Summary: Repentance brings life to a person, because God has called us to Himself. And once called, we have a choice to make – this is what the people felt. God was calling them, His Spirit was moving them, and they had to respond!

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 16

Receiving the Holy Spirit (The Gentile Pentecost)

Acts 10:44 – 11:18


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)

-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)

-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)

- Last time Peter gave a simple story of the testimony of Jesus

-- Peter spoke to all that would listen (in Cornelius’s house) a factual truth

-- He did not lead with emotion, nor did he cast dispersion on any in attendance

-- Spoke the same truth that we should share today: Without Him, we are lost!

- Today we’ll explore the response to this, but we’ll see even more than that

-- RE: Part 1: Church can be for prejudicial towards people (why they avoid it)

-- EX: You don’t worship like us so we cannot have fellowship (Jews & Gentiles)

-- Peter runs into the very same spirit that plagues 2024, and scripture highlights it

-- But more than that, we will see what the actual purpose of the Church is …

- Read Acts 10:44 – 11:18 / Pray

- TR: Let’s get the obvious out of the way to frame our message …

Point 1 – When the Spirit falls, the people must respond

- The Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles when they heard the Word (v44)

-- Know this: It did not fall because of Peter, but while Peter was declaring truth

-- Yes, Peter had an anointing (or mission) to deliver, but the result was all God

- FACT: No man has anything to do with God’s Spirit being poured out

-- The Spirit fell - Greek: epipiptó; to fall on something

-- And it was heard by those who heard it (active) – Greek: akouó; to listen

- Now, don’t miss the results:

-- The Jewish listeners who were present were astonished!

-- Greek: existémi; to stand aside from

-- RE: There were Jewish believers who went with Peter to see Cornelius (v45)

- They believed that the Spirit was only for them, so this is a shock!

-- APP: Kind of like being surprised when God shows up at church!!

- Even before they accept Christ, God was already calling them to Himself!

-- They were told the message so they might be affected by it; by a Jewish convert

-- Result: The Gentile believers spoke in tongues and praised God! (vv45-46)

- We need to be absolutely clear here – and I want to approach this scripturally:

- First, tongues is not an unknown language between a Christ follower & God

-- It is a real language, spoken by real people, but unknown naturally to the speaker

-- We saw this clearly in Scripture when the Spirit was first given, remember?

-- Acts 2:4, “And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.”

- Second, (KEY) tongues is n-o-t a universal sign of faith in Christ

-- Some claim this as a necessity, and well, that is complete nonsense

-- It is not proof that the Spirit has fallen, and it does not involve putting on a show

-- Matter of fact: Book of Acts doesn’t record many cases of this happening!

- Third, the message of salvation must be spread to other languages

-- But speaking in tongues today is rare because of the availability of translations

-- APP: No one should doubt their salvation because they don't speak in tongues

- This was a specific situation, for these gathered, which God used to prove a point

-- The point: Gentiles who are not circumcised, or not baptized, who have not had an apostle lay hands on them, can still receive the Holy Spirit!!

- Get this: Salvation (which is receiving grace) is only by faith in Jesus Christ

-- There is nothing we do: Ephesians 2:8-9, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”

- The events in Acts 10 marked the permanent giving of the Holy Spirit to Gentiles

-- Why?? To show Peter and his Jewish friends that God was in the business of rescuing His creation! Why? They needed something incredible to change their long-held belief that Israel was God’s (only) people.

- Peter asks a question of his fellow Jews to make them realize this (Re-read v47)

-- Result: the Gentile believers were baptized, as a response to what Jesus did!

- Praise God, if ever there was a moment to understand scripture it’s NOW!

-- HUGE: The door to the Gentiles was now opened to receive Jesus!

- This is the event that the Bible records specifically where Gentiles are saved

-- RE: Paul is called an Apostle of Gentiles – specifically anointed (Rom 11:13)

-- And we’ll see him come back into the story in a just a few weeks

- TR: Having received the Spirit, let’s turn to the Church and its purpose …

Point 2 – The Church’s primary vision and mission

- In the beginning, their vision was narrow and traditional: (vv1-3)

- The apostles and brothers, the whole church, heard about Peter’s preaching

-- They heard about how Gentiles had received the “word of God” (gasp!)

-- But worse – they heard about how Peter fellowshipped with Gentiles

- REM: At this time, most if not all believers were from the Jewish faith

-- So, to accept the Messiah (enter their legalism) they had to follow the “rules”

-- EX: be circumcised & become Jews first, then they could know the Messiah

- The circumcised in the Church were obviously troubled by these deeds

-- Said another way: Those who were “devout” had a real problem with Peter

-- Sounds like the Pharisees were still alive and well here, no?

- v2 The brothers criticized Peter – Greek: diakrinó; to judge

-- Why? He stepped outside of the norm, and they disagreed with it

-- He was offering something to the “dogs” of society not “meant” for them!

- What can we learn from this? How about we stop judging a book by its cover?

• Religious things (traditions) may be important, but they are not all there is

• They should have been rejoicing, but instead prejudice was ruling the day

• APP: These are the things that can blind us to seeing God’s movement

- IMP: Churches cannot monopolize the Gospel - it is a message meant for ALL

-- Greek: pas; all, every

-- We are not the owners of the Gospel; we are the messengers of it to everyone

- We are called to reach the world, to evangelize, and then let God work!

-- FACT: From the 1st century, churches tried to monopolize the Word

-- Paul amplifies this later in Romans 2:10-11, “But there will be glory and honor and peace from God for all who do good - for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism.” (Remember Peter’s words)

- So, if the Gospel is for all, what exactly is God’s will for the church? (vv4-16)

-- We must understand that it is a worldwide mission – a ministry to be shared

-- Wed: “Christianity is a team sport” - it is not about individual awards/applause

-- What Peter does is recount how he got here, even shares the vision given by God

- Consider: God showed him simple things like food are not to be segregated

-- Imagine the reception that one got! RE: Religious preference was all they knew

-- Doing something against that would be … ! YET here God is calling it good!

- What does this mean?

-- Everything that Peter experienced was God teaching him to draw closer

-- RE: 6 Jewish witnesses saw this, which gave credence to the message (v12)

-- Even Luke (the author) stresses this event three (3) different times in Acts

- First when it happened and as they each met, then now in the retelling

-- And this comes up again in Acts Ch. 15 – to stress the worldwide mission

-- SUBTLE: When the Bible says something repeatedly, pay attention to it!

- Why does this story matter? Mark 16:15, “And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Got it?

- TR: Let’s ask a question of ourselves to take with us this week …

Point 3 – How must the Church respond to God’s message?

- The early church’s response was from the conviction they felt from the message

-- Dare I say: Have no conviction? Maybe you are not hearing God’s word?

- Peter was deeply convicted about what God had promised: (v15)

• He said His promise would be fulfilled in the Gentiles also

• Peter was convinced that he could not stand against God’s plan

• Realized it is not in a ritual (like circumcision) where salvation is found

• Rather, salvation was found in coming to, or obeying, God’s calling

- Repentance brings life to a person, because God has called us to Himself

-- And once called, we have a choice to make – this is what the people felt

-- God was calling them, His Spirit was moving them, and they had to respond

- FACT: Repentance brings comfort, because it leads to everlasting life

-- It is what we are called to do to be redeemed: Acts 3:19, “Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.”

- What God has done, through Peter, is tore the doors off the religious hinges

-- All people, even Gentiles, are called to repent and see Jesus for who He is

-- John 3:16, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”


- This is the first battle for the church, and the most important one of all

-- Freedom is not found in religious things, but in a Messiah who died for you

-- The time to repent and come is now, because He is still Lord; still offering it

-- What we must do, is respond and show an urgency to get this word out!!

- There’s no secret society, no religious tasks, no formal training, no fan club

-- Certainly no social, economic, churchy, or favored group is included or excluded

-- Peter already told us (Acts 10:34) that God is “no respecter of persons”

-- God’s grace is freely given while you are still alive – you can choose … A, B, C

- But there is the rub … you have to choose, you have to move, you have to submit

-- These people did, because Peter obeyed God’s call to go and speak

- Ask: What are you waiting for?

- Pray