the Atlantic – Charles Lindbergh shattered that belief. We used to believe it was impossible to fly to the moon. Neil Armstrong shattered that belief! There are so many more myths and false beliefs that have been shattered. How did it happen? Because someone had the faith to believe things could be different! How about you and me?
b. What is the impossible barrier you see in your life this morning? If you were to look at that barrier again, through the eyes of faith and thanksgiving, would your life be different?
C. Applic: